Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dennis Zaki films disgraced state Senator John Cowdery as he enters the courtroom for sentencing and has threats made to his junk.

Corrupt Republican John Cowdery gets sentenced in Alaska from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

So this John Cowdery guy was one of the notorious bastards of the "Corrupt Bastards Club". He was investigated by the FBI and indicted in July of 2008 on corruption and bribery charges.

He is yet another example of the bloated ethically-challenged Republicans that have for too long greedily filled their pockets and their bellies by selling their vote to the highest bidder and leaving the Alaskan citizens who voted for them to shoulder the burden of their avarice.

In my opinion the sentence that Cowdery received was much too soft and does nothing to provide justice for the thousands of Alaskans who put their trust in this man and his political party.

However though I might heartily disagree with the sentence I cannot disagree with the words spoken by Judge Ralph Beistline at his sentencing.

"Certainly the people have the right to expect that public officials will be honest and be aboveboard in their conduct," U.S. District Judge Ralph Beistline said in scolding Cowdery during the 22-minute sentencing hearing. "There should be an obligation to expect integrity -- that word, integrity -- in all our public officials."

I am glad that Dennis chased this arrogant "Blofeld" wannabe out of the courthouse. I just wish the judge had confined him to house arrest in a less comfortable home. Say one of the unheated houses in Emmonak for instance. Now THAT might have been justice!

1 comment:

  1. Deeds speak louder than words. The judge should have sentenced him to jail time. Getting off this lightly does nothing to deter others from commiting the same crime.


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