Sunday, March 01, 2009

GOP activists pick their favorites for 2012. Romney, Jindal, Paul, and Palin, oh my!

Conservative activists on Saturday named former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney the winner of a poll for best 2012 GOP presidential candidate.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal placed second in the annual poll, conducted at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Romney received 20 percent of the vote and Jindal got 14 percent.

Close behind were Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who each received 13 percent of the vote.

The results were culled over two days from 1,757 of the party activists who came to Washington for the annual conference and filled out ballots on Thursday and Friday. Nearly 60 percent of the straw poll participants were between the ages of 18 and 25. More than half of the conference attendees this year were college students.

I am of two minds concerning this news.

On the one hand I am impressed that many of these conservatives are getting over their Sarah Plain crushes and realizing that they need to find a more viable candidate.

But on the other hand I am struck by just how limited their choices have become.

Because I have to say that if their only choices are between the guy who embraces a religion that guarantees him his own planet when he dies, an Indian version of Mr. Rogers who lies during a televised rebuttal to the President of the United States, Ron Paul (Nuff said there), and Caribou Barbie herself, then the GOP is in even more trouble then any of us could have possibly imagined.

There seems to be NO reasonable, moderate Republican who can stand before the American people and point out the differences between how the GOP would handle the current crisis and how the President is handling it. Is that because they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the mess that their President created? Sure looks that way.

As a liberal Democrat this is very good news indeed.


  1. I, too, have been closely watching the CPAC activities to see how this would all unravel. What has surprised me the most is Ron Paul's high showing and the derogatory manner in which these crazies dismissed Crist. As for the RNC not having better choices, I think they have 'em, but they just don't want 'em, at least not right now. I think most of this crew is still hanging onto the plane as it goes down. Their behavior can be likened to that of a cornered mad dog. They know they have used up all their cheats and they are out of options. All they can think about at this point is to not go down without a fight. Of course as long as they hold onto this attitude, down is exactly where they are headed. I made a list of the fifty biggest a-holes in America a while back and most of these guys and gals are fighting among themselves to see who can head up the list!

    On a more serious note, I think they should be looking more in the direction of Crist, Perry, Gingrich, Romney, and Huckabee. At least these guys all conduct themselves like experienced, professional politicians. Somewhere there is a happy medium between the mad dogs and those who seem incapable of earning an A in Speech Class. You know they are all nuts when Limbaugh is their keynote speaker and de facto party leader!

  2. If that's the best they can do.. We have our Pres for another 4 years.

    That's almost guaranteed.

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    We are witnessing the end of the GOP. Palin was their death knell.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Oh, don't forget about the "magic underwear" Romney's religion dictates that he wears. Please...Romney is perhaps more out of touch tham McCain with the houses and real estate.

    The GOP is fond of recycling candidates...Reagan, Nixon, Dole, McCain were all reruns. I'm with you...certainly good news for democrats. Sad for a party to pin its hopes on Rush, Jindal, Joe The Fake Plumber and a 13 year old home schooler who sounds like he has Aspergers.

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    From where I sit...I see nobody that could give the GOP any credibility at all.

    Jindal? After that disastrous thing he called a speech? Please.

    I have been trying to keep up with the cpac convention but they are all so crazy it makes me feel crazy.

    That idiot Michelle Bachmann to Steele.."you the the man".

    Who do they think they are impressing...or kidding for that matter. The GOP is just a fringe group of nutsos as far as I can see.

    I dont know about some of you...but I have witnessed much incitement to violence against the current administration...and to Obama. They may be crazy people...but they scare the daylights out of me. They are all vicicious and mean. My god...can you see Palin going up against Romney in a primary. Palin will run screaming back to Alaska.


  6. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I hope to God they keep it up. As long as none of them have any brains at all, they will keep choosing these idiots to represent them. I hope and pray for a Palin/Jindal ticket. How easy are they trying to make it...LOL.

  7. "But on the other hand I am struck by just how limited their choices have become."

    It could be worse, conservatives could be stuck trying to reelect someone like Obama.


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