Saturday, March 21, 2009

KTUU has a report on today's rally up on its site!

In the video you can see many more signs then the few that I posted earlier and get a fair idea of what happened inside with the legislators.

If you are anxious to learn more then I happily direct you to Mudflats, where AKM has lots of information and many wonderful pictures to share.


  1. Paul Jenkins has a rather interesting blog entry over at the ADN, posted late this afternoon, Gryphen.

    Sorry, it has nothing to do with the stimulus money; it revisits the AGIA quandary.

  2. wow - YOU all proud of you all that you are kicking ass..the media in this story barely covered HER....ahhhh tooooooo all were so eloquent...and the signs are great ( Screw you sara sign made it on the air !!!)

    keep it up....

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I just read somewhere on some other blog that SP is now going to cave on this by saying she tried to stick with her conservative values on the stimulus (or some such nonsense). But Alaskans wouldn't let her, or something...

    If she does that, it will be yet ANOTHER weak moment of hypocrisy; she never manages to govern from her "conservative" values--how will SarahPAC defend that maneuver?

    So pls. watch this issue for us in the coming week, Gryphen and other Alaskans. We in the lower 48 await to see if she will continue to "espouse" one value in public (you know, for "the base," wink, wink), and then govern in another direction....Thanks.

  4. Anonymous8:45 PM

    SP can't figure out which end is up. She has Sarahpac making policy decisions for her, she draws a line in the sand, then acts as if the line was just for discussion purposes.

    She's dancing as fast as a cat on a hot tin roof...

  5. I just read at Mudflats and enjoyed all the pics!

    Great job, Alaskans! Stay on top of it!

  6. Hope that tin roof gets hotter and hotter! Dance baby dance!

  7. Great job, everyone!

  8. Anonymous9:39 PM

    DEMOCRATS don't beg her to accept the money. Call her bluff. She wants credit for not accepting the money but also would never leave it on the table. Don't fall for it.

  9. yea! for all you protesters and for the more sensible heads in the legislature (and shame on fred dyson).

    i think the "forgot your cub" sign is my fave, but your's and "got hope" are runners up!

  10. nice how ADN says y'all numbered in the "dozens." i'm betting most places will report it as "about 100." it doesn't really matter, your message was heard.

  11. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Wow. Leyla Santiago is hot!

    ...and Palin is one crazy grandma!

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Well, having actually watched and listened to a portion of GINO's press conference wherein she says she is NOT TAKING some of the money, and that the DECISION HAD BEEN MADE and blah blah blah.....

    for her to now say that she just really wanted further discussion on the part she said she was NOT SIGNING OFF ON......just doubly, triply, quadruply, get the picture.....proves to me what a lie this is and what a lying liar* this GINO is.

    You know, GINO, that once stuff you say is recorded, we can still hear you say it? Are you unaware of that fact?? Are you truly that stupid or do you just say whatever Meg Staplegun and SarahPackers say you should say?

    I think you might be taken more seriously if you had said that you listened to the protesters and you see their point, and you've had a change of heart...but no, you choose to lie again so shamelessly. You are shameless GINO.

    I don't think you even LIKE being Governor, I think you like being able to SAY you're Governor. Plus obviously you like all the perks you can get your hands on--until it is pointed out that some are against the law. Your sense of entitlement, your apathy, your cluelessness, your unwillingness to truly listen or base any decisions on facts or how they may affect Alaskans, your corruptness, your constant need to portray yourself as the oh man I wish Alaskans would commence with an official recall. They have plenty of reason to.

    I totally see why a "prominent Alaskan official" (quoted in Conde Nast's Profile magazine) called you a "fuc&ing psychopath". I actually had that thought at your first speech as the VP nominee--I actually felt nauseous......and everything since then has done nothing but confirm that opinion.

    Oh, and lawsuits alleging illegalities pertaining to per diems, travel expenses, and improper use of your husband to influence Alaskan officials are not FRIVOLOUS, and are not aimed at you PERSONALLY, but are efforts made to hold your position and your state make sure you as governor are following the laws. You DO want to set a good example, do you not? Oh, and where are all the emails??

    *Thanks Al Franken

  13. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The HuffPo has a new story link about the protest. Palin -BATS are already there trying to spin it as nothing.


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