Friday, March 13, 2009

AKM has a GREAT post over at Huffington Post!

Just click the title and take a look at AKM's post on Sarah Palin and her vendetta against animals. Yes cute, cuddly, Alaskan animals. I knew you would be upset.

It is almost worth reading the post for the great graphic of Governor Sarah as a the Wicked Witch of the West alone. Too funny!


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    That is a fantastic post. Kudos to AKM. It should be on the HuffPo Main page! It is so upsetting. We must get more media coverage on this topic. Sarah Palin is so cruel. Maybe we should also send a link to Andrew Sullivan...

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    My brother calls her the Wicked Witch of the Northwest (we're from the 'lower 48')... I think it's appropriate :-)

  3. the SP as wicked witch pic was awesome! lol :D

  4. then i went back and read the article, now i just feel sick inside. has she tried to shoot romeo, lone black wolf of of juneau, yet? he's famous in the lower 48, maybe it would get attention if she tried to kill him...

    pass me the barf bag, please.

    p.s. i'm not against hunting for food, i respect it fully, but this hateful and unscientific predator killing is another thing entirely!

  5. Glad you posted this article so people can be aware of the barbarian things this council is doing, Keep up the good work...

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Thanks for the nice words and the link!


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