Thursday, March 05, 2009

Governor Palin picks a new Alaska Supreme Court Justice. And confuses the hell out of me.

So a new position opens up in he Alaska Supreme Court and Governor Sarah is given the golden opportunity to put yet another conservative judge in there to help push through the conservative agenda. The state Supreme Courts have been the focus of the conservative agenda for over twenty years now, and Governor Palin is, by many accounts, the future of the conservative movement, so surely she will put some buttoned down, Sunday school teaching, anti-abortion whack job in there keep the liberal agenda from infesting the Alaska court system.

To prepare for this task Palin takes an unprecedented (for her) interest in the biographies of the two candidates.

Last week, without explaining why, Palin took the unusual step of asking the Judicial Council to send her all information it had on the two finalists, Christen and Palmer Superior Court Judge Eric Smith.

Extensive information about the two finalists was sent to the governor with the nominations on Feb. 5. It included, among other things, references, Alaska Bar Association survey details and record of community service.

Last week, the governor's office asked the Judicial Council for everything it knew about the nominees, including the "application for this or any other judicial appointment, for retention election, or for any other purpose."

While governors sometimes have questions about nominees, none had ever made such a sweeping request, Larry Cohn, Judicial Council executive director, said.

The council staff delivered packets of additional information to Palin's Anchorage office on Wednesday, excluding only internal work memos and comments where confidentiality was promised.

Aides to the governor wouldn't answer questions about specific concerns that might have prompted the governor's request. However, both Christen and Smith have been involved in organizations that might give Palin pause.

And just in case this information did not give her a clear enough choice she also got a little nudge from the right wing activists.
The head of the Alaska Family Council -- a Christian pro-family, anti-abortion group -- on Wednesday sent an e-mail to thousands of people asking them to urge Palin to pick Smith, not Christen.

The family council plea, from group president Jim Minnery, said Smith was "more conservative" and that Christen would be "another activist on the Court." In an interview, Minnery said that was the "general consensus" but he had no specifics.

So there you go. The choice is clear and Governor Palin has her marching orders.

And this is where the confusion come in.

Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday picked an Anchorage judge to fill the latest vacancy on the Alaska Supreme Court despite efforts by a conservative Christian group to convince her to do otherwise.

"Alaska's Supreme Court bears the awesome responsibility of ensuring that our court system administers justice in firm accordance with the principles laid down in our state Constitution," Palin said in a written statement. "I have every confidence that Judge Christen has the experience, intellect, wisdom and character to be an outstanding Supreme Court justice."

I'm sorry, what? She chose the liberal FEMALE! Ow, ow, ow, my head hurts now.

So since I am pretty familiar with Sarah Palin, and have learned that if things look too good then you just have not heard the whole story, I figured this new judge must be some sort of closet anti-abortion activist that perhaps nobody really knows about.

Christen's application included her membership in several charitable groups, including some from her past, but did not mention that she was on the board of Planned Parenthood in the mid-1990s. The organization, which didn't provide abortions in Alaska until 2003, is now on the opposite side of a Palin-supported bill to require girls under 17 to get parental consent for an abortion.

Ow, ow, ow, again! WTF?

So this Judge Christen is an old pro-choice warrior from the nineties? How did Palin not catch that? Didn't she read the research she asked for? Did she not do a background check as thorough as Lisa Demer's? Is she just fucking with me?

Okay, okay, let's take a deep breath here. What are the possibilities?

Could she be moving more toward the middle politically in anticipation of her big Presidential bid in 2012? No that can't be it. If she loses her fundamentalist base she will be dead in the water politically.

Did she just decide that based on the merit of the two judges that Christen was the better choice? Ha, ha, ha, oh I cracked myself up with that one!

Okay I am going to admit that I cannot figure this one out at all. I know that Palin is not all that bright, so I am having trouble believing that she has somehow outsmarted all of us. In which case I have no choice but to assume that she simply screwed it up! You have to admit that sounds much more like Sarah Palin then that she has made some shrewed political choice that is so tricky it is indiscernible by the public at large.

I mean she is no Rod Blagojevich, am I right?


  1. Christen is pro-oil, Smith is pro-conservation. For all her bragging about "taking on big oil", the truth is that Sarah is firmly in big oil's pocket. Money wins out over Jesus.

  2. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Ah, filthy lucre thy name is Palin, uh Satan!

  3. Anonymous8:22 AM

    That's a good guess, midnightcajun, but I think Gryphen is closer to the truth. I think someone on her staff asked for the bios and someone on her staff made the selection and wrote the letter and this staff member was actually doing it on a dare to show that Sarah can be made to do anything because she doesn't do anything herself.

  4. Or...maybe there is some personal issue between SP and one or both of the choices. We all know that she doesn't know how to keep her personal life separate from her professional life.

  5. Eric Smith has taken so many people to court over environmental issues...

    When I was researching for my post this morning, I came across quite a few lawsuits, with Smith acting for Trustees for Alaska against some big people, the type SP favours.

    Oil trumps life. Simple!

  6. The choice reflects her priorities in two controversial areas -- abortion and oil development. Also, we should look at the overall makeup of the court. Maybe one pro-life vote wouldn't make a difference.

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I agree with Regina - Big Oil trumps life!
    Besides, SP has been raked over the coals lately by the rightwing nuts lifers for her (and Bristols) interview with Greta vS - they not ONCE mentioned God (HOW DARE THEY! LOL!), so, maybe there is a slight fallout there, too. Maybe, also, too,, she has done this choice, because she *knows* that sooner or later, her sham pregnancy from last year will come to the open, and *THEN* at the latest, she will be the devil-incarnate for those guys, maybe...

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I think she did this on purpose... She is planning to run again, and she is trying to show that she can be bipartisan...puke.
    Don't fall for it

  9. Anonymous2:34 PM

    It's the Palin version of pay to play...get a big oil friendly judge, lighten up on the abortions. I firmly believe Plain would favor oil over life...she has proven it already with the lives of polar bears and beluga whales...unborn babies don't give big campaign contributions, also, too.

    Anyway, abortion is not the "issue du jour" is so 2004...even Boss Hog didn't mention it in his Right Wing Nuttysburg Address last weekend.

    BTW, I think we should end all Sarah comments Palinese Word Salad style, there, too, also.

  10. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Abortion as a wedge issue is so 20th century. Roe v. Wade will never be repealed, and the GOP just tries to lead the Extreme Religious Right down the garden path, making noise that they *will* change it. But lo and behold, they never do. And given a shot to appoint a judge, who does Palin appoint? Case in point of their hypocrisy on the issue.

    But as a liberal Democrat, I say keep appointing pro-choice judges, Grandma Governor!

  11. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Just to be really snarky:

    Maybe Ms. Palin thought her choice's name was: (wait for it) Christian!!!

    I jest. I don't know why she did this except that Eric pissed off a lot of people when he worked for Trustees. Any way, I think Morgan Christen is the best choice. She's brilliant and kind and has been a very effective jurist. Sweet! and another woman on the Supreme Court...Yee Ha!

  12. hello
    dunno if this is accurate

    Christen involved in custody cases involving DV, rape, suicide/homocide

    Morgan Christen allegedly appointed a child custody evaluator (CCE) rumored in the industry to never recommend custody to a mother. Same CCE also rumored to have had a past relationship with a father-litigant and vowed from that day forward to help out the "poor daddies". CCE allegedly minimized and dismissed mothers evidence of domestic violence, history of sexual abuse by father to mother and suspected for female child, and marital rape resulting in a restraining order against the father. Instead of believing mother's account of assault and getting her help, Christen threatened her with loss of custody due to her "anger". Despondent and traumatized mother faced with loss of custody for reporting abuse and concerns committed suicide, taking the children with her after a Christen ruling that allegedly took away her holiday time with the children and threatened again she would lose custody. Tragic case that could have likely been averted had the victim of violence received the treatment necessary to stabilize, instead of being further revictimized in the courts.

    An additional case with Christen involved a well known local media personality and his abused wife-stay-at-home mom. The police had allegedly pressed charges against the father when he beat her in front of the children in their family van. The father's attorney, who is now a judge, allegedly managed to manipulate the prosecutor's office into dropping prosecution, even though the mother required medical treatment. Christen reportedly penalized the pro se mother for her fears of the father, claiming she was least likely to "facilitate an open and loving relationship between the children and father (PAS) and stripped the mother of custody. Abuser father to this day has thwarted visitation between mother and children.

  13. Well, this sure makes a lot more sense now that Frank Bailey's book is out! Wow.


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