Monday, March 09, 2009

The Emmonak story along with Dennis Zaki's footage is on CNN.

This was actually on "News to Me" both Saturday and Sunday.

I saw it for the first time on Sunday and I was very proud of Dennis.

You know when we raised money to send him to Emmonak we were not at all sure what would come of it, but Dennis has done us all proud by doggedly pursuing this story and finally getting national coverage of the unnecessary suffering of our fellow Alaskans.

And let me tell you that Dennis is by no means finished with this story.


  1. Three cheers for Dennis! Glad to see the story getting even more national coverage.

    We have to make sure the media knows the truth about Palin's staged event with the evangelicals where she really did NOT help! and not let her hi-jack this for her own agenda

  2. We as Alaskans do have to solve the problem of the lack of fish that these people depend upon if they are ever to be able to "be left alone" to live their lives in their native homeland. Something, commercial trawlers, global climate change, or something else is decimating their income source and unless something is done this economic crisis in the villages will continue to be an issue for years to come. This problem must be addressed or these people will either starve or freeze or be forced to leave their hometowns.

  3. Off Topic:

    Remember recently when I said "Notalib" was a sick individual and he freaked out and acted like he was such a wonderful person. Well, here's his latest comment on my blog:

    Don't be fooled by him or any of the other trolls! They are told to find a blog, hang out, and try to get the liberals to give up their voices.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.