Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Governor Palin responds to Celtic Diva's ethics complaint. Oh you are going to love this!

March 24, 2009, Juneau, Alaska –

Governor Sarah Palin issued the following statement in response to another ethics complaint filed today. Filed by an Anchorage political blogger, the complaint alleges the governor “… improperly used her position and state resources to serve her personal financial interests by being a walking billboard for Arctic Cat ...”

"Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet - another frivolous ethics charge by a political blogger? This would be hilarious if it weren’t so expensive for the state to process these accusations and for me to defend against these bogus harassments. Yes, I wore Arctic Cat snow gear at an outdoor event, because it was cold outside, and by the way, today, I am wearing clothes bearing the names of Alaska artists, and a Glennallen Panthers basketball hoodie. I am a walking billboard for the team’s fundraiser! Should I expect to see an ethics charge for wearing these, or the Carhartts I wear to many public events? How much will this blogger's asinine political grandstanding cost all of us in time and money?"

Wow! Methinks the Palinator is a wee bit pissy about this turn of events.

Here let me explain to the Governor the difference between wearing her Carahrtts and wearing the Arctic Cat gear in front of the reporters cameras.

"You see Governor Arctic Cat is the sponsor of your husband's snowmachine team. Therefore when you wear their gear on television, you promote their company, and potentially make them more money. A favor that they return by paying your husband's bills so that he can continue to pursue his hobby. If you were not employed by the state of Alaska that would not be a problem. But you do. Like it or not, you work for us!

Now if Carharrts saw you walking around in their clothing and walked up and gave you or Todd a check because of it, then we may feel honor bound to file and ethics charge about that as well. Please keep us informed if that scenario ever takes place, wontcha?"


  1. Looking on the bright side…the gov’s response ENSURES the complaint will be covered by MSM. I’ve no doubt Huffpo will pick it up now.

    muwahahahaha :D

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    That was really nice of you Gryphen to explain what the difference is. Too bad she.just.won't.get.it.

    Waiting for indictment number twelve. Any bets on how long that will take?

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Oooooh, good point, wes_ben!

    Good job, Sarah!

  4. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Palin/Stapleton are losing it. What an unprofessional rant. Even Frank Murkowski wouldn't have used the word "asinine" in an official governor press release.

    Her whining about complaints and legal fees proves there is karma- remember when she tried to charge the AP $15 MILLION to process an public records disclosure request?

    ps How much do you think she and Todd are getting from the Glenallen basketball team? If she doesn't get the difference between that and preening for Arctic Cat in front of the cameras while her family is getting thousands in "discounts," maybe there is no difference- and it needs to get checked out.

  5. Gryphen, that is an excellent point. One that most people can understand with the exception of the Palin family. Except Palin clearly believes she's entitled to whatever $$ a company is willing to fork over to her family. If she wants to make money off celebrity endorsements, then she should step out of public office.

  6. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The majority of Palin's legal bill comes from not cooperating with the Legislative Council's Investigation like she said she would.

    Then there's the ethics complaint she filed against herself.

    Oh, and there was the complaint filed by Frank Gwartney... in which Palin ended up having to pay the state for her kids' travel. :-)

  7. Anonymous6:23 PM

    A Glennallen hoodie? So she was at home, as usual.

  8. Anonymous6:35 PM

    So here's the thing, Sarah, since you are really unnerved by the pj bloggers, and you really do read that stuff (ah, that's what the blackberies are for)-- Please wear that wonderful Cat Jacket at home, out when you are snow-machining, but please do not wear in any time, any place when you are performing official duties as the Governor of Alaska. I've seen pictures of you in all manner of puffy down jackets and coats, and goodness know that we've seen you in all those scarves, but, please, no brand names, no where, no how.

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    With that press release, I'm surprised 1. anyone takes her seriously in that government, and 2. Bill McAllister (sic?) will show his face- if I was the director of communications (for anyone, but especially a politician who expects to be taken seriously for a run for the presidency in 4 years), I'd be ashamed of a release like that from my boss!

  10. Yes, this is another small nail in her coffin. However, I think it will take Housegate or evidence of ethics violations with oil companies to finally bring her down.

  11. I've put up a blog about the "asinine bloggers" official Alaska release.

    What the hell is Sarah thinking? Doesn't she have any advisors with brains? How can she keep pulling the rug out from under her feet like this, willingly?

    Damn, woman, you got trouble!!

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I have three word to say to the governor: Scott Ogan, Evergreen.


    Her response seems pretty sophomoric, doesn't it? It's like she let Willow write it. (Is Willow a sarcastic girl? I don't know. Maybe a post partum Bristol?)

  13. omg...she is so pissy....and stupid....and she responded..I guess that Expensive legal team did not tell her to keep her trap shut ????

    ( btw the sunglasses she is wearing below- not cheap- 200 +) soooooooo..

    WHO is paying for all of this ???

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Who cares if Linda is a blogger? She is an registered voter in the state of Alaska, one of Palin's constituents, even if Diva didn't vote for her. (Although maybe she did to ensure that she'd have something to write about! ROTFLMAO)

    Palin's issue with bloggers is like Amish being against telephones.

  15. Thanks, Gryphen, for the statement. "Are Alaskans outraged, or at least tired of this yet..." Hum....are ya?
    Jessipoo @ 6:46

    Palin's issue with bloggers is like Amish being against telephones.--

    After hearing about Bill O'Reilly having a blogger stalked, I believe the bigger picture both want to censor bloggers.

  16. Anonymous7:12 PM

    ANONYMOUS above TRUTH: Do you think that McCallister is sick of her and the complaint was read to him and the governor said her catty remark and he sent it out with a smirk, "Well, she said this is what she wanted to say. . ."

    By not calming HRH down, he is working for the people when he lets something like this out under her name.

    Sarah Palin appears to be as revered as highly as Jezebel when her eunuchs threw her out to the Israelites!

  17. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Does SP have any recourse? Can she sue for harrassment? If that is what she thinks this is.
    It does come out of Alaskans pockets after all.

  18. Anonymous7:20 PM

    6:35 anon again- I don't know- I thought McAllister was firmly in her camp, but being from the lower 48, I don't hear all the chatter that some people in AK might hear. One thing I do know, though- it doesn't look good on her for sure, but it can also be traced back to him, since he's supposedly her 'director of communications.' Whenever she finally tears herself down, he's gonna need a new job.

  19. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anon@7:16, no, Palin can't sue for harassment. This is a valid charge. Anyway, Palin is too scared to counter-sue for anything, as then we would all have access to her e-mails and records.

    If you think Palin's many violations are too expensive for the state of AK, perhaps you should recall her. Or have you thought of hiring an Ethics Tutor? It seems like Palin is having an Ethics Emergency!

  20. If I read her income disclosure statement right, the Palin's have over 7 million in investments, so she can afford her own legal bills. She brings this all on herself, she just doesn't have a moral bone in her body. I think John McCain owes it to this country to bring her down, he is the one responsible for unleashing her on the American people. He won't though, because he doesn't give a crap about us, as he continues to prove everyday. I can't wait to vote him out of office. There needs to be some type of law, in regards to Governors having complete control over who is hired and fired for any reason they want, and can do anything they want. She always gets away with everything because she holds the purse strings. There needs to be some protection in place against dishonest, evil Governors who abuse their power. We are all dumbfounded by just how much is wrong with this person. It's really hard to believe, but here it is before us to see.

  21. She doesn't even understand the ethics rules! Her background in the PTA and the "executive experience" in city of Wasilla just didn't prepare her for the of responsibilities of a governor. (Not sure any amount of experience would, though.)The sad/funny/bizarre thing is that she doesn't realize that she's not qualified.

    Btw, Palin misspelled the word "frivolous" in her financial disclosure forms recently made public; she spelled it "frivilous." Looks like someone corrected her spelling of that word in this press release!

  22. Anonymous10:01 PM




    It is now official:


  23. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Just thank God that she is not the STUPIDEST and MOST IGNORANT Vice-President in UNITED STATES HISTORY!

  24. Anonymous5:54 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Anonymous6:16 AM

    She obviously didn't consult with an attorney in her AG's office or her personal attorney before shooting off her mouth in the press release. I'd love to see her face when an attorney tries to explain the issue to her!

  26. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Get a life, people. Haven't you anything better to do?

  27. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Hey, Anon @7:29 a.m. No, we don't have anything better to do than to watch out for ethics violations from one of the 50 governors of the USA--the only governor in America who gave a speech to a secessionist group last year, by the way...

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "Get a life, people. Haven't you anything better to do?"

    Nope! The kids are at school, it's raining out, my pajamas are in the washer, I've got a cup of coffee and life is gooood!

  29. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Ethics violations. It just sounds like a bunch of people looking for some reason to irritate the Governor. I'll bet Celtic Diva et al voted for Obama too....um gee, he took $950K in campaign funds from Citigroup. The same Citigroup that you and I just spent a wad bailing out with Tarp money. I wonder if Citi gave him a baseball cap at least.

  30. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anon@1:39 p.m. Did you read the post? This has nothing to do with Obama. It's too bad that Palin supporters cannot defend the governor without insulting our President...Sad, really. Shows me that Palin is indefensible, even to her own team....

  31. As usual, another Palinbot troll trying to equate Sarah Palin with Barack Obama -- can't you numbskulls get it through your thick heads that she is a mayor/governor that ran unsuccessfully for VICE president, and he is a state/US senator that ran successfully for POTUS.

    No comparison.

    As for the Citigroup talking point -- BOTH Obama and McCain had tarnished people in their campaigns who were as "responsible as much as anyone else" for deregulating Wall Street and personally profiting from abolition of the separation between commercial and investment banking (paraphrased from a Paul Street commentary). Last election cycle they BOTH benefitted from contributions from Goldman-Sachs, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Chase, and Lehman Bros.

    I'll bet it's hard these days to find ANYONE in the financial advisory sector who isn't tarnished by the economic meltdown.

  32. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Really, they DO get it. Everyone understands graft, bribes, unethical conduct, doing 'favors', using position to benefit someone...you know, the VECO/Ted Stevens thing. EVERYBODY gets it.

    What I see is that some people don't want Palin to be busted out for it. Why? I dunno.
    But, corruption is corruption. Bunches of people didn't want Stevens to be held accountable either. But he was. Not because he was hated - quite the contrary, he was very well-liked with supporters everywhere. No, the reason he got in trouble was because we have rules against that specifically. The end. Nothing more to it.

    On a more humanistic level, it just doesn't feel good. Unless you're on the receiving end and it benefits you in some way. Right?

    I have to wonder, though, as I read the words of fellow Alaskans and Americans; what are YOUR ethics?
    Are your kids in my kid's classroom? Are you my neighbor? Do you work somewhere that I do business?
    Are you the one that damaged my car in the parking lot and drove away without putting your name and number under the wiper? Does your kid bring home stuff that you KNOW is not your child's and you keep it anyway? Are you one of those people that says nothing when the flustered young clerk hands you a $20 in change when you gave her a $10; you walk away excited and laugh because you got something for nothing? Do you discover a nice jacket or pack on the trailhead while you're out with your family and take it home with you instead of turning it in to lost and found, because you like it and want it for yourself? Are you one of those people that buy a dress, planning to return it after you've worn it, because the store will let you? Or you tell a little white lie that that stain was there when you purchased it? Hmmm?

    Be honest - are YOU a cheater?

    It's like being "a little bit" pregnant. You either are, or you aren't.

  33. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I brought Obama into the mix. Why? Not because I am so much on Palin's team, but because as Anonymous posted at 4:21, that EVERYBODY is taking something from someone. Geez, one peep about Fearless Leader and the defenders of truth and justice are all over it too. I did read the post and it has everything to do with Obama, and Congress and every stinking one of those politicians that stab us in the back while they take money with the other hand. And you are all piling on Palin for some stinking jackets when I can list 14 people in Congress that took almost $9M from Tarp companies to finance their political campaigns. And as anonymous at 4:21 said, and much nicer than I will, how clean are all of your hands? Are you throwing stones from your glass houses? Finally, I am not a Palin troll. I am just sick of people talking out of both sides of their mouths.

  34. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Anon@5:41 p.m. Obama was not at the Iron Dog race in Alaska in February; Palin did not consult the President when she got dressed that day.

    I am sorry that you conflate two entirely separate issues in your apparent anger.

    No one is piling on Palin. She did these things herself--including when she filed a complaint against herself last year. Are you angry at Palin for investigating herself last October? If not, why not, since you are insist that governmental actions be transparent.

    Ideological and factual consistency is something I respect in an argument based on logic, not emotion.

    P.S. I, personally, have not ever spoken out of BOTH sides of my mouth. However, once I was stricken with Bell's Palsy and could only speak out of one side of my mouth. Oh, and so far, my hands are pretty clean. I have had to pass HR TESTS about ethics and sexual harassment regulations at my place of work.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "...as Anonymous posted at 4:21, that EVERYBODY is taking something from someone."
    Nope, that's not at all what I said. The point is to illustrate ethics for people who believe this to be unfair and hateful to Palin. Some of us are not cheaters. I drive across town to return too much change, make my children return what does not belong to them and gently explain to them why. I tell the truth to my boss when I'm late and don't take home office supplies, even if I could. I'm not noble or better than anyone else. This is the way I was taught to be; I believe that it's a nicer, softer, better way; and I believe in karma. It comes back around. And I'm too chicken - I don't like to be embarrassed by getting caught doing something wrong!
    So, copying your parents: just because all the other kids are jumping off the bridge, would you do it too?

    What I can’t stand is that there are two super talented Alaskan kids delivering in national snowmaching racing like no one else has done from Alaska, even surpassing their dad’s accomplishments, Scott Davis, partner to Todd Palin.
    CARLY DAVIS is a teenage girl from Soldotna on the podium in national racing. She’s the current Champion of the Duluth National Snocross. Her brother CORY DAVIS was the youngest athlete ever entered in the X-Games in 2007. I think he took 3rd. A pretty big deal.
    Alaska athletes competing internationally don't get much attention, so we never heard much about it.
    And these guys are cranking it up a notch and devoting themselves like true athletes. Before her racing season began, Carly hired a personal trainer who put her on a strict regimen. Six days a week, she lifts weights, does a cardiovascular workout, stretching and yoga for 90 minutes — with another 30 minutes at night. http://www.adn.com/sports/story/614450.html

    Did you see photos of them waving in their dad at the Iron Dog finish? Yeah, I didn’t either. How come they’re not in national media tricked out in Dad’s colors? Why didn’t Arctic Cat and Arcticwear have them in full gear?
    Considering that both of them have national titles in snowmachine racing and are one-of-a-kind for Alaska, as well as being an Iron Dog winner’s family members, why wasn’t one of them the official Iron Dog starter? Wouldn’t that be kind of cool and really very appropriate?

    They got NO love - no interviews, photo ops, no media, no film crews.

    I wonder why the Sports Illustrated article was just Todd and not Scott? It IS a team race; there ARE NO individual entries.

    So considering all these little annoying details, it looks like an Arctic Cat endorsement by the Governor of the State of Alaska.


  36. Anonymous6:29 AM

    First, "Professor" you are right about one thing, there was a lot of emotion in my post. I am angry and I believe justifiably so. My country is a mess. I can't imagine that things are any better in Alaska than they are in the lower 48. People are losing their homes, their jobs and watching their hard earned money frittered away by a bunch of pathological spenders. Then here comes Ms. Diva (her choice of word not mine) taking on the Governor for what? A couple of thousand dollars worth of parkas? It appears, considering the state of the nation, to be nothing more than a grudge and some self-righteous indignation and sanctimonious histrionics. So yes, I did "conflate" issues". Another poster is upset about the lack of photo ops and proper attention that other people are not getting. If their dad or mom was governor, they would get the stuff too. That is life. It is too bad, but that is life. Celebrities and politicians and their families get coverage. However, I am sorry that I insinuated the everyone was a cheat. There is still the lone person that hasn't taken a couple of pens home from the office, or did get the wrong change and return it. I hope they are the majority and not the minority. Finally, Kim Jong Il has a missile which he says is on the launch pad. Speculation is that it can reach Alaska. Does this put a few parkas in perspective for Celtic Diva? I am not saying that ethics are unimportant. However, in comparison to Rod Blagojevich, Roland Burris, Chris Dodd, etc. this appears to be nothing more than a grudge. Has anyone posted the exact "code" which she is accused of violating? I would like to read it. Thanks.

  37. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Dear "Anon@6:29 a.m.":
    Why don't you go to Celtic Diva's web site and read actually read her filing before you rail against it? That way, you could make an informed decision about it. The exact code and the violation are very clearly cited and fully explained there.

    You can find the link to Celtic Diva's web site here: http://divasblueoasis.com/

    I understand your anger very well. Where was your anger during the 8 years of Bush which brought us into this awful mess?

    FWIW, I think displaced anger is dangerous. Now, more than ever, we need cool-headed, non-emotional thinking.

    I am sorry you are so angry that it is interfering with your problem-solving skills. I hope you will seek new solutions to make our country better, as opposed to blaming Pres. Obama for things which, from a logical perspective, he did not create, such as: what Sarah Palin wore at the Iron Dog Race in Feb. in Alaska; the war in Iraq; major diplomatic problems in Korea; or the Bush economic disaster.

    Good luck to you. We are all in this together. I do believe that and I wish you well.

  38. Anonymous10:34 AM

    If housegate didn't affect SP this won't either.

    Housegate actually applied to state business. Spenard builders sponsored Todds team too. Supplied materials for the sports complex and donated to SP's campaign. Didn't touch her.

    The snowsuit won't touch her for sure

  39. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I thought that was what was written above-a link took me to this page (Diva's writings). It has her signature on it. I will look at the code. I didn't rail against the code. I believe in law and order. I was angry during Bush's 8 years, during which time Chris Dodd and Barney Frank had their way with the financial institutions of America AND George Bush let them. No where did I blame Obama for anything. I did call him out for taking money, as did almost everyone else in congress, however his was the most egregious example of using money from TARP companies. My anger is not interfering with my problem solving skills in the least. And this is where we disagree, sometimes well placed anger can motivate our politicians to pay a little more attention to their constituents. So far, we have been lackadaisical and fat and happy. No more. Parkas are the least of our problems.

  40. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Dear "Anon@1:25 p.m.":

    Perhaps you should research who was in charge of deregulating the banks? Please report back here with your links and what you find, if you want to!

    You wrote: "Parkas are the least of our problems." I disagree. Parkas are the symbols of the problem.

    If a government official breaks the law at any level, it is considered illegal. If we had all been much more concerned and aware in the past 8 years and STOPPED politicians and others in government when they committed crimes at the "small" level, then we would NOT be in the terrible shape we are in today. Instead, most people looked the other way until the problems had piled as high as mountains.

    I applaud Celtic Diva. She is doing what every citizen in the USA has a right or even duty to do: stop corruption in its tracks as soon as it possibly can be stopped.

    Sarah Palin COULD choose to use this ethics violation allegation as a wake-up call, and govern more mindfully from this point forward. If so, then it is a service to Palin and all of Alaska (and America) that Celtic Diva filed this allegation.

    Either you believe in "law and order" or you don't. There aren't "shades" of it.

  41. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Never said there were shades of anything. I just said they were the least of the problem. Doesn't sound like shades to me. Like Letterman's Top Ten List, in my eyes the parkas come in at 10th.

    I have a feeling if I posted up you would post down, black - white, stop-go, left-right. Adios Perfesser.

  42. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Oh and by the way, for your information, I already did my homework on deregulation. I am not sure what you are insinuating by your comment. So,perhaps you should go to factcheck.org and see the long litany of people responsible for deregulation. It is far more than any one party or one person. Dem and GOP fingerprints are all over this mess. Follow the money and you will find the most culpable.


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