Thursday, February 12, 2009

Now for an Immoral Minority roundup of Barack Obama news of the day.

Judd Gregg (the man who reached up his hand and went "Oooh oooh Mr. President pick me!") has decided that he cannot serve as President Obama's Commerce Secretary. Now you may remember that Senator Gregg was one of those Republicans that Barack promised to invite to be part of his administration. So why did he suddenly decide that he cannot be part of this historic Presidency?

"I couldn't be Judd Gregg and serve in the Cabinet. I should have faced up to the reality of that earlier," Gregg said. "I've been my own person and I began to wonder if I could be an effective team player. The president deserves someone who can block for his policies. As a practical matter I can contribute to his agenda better--where we agree--as a senator and I hope to do that."

He couldn't be Judd Gregg? Just who is "Judd Gregg", and where the hell was he when this guy campaigned so hard to be part of the team? Maybe he should not even want to be "Judd Gregg" because that guy sounds like kind of a dick!

Well I for one am glad he is gone. Schizophrenics rarely make reliable members of ANY team.

Then we have the woman who told Barack Obama that she was both homeless and jobless during a town hall in Florida.

Well after that emotional plea, the wife of a local Republican Florida Congressman offered Henriette Hughes and her son a free place to stay until they get back on their feet.

Wow Obama is so good that he has Republicans offering help to poor African Americans.

Say it with me kids, "Yes we can"!

1 comment:

  1. He only wanted control of the 2010census for the replubicans - once that was removed and put under a different department, Gregg had no reason to take the position


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