Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Washington Post examines Sarah Palin under fire.

A couple of weeks before the Alaska legislature began this year's session, a bipartisan group of state senators on a retreat a few hours from here invited Gov. Sarah Palin to join them. Accompanied by a retinue of advisers, she took a seat at one end of a conference table and listened passively as Gary Stevens, the president of the Alaska Senate, a former college history professor and a low-key Republican with a reputation for congeniality, expressed delight at her presence.

Would the governor, a smiling Stevens asked, like to share some of her plans and proposals for the coming legislative session?

Palin looked around the room and paused, according to several senators present. "I feel like you guys are always trying to put me on the spot," she said finally, as the room became silent.

Clearly another one of those "gotcha" questions where somebody wants her to talk about doing her job. How dare they!

Nearly every move that Palin makes or does not make, acknowledges Joe Balash, one of her closest aides, is analyzed through a new political prism, scrutinized for its effect on a possible 2012 presidential candidacy. "There's nothing we can do to stop it," he said. "People wonder why she's doing something or not doing something."
The result of all this scrutiny and second-guessing, says one Republican ally, is that "the governor has been feeling beaten up."

Do you know why she feels "beaten up"? Because we have been beating her up.

I would feel badly about it but I can't. Sarah Palin left Alaska to help trash the man who is now our country's greatest hope. And to do it she engaged in the most despicable kinds of character assassination, and blatantly lying, that I have ever seen.

And then she gets exposed by the national media (since our local media is too lazy or stupid to do their jobs) as completely unfit to be Governor of our state, and quite possibly was not even fit to be the mayor of Wasilla.

Keeping her from doing anymore damage to our state or our country is job one for most progressive Alaska bloggers.

Which also means I must point out the fallacy of this statement.

Despite the distractions and speculation over Palin's future, her advisers say she is singularly focused on her work as governor, pointing out that of the seven days she has spent outside Alaska since the election, six have been spent on official business for the state, including a January weekend in Washington.

Somebody will have to carefully explain to me how Palin's trip to help the campaign of Saxby Chambliss in Georgia was of any help whatsoever to Alaska. And as for the Alfalfa Club dinner, well simply adding a couple of visits to some Congressmen or Senators to cover for her real purpose in making the trip is simply not going to fly with those of us who have noticed this pattern before. (My theory about the reason behind this trip is that she was trying desperately to have herself photographed with President Obama.)

Just recently Palin attended a political function in Fairbanks to provide cover for her trip to meet the First Dude at the end of this year's Iron Dog snowmachine race. Ooooh tricky!

But if Governor Palin believes she is still fooling people with these obfuscations she is sadly mistaken. Not even her fellow Republicans in Alaska seem to be buying her bullshit.

Palin's greatest problems in Alaska, as in the rest of the country, seem to be with her fellow Republicans. "What did I say about her during the campaign when somebody asked me if she was qualified?" asked state Rep. John Harris, taking a moment to ponder his own question, smiling. "Oh, I said something like 'She's old enough and a registered voter.' " Another smile.

A former speaker of the state House, Harris believes that Palin and her team need to improve relationships with legislators.

"A lot of people around here see it as the Eva Peron syndrome -- Sarah being Evita," said Larry Persily, a top aide to Mike Hawker (R), co-chairman of the state House's Finance Committee.

And one of these same Republicans is the source for probably the best advice for Sarah Palin.

....said one prominent GOP strategist who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "But the campaign also demonstrated that there is a lack of gravity to her that has hurt. She needs to mitigate her weaknesses. She needs to prepare more, know more. She should try to disappear for a while and be an indisputably effective governor."

Will she take this advice? What are you kidding?


  1. Gryphen,

    You forgot to mention the dinner with Fred Malek... the night before the Alfalfa.

    State business, of course...


  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "She needs to mitigate her weaknesses. She needs to prepare more, know more. She should try to disappear for a while and be an indisputably effective governor."
    I don't think that Sarah Palin THINKS she has a weakness adn that is what makes her so dangerous.
    She felt that Katie Couric made fun of her. Palin did that all by herself which makes it doubly sad that she can't admit it. I would have hung my head in shame if I spoke that way in public!
    She needed a city manager while Mayor of Wasilla because he did not want to do or was unable to do the job.
    She has a entourage accompany her now, I really wonder how much she really does as Gov. How many people has she added her office since she became Gov.
    I hope she gets a good long scrutiny when and if she does go further afield then Alaska.
    I also hope they interview her and ask the really hard questions.
    Maybe by then she will have read some newspapers.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Thanks, Gyphen, for staying on Palin. She is a political disaster, and it's clear that many people are watching her now. I have never understood why the "Palin base" is going after progressives on blogs. What a waste of time and energy for them. From reading this WaPo article, it's clear Palin has a ton of serious opposition in HER OWN PARTY. Pawlenty, Jindal, Romney and Huckabee are probably uncorking champagne over this latest article.

    But I hope, most of all, that Palin starts to fulfill her duties to the great state of Alaska. That is, after all, what she was elected to do. Perhaps with more articles like this one in WaPo coming out, there will be less staged "interviews" with Bristol and more focus on Alaska's budget problems for "Evita Palin."

    By the way, that was my favorite new thing in the WaPo article. I can hear Sarah singing now: "Don't cry for me, A.I.P. " Or would it be better as "Don't cry for me, Team Sarah." Someone needs to write up those lyrics!

  4. I also noticed Sarah forgot to pay some taxes and will now have to pay back taxes for her per diam income

    my question is - she charged for food while working from her home - who all was eating that food? (I find it hard to believe it was just Sarah), was it take out or home cooked (how much does moose chile cost any way?)

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Joe Balash needs to take a long cold shower.

    Apparently his comment to the Post that Palin has the "it" was a misinterpretation of what he really said: That when she walks into a room, he gets an "itch."

    Get over it Joe, The rest of us have.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    DNA whether it be saliva from a glass or a clip of hair from Sarah and little Trig....that is all Alaskans need to bury this woman once and for all. DNA.

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Ha, Ha, Anon 9:28...someone up there should follow her around grabbing stray hairs! The tax stuff is very interesting. I would imagine this will open up alot of investigation into her house.

    Sarah won't take any advice to disappear and that is her fatal flaw...she got a taste of the big time, and now she thinks Alaska is too small of a pond for a big fish like her.

    I can't even imagine the nightmare we would all be living through right now if she and McCain managed to get elected.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "But I hope, most of all, that Palin starts to fulfill her duties to the great state of Alaska. That is, after all, what she was elected to do. Perhaps with more articles like this one in WaPo coming out, there will be less staged "interviews" with Bristol and more focus on Alaska's budget problems for "Evita Palin." "

    Don't hold your breath, Pipsqueak! She has been able to 'get away with it' for so many years, she cannot see that the gravy train has derailed. On the contrary, she will throw out more and more obfuscations like Bristol interviews, the worse her situation becomes. After all, she was able to re-direct attention time and again, so why would it not work now? TS will be proud of her, that's all that matters, and meanwhile, she is collecting lotsa $$$ taxfree in her

  9. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I have had a singular motive for reading these blogs, posting to them, researching pics of SP, I do not want to even suffer a candidacy by this person in 2012 or ever! But I have developed an affinity for Alaska, and Alaskans, and anything I can do to help! These last revelations, the interviews with GVS, it is boggling my mind! (and I have a pretty good one too!) Her relationship with Malek is scary folks. We need to keep tabs on him too!

  10. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thank you SO MUCH, Gryphen, for staying on topic with SP. Did anyone else notice that during the presser, she very defensively mistook the word "personnel" for "personal," and used the opportunity to gratefully bring up Her Family once again as a human shield?

    I've said it elsewhere, but it is highly suggestive that SP blew off (as it were) her fellow Republicans to have dinner with Fred Malek. His position in the Nixon cabinet was to keep count/track of who the Jews were in government and media. Richard Nixon thought that they--"we," heh heh--were "out to get him." The tape and transcript of one of Fred Malek's conversations with Nixon confirming this subject recently were posted by Tim Noah in his column at

    Now, why would Palin spend so much time pallin' around with a known anti-Semite? Hmmmm.... because she does so routinely?

    Thanks again, and thank you for providing so much high-quality reading.

    Best from D.C.!

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  11. I've noticed that since the election, Sarah's references to Alaska are becoming more and more patronizing, as if she's the lady of the manor and the people of Alaska are her serfs. You can just picture Tina Fey saying, "Oh, you know these Alaskans, they're so cute and all that, I'm way more important than this place now but I just need to humor everyone until I win my rightful crown--I mean the next presidential election."

    I find it highly offensive.

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Regarding the per diem Sarah received for eating in her own house (including family)-- Sometime during the Presidential campaign, Sarah wanted to show how she could cut expenses, so she mentioned that there had been a chef for the governor's mansion, her kids loved the chef, and her kids really missed the chef. Some reporters did some fact checking, and the chef was never actually fired, merely transfered to a different position with a different title, and she was still cooking for the Palins, mmmm good food. So, how do you collect money for the food that is already being paid for with the salary of the chef? I don't believe for a minute that the chef went to the grocery store and shopped out of her own pocket. She submitted receipts and was repaid by-- the state! So, this is actually double billing, getting paid for something that was already paid for by the state. It's not just taxes, it's greed! And we'll have to ask for a legal opinion if you can ask for payment for something the state already pays for. Just thinking out loud. Thanks for this great website and the flow of ideas.

  13. Anonymous11:32 AM

    There is probably a greater than 10% chance (I am being generous) that Sarah Palin would have caused the end of the human race if she got in office and McCain died or became incapacitated in office as he probably would.

    Republicans -- through legal and illegal means -- eliminated at least 7% of the votes for Obama, but he still won.

    It would be easy to say take it easy on Palin, but she is the tip of a dangerous squirming mass of Maggots who try to undermine our Democracy.

    Sorry, Palin, your feet are going into the furnace.... perhaps for the sake of the human race would would have wanted to bring to "end times."

  14. Gryphen, not sure how to contact you other than here. My e-mail is in my blogger profile.

    But, On Topic, it sort of seems like Sarah's last run will be, indeed, her last run at any national political office. She doesn't seem to realize that her best course of action after the failed '08 campaign would have been to SHUT UP and get some schooling in a wide range of topics and disciplines.

    But as long as her supporters can tout her (alleged) 60% approval rating, and as long as she seems to get press attention wherever she turns up, I don't think it's wise to let up on cataloging her day-by-day follies.

    BTW, when WAS the last poll taken on her approval rating? I can't find anything current.

  15. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Ummmmmm, Sarah can't even get her daughter to use birth control, so how the hell will Sarah become an effective Governor at some point if she studies hard? LOL!

  16. Palin is a moron! I can not believe she has a political future. They should bury her. Did you hear her daughter say listening to her Mother is worse than labor? That abstinence was ridiculous and not reality! I did not hear a word from the right on that interview!

  17. Anonymous3:50 PM

    An Average Patriot, I also heard Bristol say on the video that when it was time to prepare her parents for what she was about to tell them (she was pregnant), she asked, "What is the worse thing that could happen?". Say what? I thought the Palins welcomed all births even if the mother of the child is 13 years old and got pregnant after a violent rape? Spit.

    When President Obama said last year, "punished with a baby", the Palins and other neocons freaked out!

  18. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The "right" has no ideological consistency when it comes to this issue. I don't know if it's intellectual vagrancy or sheer stupidity, but either way, they are blind to their own hypocrisies. Can you imagine the reaction from the right if any other American governor had an eighteen year-old daughter who dropped out/in of high school to do this, and is still not married? Poor Bristol. No one knows what she is "advocating," but at least she has a nanny to help her with child care, as we saw on camera.

  19. Anonymous8:47 PM


    As one of those from the "lower 48" who visits your blog thanks to a morbid fascination with your Governor, I hope that "progressives" can connect with (and inform, if necessary) more conservative Alaskans and build a coalition to impeach her. Ignorance, dishonesty and narcissism are neither conservative nor Christian values. And aside from the fact that cheating the state is a non-partisan no-brainer, it looks as if no one is running Alaska. Thanks and keep it up!

  20. "I don't think that Sarah Palin THINKS she has a weakness and that is what makes her so dangerous."

    I agree...she seems to assume that if she doesn't already know something from her 5-college rodeo or being a Regulator! of Oil and Gas!, then it must not be important. Lukewarm interest in anything further than your own backyard may be adequate for a Governor (although I suspect the people of Emmonak would disagree), but is incomprehensible for anyone wanting to compete politically at the national level.

    Lack of intellectual curiosity also makes it nearly impossible for a person to be open-minded enough to understand other cultures and countries...or even ethnicities, regional issues and religious denominations within our own nation. (yes, there is more to this country than Pro-America vs. anti-America, or Christian America and Whatever-You-Heathens-Believe-America. Those are just labels narrow-minded people use to divide and make themselves feel superior.)

    Great people become great because in addition to having a message, they possess the ability to self-analyze and correct mistakes they make along the way. I have seen no evidence that Sarah Palin is able to do this. Her primary techniques for handling mistakes are blaming others, whining, distracting, babbling a lot about some unrelated topic ("my chiiiLLdren!!"), and moving on while everyone is still scratching their heads and saying "WTF did THAT have to do with ANYTHING?".


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