Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Katie Couric wins Walter Cronkite award for asking Sarah Palin all of those GOTCHA questions. Oh somebody is not going to be too happy about this!

Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign

Katie Couric, the anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News, was honored for her extraordinary, persistent and detailed multi-part interviews with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin which judges called a “defining moment in the 2008 presidential campaign

Sarah Palin is going to flip her lid when she finds out that Couric is actually going to be rewarded for exposing her ignorance and lack of intelligence to the American people.

You do remember those wonderful interviews don't you? Well if you don't then let's revisit them together shall we?

I don't know how many times I have watched these interviews, but you know they never get old for me.

Congratulation Katie Couric! You definitely deserve recognition for the fine journalistic integrity you demonstrated while trying to ask this crazy woman simple fundamental questions.


  1. Not to be TOO snarky here, Gryphen... but the fact that Katie Couric is one of the closest things to a journalist on the TV machine these days says something... doncha think?

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Palin is an ignorant M-O-R-O-N.

  3. It's amazing, alright.
    Those were such softball questions, too.

  4. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Couric deserves accolades galore!

    I was never a Katie Couric fan before this, but now, I love her. Couric seemed so smart next to Palin; you couldn't help but think: "Wow. Couric knows a whole lot more about government, history and policy than the 2008 GOP VP candidate. That's scary."

    And Couric was so fair and chipper to Gov. Palin. Later, Palin just looked pathetic when she tried to slime Couric, by calling it "Gotcha journalism," and miscontextualizing the whole "What do you read?" question. Hello, Mrs. Palin. It was all filmed. Couric did NOT try to slam Alaska or Alaskan newspapers! Why are you so defensive? Maybe, Gov. Palin, you really DON'T read.

    Katie Couric and Tina Fey did our nation great service by doing their jobs well when we needed them the most....

  5. I had to laugh, because it took Sarah Palin and her entourage 4 months to come up with an excuse for flubbing that "which newspapers do you read?" question: She said a few weeks ago that she reads newspapers online! Why, of course, why didn't she think of that when Katie asked it?

    I'm pretty sure good ol' Sarah just sat around and fumed and griped to people like Beck and Ziegler (the only people who'll listen to her) until Meg Stapleton came back out from the rock she was hiding under since the election fiasco, and re-joined Team Sarah (the real one, not the fanatic PJ bloggers).

    Meg probably thought about it for a half hour, and came up with that answer. If Sarah Palin had half a brain, she'd be a Scarecrow.

    As it is, she scares most humans.

  6. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Couric deserved the award just for not laughing out loud. That must have been tough.

  7. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Katie's interview questions were initially very softball. . . along the Walters' line of questioning. . . but as Palin stumbles and mumbles, that famous Couric jaw sets and the journalist comes out -very politely inquisitive - but in this case, pitbull met bulldog and bulldog won.

  8. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Yup...agreed this never gets old...it is truly amazing what Katie did for this country, we all owe her and Tina Fey/SNL a big thank you. I said it a few months ago when Obama had that dinner for John McCain, he really should have invited Katie and Tina for that one.

    Granny's head is going to explode when she heras about this.

  9. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Friends, we really dodged a bullet here.

    Good heavens, what ignorance bubbled forth from the lips of Her Majesty.

    I couldn't help but think her whole understanding of the Middle East situation was actually pulled from the Sunday School lessons at Wasilla Assembly of God church. Yikes! The democratic election that resulted in Hamas winning the majority of votes just blew right past her little "I'm always right/you're always wrong" stage of intellect.

    Katie Couric wins a medal for staying calm and gentle with her questioning as SP becomes increasingly defensive, and lashes out at Katie in an accusing tone during the "what do you read" question.

    (I wouldn't be surprised if an inside source were to someday comment that SP doesn't even bother to read Alaskan status reports herself - relying on her clerks and PR people to tell her what she needs to act on, if she feels like it that day.)

    Well, it looks like you have two more years of her petty rule, before she makes another power grab. (But these tapes will haunt her.)

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I didn't think of Katie Couric as a "hardball" reporter. But sometimes asking a simple question and getting a moron's non-answer is all the job requires. Couric was in the right place at the right time, and the country owes her a bale of credit and gratitude.

    Sarah Palin--who "went" to five colleges (of which she attended four, in five or six discrete time chunks), in order to get a bachelor's degree in television journalism--must be seething, especially after she viewed Couric's interview of John Ziegler's laptop and allowed herself to be filmed answering the what-newspapers-do-you-read question with a snotty, "Well, you're not the center of the universe, Katie." Heh.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  11. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down...
    Looky Looky - Sarah is getting a taste of her own medicine.
    Mercedes, blood runs thicker than water and I hope your family capitalizes off of this and runs. The wheels on the bus are running perdy loose these days yaknow!

  12. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Catie Curic and Mercedes Johnston all in one day - you go girls. Maybe Mercedes can get a Curic interview.

  13. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I bet Mercedes is at least bright enough to really answer questions.

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    is this a joke, she is really getting the award?

  15. Just watched the Ziegler arrest outside the awards.

    Man, is that guy nuts or what? No wonder he drools over Palin's shoes.

  16. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I just stumbled across this blog. As a mother of 5 teenagers I am chuckling to myself reading these comments. All of you sound like a bunch of spoiled children without a clue to the reality of that interview. And since you are children (either chronologically or developmentally)I fully understand why you do not like Sarah Palin.....she reminds you of your mother.


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