Sunday, March 08, 2009

Governor Palin's Address To The 2009 Special Olympics

Wow how appropriate is it to find this video when I just finished doing a post about Sarah's "wild ride"? And it gives her a chance to once again repeat her story of finding out about Trig's diagnosis, her concerns, and how wonderful it is to have him as part of the family. With all that sugary talk it is a good thing I am not a diabetic.

Of course you have to admit that Trig is a cute little guy, even while wearing those little plastic glasses that I have been hearing about but had never seen before.

But once again I cannot get over the feeling that Trig is just a prop to make Sarah seem more caring and loving. He was very useful during the McCain campaign, and he comes in handy for a video like this as well.

"I totally support the Special Olympics, because now I have somebody in my family who can totally benefit from being a part of them. Oh boy another finish line that I can stand at to have my photo taken with the winners, and of course little Trig."

And what is the deal with Piper? Is that child never more then a few feet from Governor Palin at any given time? By my calculations that little girl has not attended school regularly since 2006.

But sorry Governor I am having a hard time believing that you are so supportive of Special Olympics when you proposed cutting their budget in half just last year.

(BTW I would like to give credit to the person who sent me this video link, but it was that Anonymous fellow/lady and so all I can do is say is "Thank you, whoever you are.")


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    You are more than welcome - we love your comments about Palin Deceptions ;-)

  2. Anonymous10:25 PM

    It is obvious she is reading that little "infomercial." Nice of Bristol to let Sarah borrow the precious little guy again so SP would have her necessary prop though.

  3. Littel Trig is awfully cute! : ) Those little glasses are adorable! Hopefully, he will be richly loved by Bristol, Willow, and Piper.

  4. Anonymous2:02 AM

    And now for some good news.

    I have searched the winter olympics site. The games ended on February 13th and it appears that Sarah's video was not used in any of the promotions made by the official body. I think that she made the video as a fluff self promotion piece and it was decided that they would not use it because of her cut to the Alaskan Legislative approved grant to the Alaska Special Olympics body. I know that this is supposition but I like to think that they had the balls to tell her "Thanks but no thanks" for her video contribution.

  5. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Wow! That video was ALL about Sarah and her family. Piper could be up for an Oscar!

  6. Anonymous4:11 AM

    He is a totally cute baby...I hope he is getting the care he needs and deserves. Piper is definitely way too attached to her mother.

  7. So, Sarah, I guess this means that next year Special Olympics will get its funding grant back? LOL

    Good PR piece. The only things missing were Greta van Susteren hanging around asking pointless questions to get fluff answers, and a big pot of moose chili!

  8. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Meowww!!! You would be criticizing Sarah Palin for being neglectful if she were photographed without her children.

    In 2006 Piper was 4. One hopes she was NOT in school full time then. What is this fixation with Piper's education? She has probably learned more with her Mom than in school. But of course she does attend school full time now.

    Why don't you look for the admirable things Sarah Palin has done rather than criticize a public announcement for Special Olympics she filmed.

    History Chaser

  9. If I were the parent of a special needs child, I'd feel patronized. She was really talking down to her audience.

    And wow, could she be any more of a fake? You'd think with all the practice she gets lying, she'd be a better actress (and better at reading from the teleprompter).

  10. Hi History Chaser,

    you are wrong, I am afraid. Piper Indy Grace Palin was born on the March 19, 2001. Therefore she was not four years old in 2006, but five years since March 19.

    But don't worry: It is very common to confuse the birthdates of the Palin children. Sometimes it's even impossible to find the correct birthdate at all! It's a popular Palin family sport.

    Patrick (Research at

  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    That poor child, I hope someone treats your children the way you bloggers have treated the Palin children. Karma will come back to bite you. What you put out into the world always comes back to you. I feel sorry for your children when it does, because they will be paying the price for your karma.

  12. You are the greatest Gryphen!

    Watching the video, I noticed SP spoke about patting her kids on the back when they lose. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure no one loses in Special Olympics. Just shows how lazy and uninformed this woman is! One other thing, shouldn't Trig be wearing those glasses all the time? We've never heard about his therapy routine, but I'm guessing he is more successful when he can see!

    This woman never ceases to amaze!

    your friend below the lower 48,

  13. First point: Why are all ths snaps of SP with that sweet boy taken the day of this taping? All the other snaps are from when he was born (her press release snap, I believe) and the others are of her kids with him.

    Second point: History Chaser and Anonymous @ 6:50 AM, I think the general concern among regular supporters/visitors here is the welfare of these kids. A child with Downs needs a great deal of support/therapy. And if little Piper was born in 2001 that makes her 7, about to turn 8. She ought to be in school full time and I'm sorry but she is NOT learning enough by pallin' around with her mama. Speaking for myself, I do pay as much attention to my children and their welfare, which is sorta why the political propagandizing of the Palin kids really rubs me the wrong way.

    Last point: If Gov Palin did ANYTHING worthy of being called "admirable" on behalf of her state, I would acknowledge it. Reluctantly yes, for I am always waiting for the other political stiletto to drop when it comes to her "deeds".

  14. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Well, see, anon (6:50), none of us will parade our children out like she did. She has used her children as props too many times to mention. If you look at pictures from official functions- long before she was tapped for VP- Piper's probably there. If you look at any of the travel expense reports (or whatever they're called), there's a LOT of travel for her children. I'd be interested to see if any other governor's children travel with their parent anywhere near that much- I'm guessing not. I understand her wanting to be with her family, but you have to know going into politics that it's not a 9-5 job. Even my uncle, who is a councilman in our city, is never home as much as someone with a 'regular' job. She knew that going in, so why is she expecting to be able to be around her family all the time, and for her constituents to fot the bill?

    (And by the way, I'm not "treating" the Palin children any way- I'm criticizing their mother-from what I've heard, if "mommie dearest" Sarah ain't happy, ain't NO Palin happy- I truly feel bad for them.)

  15. Well said Jen!

    Love the, "...waiting for the other political stiltto to drop..."
    Come on over to Palindeception sometime! Love your insight and sense of humor.

    Gryphen, I'm sure you caught mudflats recently when heshe uncovered the info about the judge SP did not select, ______ Smith. He was the one who pushed up Sherry Johnston's court date to May 18. You know how our girl hates to be crossed!


  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Jen said...
    First point: Why are all ths snaps of SP with that sweet boy taken the day of this taping?

    What would have happened if it had only been Sarah and Trig? It appears he's more accustomed to Piper.

    I am amazed at how perfect the Palin children were at all the rallies while they were on that grueling schedule for the campaign. How does Sarah do it? Piper is symbiotic to a point where it could do unrepairable psychological harm. I remember a perfect adorable girl from my elementary school, by middle school her "cute" life was over. Her classmates recalled how the adults had used her and they took it out on her. Very sad. I don't know if she ever caught on to what happened. She thought she was still the most popular cute one long after it all faded. Piper's situation is not exactly the same, she is more isolated from classmates. Yet, there will be a time Piper will need to break from a symbiotic family group, and the fantasy world that engulfs her. That can be devastating.

  17. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Karma will come back to bite you."

    I actually agree with you on that line! Wait until it gets Sarah.... holy crap.

  18. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's all about money with you left wing wacko idiots isn't it... you want handouts but don't want to pay your own taxes..

    TAX CHEATS and COMMUNISTS.. who'da thunk it.

    Yup you're the immoral minority alright.

  19. While watching little Trig, my eyes teared up. For the first time, I actually saw Trig aware of his surroundings and pat his hands together.

    GINO slashed the Special Olympics budget $2M after the budget was sent to her for approval. The money was not the problem, so it should be obvious GINO put politics before the needs of children with disabilities.

    And you're right, Gryphen, little Piper has missed so much school. How is it that GINO has been exempted from truancy laws?

    Impeach GINO for the sake of little Piper!!!
    Anonymous @ 5:59

    Hi, GINO!

  20. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It looks like Sarah Palin is cross eyed--is she in real life? My father saw that a few months ago and mentioned it to me, and on this video, it looks like she is. Anyone know?


  22. while Obama is going around the country Blasing AIG for the bonuses that HE himself SIGNED into LAW with URGENCY.....

    and as Obama has demanded that they return the money - even though by law he can not break their contract

    and so as to circumvent the law congress has chosen to TAX it all away from the people who ACTUALLY EARNED IT - (AIG has 116,000 people)
    I think Mr Obama should DONATE ALL THE $130,000 that he personally RECEIVED from AIG

    Obama should be compelled to donate ALL of it to THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS !


    HE IS An ABSOLUTE DISGRACE to this great NATION and the MOST DETRIMENTAL ENTITY that has ever sat in the presidential seat.

    HE IS THE DEATH of our country


    Save your pennies

    we are about to be hit with a 1 trillion dollar TAX increase....and he is traveling this country campaigning for support of his next budget move spending millions of taxpayer dollars to go face to face with people who dont know that they are about to be RAPED !

    THE MAN IS NOT a PRESIDENT and I am SHOCKED that he has no character other than what serves his goals........ and that is HOW BEST to deceive AMERICANS -

    If only the great black Americans knew what they are about to encounter but you would have to listen to him on spanish radio to know what his plan is.

    He is nothing more than a dark skinned front man the will be used to quell the unrest that will come from the very community he TOLD us he is from. - which he is not ! - he is a silver spoon elitist bent on redistributing our resources for the goal of following the UN agenda to bring our nation down..........

    EVERYTHING is RIGHT ON TIME..... as was predicted.

    WATCH carefully as he sends TROOPS out of our country - leaving us un secured while the nation erupts in unrest.



    EVER -


    I love you all !

  23. WAKE UP


  24. President Obama mocked the Special Olympics last night on Jay Leno.
    Now, who respects special needs children more?

  25. Chris1:57 PM


    Most people don't really like special needs children that much anyway; the people represented in this discussion represent a small minority on that issue. That's why no one really cares much about that joke, except of course for the media, who are always looking to assert their superiority over all and knock other powers that be down a couple notches.

    And besides, what makes you so sure that Trig didn't have something to do with his mom getting whooped back in November?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.