Thursday, March 05, 2009

As the Daily Show brilliantly illustrates it is no wonder our country is in a financial crisis when every so called "expert" turned out to be wrong.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I can't stand every one of these pompous idiots on CNBC...each one of them is more annoying than the next, Kudlow, Cramer, Santelli...why are they always yelling? The worst might be Maria Bartiromo...she is gorgeous (I say that as a straight woman), but when she opens her mouth, she ruins it...her voice is as grating as fingernails being dragged down a chalkboard, and that NY accent is way too thick for national TV. (I say that as a former New Yorker).

    Financial advice for the future...anything anyone on CNBC says, just do the opposite. Your money's safer under the mattress.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I watched this last night as I was getting my paperwork together to meet with my CPA. The Daily Show is an expose' of everything that is screwed up in America, from politics to finance. And they do it with humor and a few 4-letter words for emphasis. Too bad the main stream media is too beholden to the big, mainstream advertisers which are phushing junk.

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    And to think I thought John Stewart was going to have to go in search of stupidity once Bush was out of office, just goes to show, I have so little faith in the stupidity of wall street...tsk, tsk.

    Whenever I watch the 'real' news (which isn't often) I always wonder what the actual story is...then I catch John Stewart and find out. Strange world.


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