Monday, February 02, 2009

Karl Rove's attorney says that his client WILL cooperate with federal criminal inquiry. Blames Bush for Rove not cooperating last time.

Karl Rove will cooperate with a federal criminal inquiry underway into the firings of nine U.S. attorneys and has already spoken to investigators in a separate, internal DOJ investigation into the prosecution of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, his attorney said in an interview.

Rove previously refused to cooperate with an earlier Justice Department inquiry into the firings. The Justice Department's Inspector General and its Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) said in a report released last September detailing their earlier probe of the firings of the U.S. attorneys that their investigation was severely "hindered" by the refusal by Rove and other senior Bush administration officials to cooperate with the probe.

Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said that Rove, however, will cooperate with a federal criminal probe of the firings being led by Nora Dannehy, the Acting U.S. Attorney for Connecticut who was selected by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey to lead the investigation. Dannehy has recently empaneled a federal grand jury to hear evidence in the matter.

So now Rove has been re-scheduled to testify on February 23rd. You know that is the day before my birthday. Can you guess what I want more then anything this year?

I will give you a hint, it rhymes with "Snarl Dove in whale".

Here is my favorite part of the article.

Luskin told me that Rove had earlier not cooperated with the Inspector General and OPR probe into the firings because "it was not his [Karl's] call... it was not up to us decide." Luskin said that Rove was directed by the Bush White House counsel's office not to cooperate with the Inspector General and OPR.

So finally Karl Rove is throwing George Bush under the bus! Damn have I been waiting a long time for that to happen!

Have I mentioned before how much I am LOVING 2009 so far? Because trust me I am!

1 comment:

  1. Investigate, try and jail the Albanian Heroine Gang of Bob Dole, Joe Dioguardi and Dwayne Andreas for letting Al Qaeda in the door.


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