Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chief Operating Officer Dan Beard enjoys poking Congressman Don Young with a big pointy stick. But then who doesn't?

So I am reading this fairly boring article on the greening of the Capitol building, and how the effort is being led by a Chief Operating Officer Dan Beard, a man I have never even heard of before. I am just about to click off of the page, when I see this little tidbit:

And he’s not afraid to tweak Republicans. (Oooh this guy might be worth a little more attention since he is playing my song.)

Take the painting in Beard’s office, which depicts a Native American standing over the body of a white man. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), an avid outdoorsman, wants the painting for his office. (Oh boy! One of the Republicans he likes to tweak is our very own Don Young, a man that I have a deep and abiding dislike for, now Congressman Beard has moved up my list from "Don't know the guy" to "One of my favorite Congressmen.) The piece, which originally hung in what was then called the House Interior Committee, was taken down at the request of then-Colorado Rep. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who is part Northern Cheyenne Indian. Young took it out of storage in 1995 and put it up in the committee room.

When Democrats took control in 2007, the painting was taken down again, and Beard grabbed it for himself.
(Aha! A caper!)

“Mr. Young has been looking for it; he hasn’t found it yet,” Beard said, joking that it would be removed from his “cold, dead hand.” (Okay this is just priceless! Congressman Beard has taken an offensive painting that Don Young covets, probably for no other reason then he knows it will irritate the shit out of the congressman from Alaska. I love it!)

Beard had not talked publicly about his possession of the painting, and he hesitated to say whether he would hand over the painting to the congressman. (Anybody want to lay any bets on the chances he will return it to Congressman Young? Not a chance my friends.)

Now to be honest I have no way of knowing if the above painting is the one that is driving Representative Young crazy, but it was the only one that I could find on Google that seemed to match the description in the article.

Besides considering what Congressman Young's office looks like it would be just tacky enough to fit right in.

Oh yeah, that painting should blend right in with this "ornaments of death" motif.

I wonder if this guy ever met an animal he did not try to assassinate?

Well I just hope that Dan Beard keeps a hold on that painting, and then in 2012 when Don Young gets his ass handed to him (Or earlier if the Feds will get off their asses and finally indict the guy!) and has to leave the Congress, he can offer it to him as a consolation prize that he can proudly hang in his PRIVATE residence.

P.S. Regina, one of my very frequent visitors, has located an actual link to the picture in question. A little less ferocious then the image I found but still in poor taste.


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I think you will find that Mr. Beard is the Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. House of Representatives, not a Congressman, but that does not detract from applauding his actions.

    Enjoy your blog.

    Phuket Tom

  2. Thanks. I fixed it.

    I do so hate it when I misidentify somebody.

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    OMG! WTF is wrong with these people?
    Right now Sarah McGlauglin is on with a rescue commercial for the ASPCA, so very unlike the picture above of YOUNGS office.
    Repubs have absolutely no compassion.
    Kill, hate, anger, war, chicken little the sky is falling fear.

  4. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Hey there Gryphen,

    I am offering you a little break from the heavy-heady stuff you do... I nominated your blog for a LEMONADE award, which is essentially, er, um, a little break from the heavy-heady stuff you do...

    But thank you just the same for doing what you do!

    Check it out at Well Seasoned Woman.

  5. Wow, look at all the dead and dismembered herbivores! This guy must be a manly man.

  6. three cheers for Mr. Beard hehehe

  7. Gryphen,

    ADN has a photo of the actual painting. The one you used is more dramatic, though.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    WOW I never knew that hunting made me a assassin.....that is so interesting.

  9. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Notaluv, back again? How's your own blog going? You spend so much time trolling here and misinterpreting that I'm surprised you ever write new entries on your own site...I guess you can't find topics to cover unless you're reading Gryphen...

  10. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Dear Anonymous, I understand you are most likely a product of the public education system so comprehension would not be your strong suit. Let me help just a bit, this was in the article I was responding to, "Oh yeah, that painting should blend right in with this "ornaments of death" motif.

    I wonder if this guy ever met an animal he did not try to assassinate?"

    Now as you may have a hard time reading a word with more then three letters in it, their is this one "assassinate" now go find a neighbor who went to a private school I am sure they can explain it simply enough for you to understand.

    As to why I come here, its a good blog well written, I don't agree with much but that does not mean I have to act like you and lower myself to a immature level of name calling.

    As for my blog, it;s doing ok, certainly not as popular as this one, but I don't have the ego you possess. But thanks for caring, it means a lot too me.

  11. Anonymous3:47 PM

    As a certified teacher, Notalib, I must say that you really should take advantage of that private school education you seem so proud of.
    Your use of the word "then" as a substitute for "than" AND your use of the word "their" as a substitute for the word "there" indicates that you should question your private school English teachers. I learned to use the proper form of these terms in 4th grade in a public school, and it has remained with me for over 40 years.
    It's not the school that makes the difference in student success. It's a combination of factors: the student's motivation, the parents, the community, the Board of Education, the curriculum, the teaching methods, etc.

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Notaluv, what name did I call you?
    Fondly, Anon@7:31 a.m.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.