Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Part Two of Greta Van Palin-lovers interview with Bristol.

From Van Susteren's comments you would think the woman had never even seen a baby before. She comes across as a complete idiot.

Why can't Bristol explain why she named her baby Tripp? I mean you would think she gets that question all of the time. Well I guess in a family with a Willow, a Piper, a Bristol, a Track, and a Trig, naming your kid after a stumble is no big deal.

Watching this again I am once again struck by how staged everything is, and how Trigs use as a prop continues to this day. Greta asks a question about the age difference between Trig and Tripp (and once again they pound home the point that Trig is 8 months older. And isn't that the reason for this entire farce?), and that is the cue for somebody to bring Trig out in front of the camera.

Does anybody else wonder what makes Bristol so uncomfortable, and to look off camera for support, when Greta asks her if she has met any other young mothers? I found that odd. (Could this be a reference to the mystery Wasilla teen who is reputed to be carrying Levi's next baby? Intriguing no?)

  • Other talking things we learned.
  • Bristol will graduate in May WITH her class (So take that all you pajama clad bloggers who claimed she was a dropout!)
  • Greta Van Susteren has a very low opinion of males.
  • Greta is very impressed at how cleverly Bristol told her parents that she was knocked up.
  • Babies are cute.

Oh yeah this was quite an intellectually stimulating exchange.

But hey I did actually come away feeling a little more sympathetic toward Bristol, a little less sympathetic toward Governor Plain, and completely creeped out by Greta Van Susteren.

So I guess it was not a complete waste of my time. (Who are we kidding? Of course it was!)


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Gryphen--In Part 1, when they were interviewing, GINO at the finish line for the race, was that Fred Malek behind her in hat and sunglasses? The cameraman seemed to be deliberately trying to keep the old guy in the shot--when he ended up out of view, the camera shifted to pick him up again. This happenede repeatedly. Watch.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Naming your kid after a stumble...that's the best! To be honest with you I feel bad for Bristol because she has Sarah for a mother, but that's it. I mean she sounds as empty headed as the rest of the clan, but she is a beautiful girl. At least she has that going for her.

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hey Anonymous - Are you referencing the older man who was trying to take pictures of Greta speaking with Sarah? B/C, if so, I thought for sure that was Chuck Heath, Sarah's dad.

    Frank Malek may be in his "love fest" phase in re: to Sarah -- but he must surely have been bitten bad by the love bug if it caused him to venture as far north as Squarebanks in February.

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The one time that GVP used the word "contraception," Bristol frowned, like the word had too many syllables. Then she said she didn't want to go into the details. I mean, like, you know, eeeuuw?

    One of my sons is nineteen, and typically he picks a fight with me when I mention anything political. Yet he was openly scornful of the idea that these Wasilla teeners didn't know anything about OTC birth control, the kind available at any drugstore or supermarket.

    And the fact that Bristol said that telling her mother that she was pregnant was "more painful than labor" says it all, doesn't it? Poor girl. Yes, she's pretty now, but in those "ten years" she talks about...

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    They never directly address the rumors that Trig is Bristol's rather than Sarah's child. I think if it were me and I had just given birth to my first child, I would state adamantly that the rumors were wrong. This interview, with all the pussyfooting around the issue, (ie., Trip was born Dec. 27th, here's "Uncle" Trig, they are 8 months apart said unassertively,), just makes it clear that the Palin family is hiding something.

  6. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Question: Didn't I read a different account of how Bristol informed Sarah she was pregnant? I seem to recall something during the campaign about how Sarah originally thought they were joking and only believed after being shown the test. No mention of the best friend being there as the time.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Good catch Anonymous at 11:32 AM! BUT, there were two pregnancies so Bristol had to tell Mommy Gov twice! I remember reading that article and supposedly Sarah burst out laughing, which is very odd behavior for such a serious conversation...unless your teen gets pregnant twice. I guess the only thing left to do at that point is laugh. Might as well laugh after oops preggo 2... especially after SP went through all that trouble covering for the first pregnancy by faking her own with scarves and pillows. Thinking about it, it is quite comical, just the sort of script they write for movies. Get the popcorn ready...

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bristol said to her mother & father, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" when preparing them for what she was about to say?

    But I thought babies were precious to the right wing tongue-speaking Evangelical snake herders? LOL

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I asked about the man behind Sarah in the Part 2 interview. Now I think he must be part of her security detail. I also saw him behind GINO in D.C., in the go-go boots photo. It is definitely not her dad. But I thought she made a big deal about dispensing with security. And he is rather old and not brawny by any means. So it makes me wonder what exactly he is supposed to do for her. Call for the police?

  10. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Oops--I meant in Part 1 of the interview not Part 2.

  11. Anonymous5:51 PM

    How's the book report going, Gyphen? Just skip to the Trig pregnancy story and read the rest later.

  12. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Snap!Snap! ;-)

  13. I've asked this on another blog. Where was Tripp born? In a hospital, at home, where? And, who delivered him? A doctor, midwife, UPS driver, who?

    All we are given is a birth date and his weight and we're suppose to believe what Sarah says after hearing so many of her lies.

    I'll bet the Palin's are getting a big laugh out of bloggers trying to keep the names "Trig and Tripp" straight.

    Personally, I don't believe the Palin's have a baby Tripp. Until I see a B/C, that's my opinion!

  14. Anonymous12:40 PM

    An anonymous poster referred to this story, a differing account of how Bristol told Mom & Pop about her pregnancy:

    So, there are two stories of Bristol confessing her being-with-child. The article also has pics of Levi as a child; compare and see if Tripp and Trig have the same nose as Bristol states in the interview.

  15. Anonymous6:31 PM

    And, what here ridiculous?

  16. Anonymous10:15 PM

    And there is a similar analogue?


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