Saturday, February 07, 2009

Message to Sarah Palin from an "Anonymous" blogger. STFU!

On February 16th, Esquire magazine is publishing an interview it did with Sarah Palin.

As many of you probably already know, a lot of her answers from this interview have already been leaked to the media and blogs around the internet. And as you probably also know, there has been a rather negative response to the answers that she gave. Go figure.

The link attached to the title will take you to a whole list of crazy ass Sarah Palin answers. Make sure you have had your coffee, or perhaps something stronger, before you take the plunge.

But I want to focus on just this one quote this morning.

Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me.

As one of these "bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers" I will let you in on a little secret.

She is right, we are bored. We are bored with her. I happen to know quite a few of these so-called "anonymous" bloggers, and a large number of them absolutely don't want to talk about Sarah Palin anymore. They want her to go away. They want her to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Then we would not feel obligated to weigh in on the latest ridiculous soundbite that tumbled from her big mouth.

And the issue that bothers her the most is apparently our coverage of Bristol, her "fiance" Levi Johnston, and little Trigg Palin. But let me remind you that every single time we turn our attention to other topics Sarah Palin contacts People magazine, or Esquire magazine, or some crackpot documentary maker to make sure that she can once again be the center of attention. And more often then not she is mentioning her children to make SURE we are paying attention. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing.

Trust me when I say that virtually every negative blog post or news article EVER written about Governor Palin has simply been a quote from her own mouth that was analyzed and criticised by somebody who simply could not believe she would say such a thing.

If she did not want that to happen all she has to do is STOP TALKING!

But she can't. She simply can't. Do you remember this?

A camera shows up as Palin is watching her daughter play basketball, and like a moth to a flame she is drawn to it. Fortunately for her, the questions were pretty respectful and innocuous. But the interviewer could have decided to confront her on something more controversial and sold the footage for a ton of money to any news outlet in the country. Even FOX News.

(There is a behind the scenes story about this interview that I will share someday when all parties approve.)

My point is that at the top of Sarah Palin's enemies list, should be "Sarah Palin". She is the person who has caused her the most damage, both politically and personally. If the Governor wants to start doing damage control she must fire this "Sarah Palin" person immediately!

But until then Governor let me tell you how this goes. If you say something news worthy or stupid, WE are going to report it, analyze it, and comment on it. That is what we do.

But I will make a deal with you. If you start doing your job, stop talking to the press, and keep your family from making the news, I will stop writing negative things about you. I will only report the positive things accomplished by your administration and leave the gossip to others.

Now I can only speak for myself but that is the deal I am offering. What do you think?

But remember, the minute you say something stupid, fail to do your job (Have you done anything about Emmonak yet?), or mention your kids, your pregnancy, or how unfair the media is treating you, all bets are off.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Are you kidding me that Sarah is whining about this Esquire interview? I read it on the Esquire website yesterday, and was dumbfounded...everyone over at Mudflats is calling her Marie Palinette now, so I guess she is reacting to all the negative reactions to her quotes. Whoever runs against her in whatever office she decides to seek, has all their work done for Sarah Palin herself.

    Sarah gave the interview, and as far as I know by her own free will ....these are quotes from her own mouth! Obviously she had no idea she would come across as a stupid self centered bubblebrain who can only talk about herself.

  2. Gryphen, I think you've made her an offer she'd be an idiot to pass up. And while I think you wicked smart and a worthy compatriot...I'm putting my money on her passing up your fine proposal and continuing on with the status quo. But she'll take as much rope as the general public is willing to give her, and it is my hope she'll hang her "politics as usual" ass with it.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    What's really making us bloggers bored is waiting for Sarah Palin to release the birth certificate of Trig & Tripp. She needs to get on it so we can go back to our lives.

  4. This quote stood out to me:

    "A courageous person is anyone who loses a child and can still get out of bed in the morning."

    How would she know??? Has she lost a child??? That just seemed strange to me...

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    And now she's saying Bristol is named after Bristol, Connecticut, home of ESPN.

    That's after years of telling Alaskans that Bristol was named after.....Bristol bay.

    She is becoming increasingly delusional, increasingly unaware of stated contradictions, and hopefully increasingly alienated from hard working Alaskans and Americans.

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I love how Sarah gets the PDS people to jump through hoops so easily. All she has to do is ignore the whine about WHOSE DA MOMMA or point out that the anom lib bloggers who live in moms basement and they go on a rampage!

    Its going to be a fun four years ahead as we watch AH-AH-Ahbama stumble from one day to the next and the PDS people having meltdowns over ONE LADY.

    I am not a fan of Mike Savage but I think he is correct when he says Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Barbie's whining about Esquire? Dud is whining (through his attorney) about being found in contempt!
    They all need a whooping big cup of STFU!!!STFU!!! HEAR THAT BARBIE,DUD!!
    We are sick of your f*cking lies,BS,everything.
    I will have a party the day the FEDS come and arrest you!

  8. Hey Notalib, just to let you know not all bloggers work from their parents basement. I mean sure the creative juices really flow down there, especially if you throw in some Cheetos, but some of us just don't have that luxury.

    And please don't tell me that you listen to Mike Savage or Ann Coulter, or it may be YOUR mental health that will come into question.

    Oh and stay tuned concerning the "O" man. I certainly hope you have a tasty recipe for crow.

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I own my own basement, thank you very much, and haven't lived with my parents since I was 18 years old...they are both deceased now anyway Notalib...

    I agree with Gryphen regarding Obama...the rabid right has underestimated him for years. He is only letting them think they actually matter, when the truth is they are playing right into his hands. He will let them go on and on just to prove that they are a party of obstructionist know nothings, beating the same dead horse into the ground. Enjoy it while you can Notalib...come 2010 there will be even fewer of your tired old party up on the Hill than there are now.

  10. Palingates is going to focus on each of this woman's gates, turning the spotlight on her shortcomings as a Governor. Babygate is part of it because it's so absurdly preposterous. I'm not particularly interested in the identity of the real mother, but the simple fact that she fed the world so much bullshit about the circumstances of the labour - the wild ride - makes it worth talking about every now and then. It could encourage similar reckless behaviour among her supporters, for one thing. She lies about EVERYTHING! Looking back at events taking place in Juneau while she was giving her precious speech in Texas and embarking on the famous wild ride makes the whole baby thing look like a smokescreen. It's only relevant because she has used this baby for political gain and to distract Alaskans from much more serious things happening at the time of his birth. It was one of the subjects that I could use for some comic relief, but as time goes on, there's very little humour to be found. Still, it brings in a lot of visitors, and while they're there, some of the other posts might capture their attention and help them understand just how dangerous this woman really is.

  11. I traded in my basement for sunshine and warm(er) winters almost 19 yrs ago. I am the parent, and the granny too. Guess that means I can't be "in my parents' basement".

    Have to admit though, I do love wearing my jammies, more than anything else I own!

    REGINA, you're doing a wonderful job with all the 'gates, keep on it!

  12. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Repubs, religious right FREECs, whatever you call them, they are the American Taliban.
    I am sick of them bragging about killing animals, but worried about birth control that would help stop abortion that they are so very concerned about, lol. How many of them have foster children? Worried about Tax cuts for Big corps,Corporate welfare. They make me sick and all should STFU including you notalib.

  13. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Notalib-I think your suffering from Asskissing Palin syndrone.
    You should have a cup of STF too.
    go back to calling us "moonbats' behind our backs....

  14. Anonymous6:15 PM

    why is that baby's head covered in the gym. trigg is always asleep.

  15. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Hey callgirl I was a foster parent for a number of years so unlike you I do give back. As for moonbats, I told Gryphen I would respect his posters here, and even though some of them are unable to be respective.

    I know you would like me to STFU but not going to happen.

    Finally anonymous, oh forget it, just a waste of time dealing with people who are cowards.

  16. "That's an alikeness between Alaskans and New Yorkers."

    an "alikeness"? is that a new word? did she learn that word in one of those many colleges she went to?

  17. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Ratfish, that Bristol, Connecticut, thing cracked me up. Why in the world would she name her daughter after a place that isn't a part of "real America"? Come on now, Sarah, do you think we haven't been paying attention?

  18. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I'll take the "mental illness" of liberalism over whatever Ann Coulter, Limbaugh, Palin and the rest of those right wing nutjobs have any day of the week. Mental illness at least can usually be treated with positive results. Narcissistic stupidity, on the other hand, has no cure.

  19. Respectful, Notalib, respectful.

    I say this respectfully, ok?

  20. Anonymous3:21 AM

    The questions posed to Sarah are ALWAYS INOCUOUS!!!
    If anyone grew a pair enough to put her ON THE SPOT there wouldnt be a SARAH PALIN invading the media DAILY. Put her OUT OF BUSINESS. Somebody ASK her something with an open mic in her face.
    There sure IS enough to ask her, but no one does. No diarists DO.

  21. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Time to ban "Notablib" above, because he's one of those neck drooling knuckle draggers who comes to my blog & others to threaten anyone who doesn't worship George Bush & Sarah Palin like he does. HE'S VERY DANGEROUS.

  22. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Notalib was a foster parent? Good gawd! How are the children who were left in your care? YOU ARE DANGEROUS AND SHOULD NOT BE AROUND CHILDREN! No neocon should be!


    This is how unwanted pregnancies happen....neocons become foster parents. *cringe*

  23. Anonymous6:42 AM

    kayinmaine show me where I have ever threatened anyone, this is a slanderous statement and not tolerated. May I suggest you rethink this type of personal attack, it is in your best interest.

  24. Anonymous6:45 AM

    gryphen, you asked me not to attack your posters here and I believe I have not. Yet you allow kayinmaine to make personal attacks towards me and tell lies. I understand that you approve and enjoy what she is doing, will you give me the same respect if I were to go after her in such a way?

    She keeps whining that I need to be banned, you should consider who is the real problem here.

  25. You know the idea of allowing different points of view to be expressed here is still one that I firmly believe in. But for that kind of dialogue to take place we ALL must be respectful of the opinion of others.

    Notalib, when you quoted Savage calling liberalism a mental disease I think you got very close to crossing the line that we agreed upon.

    Kaylnmaine's response I believe, while also crossing a line, seemed to have been inflamed by the initial jab thrown by Notalib.

    Since I allowed Notalib's comments to be posted I will take full responsibility for this little scuffle.

    In the future I will simply have to refuse to post any comment that has even the hint of a personal attack in it.

    Does that seem fair?

    Now I would also like to say that despite all of his unfortunate comments over here, that I am impressed that Notalib has taken children into his home as a foster parent. I don't usually discuss it here but I have taken that on as well, and know how challenging it can be.

    I also know that a person's politics do not in any way hinder their ability to love and nurture a child. It is easy for any of us to ascribe horrible attributes to somebody that we disagree with on so many fundamental levels, but we must at least admire the positive things they do as well.

    So let's move forward in our discussions and leave the personal attacks in the past, shall we?

  26. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Notalib, for you to act like you never come to my blog or other liberal blogs to throw out your insults is so freaking funny!

    I'm sad for The Immoral Minority that you are here stinking it up. You and your neocons harass the rest of us constantly and we are sick of it, so expect my reaction to be the same the next time I see you on another blog I go to! Okay? Fair warning. LOL

    And Gryphen? I totally respect your blog and did cross the line when I pulled out my Captain Caveman club from my back pocket to wallop the troll. Sorry! I do apologize to you.

    I love, love, love your blog! Very informative and fun. ;-)

  27. Notalib said: "I am not a fan of Mike Savage but I think he is correct when he says Liberalism is a mental disorder."

    Gee, could be! Maybe my mental disorder made me move juuust a little slower as I loaded big boxes of food pantry items, drove them to the post office, and mailed them to Emmonak. But guess what? I STILL REACTED FASTER THAN SARAH PALIN.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.