Saturday, March 21, 2009

The gathering today at the Loussac library was yet another successful progressive rally for Anchorage!

For a rally that did not even have a day to prepare, I was astounded at the number of people who attended. There are no official estimates so far, but we tried to come up with an unofficial number and tentatively agreed that there were probably around 500 or so participants.(Update: After examining more photos and talking to a few other people I am going to modify my estimate to somewhere between 200 to 300, and that includes the people who did not actively protest outside but did come in to testify.)

Considering how bitterly cold it was, that is just this side of amazing!

And the signs were absolutely incredible! they ranged from the informative, to the hysterical, to the downright fed up. Here are just a few of the ones I was able to photograph.

(This was off of my friend's facebook page because I did not think to get a picture when I was standing next to him.)

Don't you think it captures Sarah Palin's inner beauty?

And not only were hundreds of civilians there but the legislators were not exactly shy about showing their support as well.

Hollis French was one of the first to walk up and interact with the crowd, followed by both Les Gara and Harry Crawford.

But that was not all.

Walt Monegan was also on hand and seemed completely at home among the angry anti-Palin crowd.

Acting mayor Matt Claman also came by to shake a few hands, as did Ethan Berkowtiz, and even ex-Governor Bill Sheffield could not resist coming up and visiting with the feisty group.

You could not turn around without bumping into at least one notable Alaskan politician.

Right before we all went inside Les Gara made the startling announcement that we had won. "She is a backtracking like crazy, and we are confident we can at least get the education money". This was greeted with cheers and incredulous looks.

One protester said "Is it really that easy to beat Sarah these days"? It sure looks like it.

All in all it was a very gratifying experience. And Alaskans, once again, demonstrated that they cannot be bullied and pushed around by ANYBODY. Not anymore.

I will try to post a more expansive piece on what went on INSIDE the committee room, but first I have to talk my friend AKM out of some of the awesome photographs that my blogger buddy took.

However I will leave you with this.

When School Superintendent Carol Comeau stepped up to testify in front of the legislators she addressed the concern that this one time influx of money would not be used wisely, and she said: "Believe me, we KNOW how to utilize short term funds!" To say the least the crowd went wild.


  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for the post and pictures. It was great to finally meet you.

    I look forward to hearing about what went on inside the Caucus. I would have been in there myself but I had to take the baby home for her nap.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. DAMN, it just kills me that I couldn't go.:(
    I thought I read there was around 100 that showed, but if it was 5ooish, that's AWESOME!!!! On such short notice! I'm so proud!!!

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Not that I'm not happy to hear she's backtracking on the education funds, but I think here in AK we could also use some funding for weatherization programs, vocational training, immunization, and the many many other programs, the money for which she is rejecting, that benefit PEOPLE DIRECTLY in the short- and long-term.

    More rallies!!!!!!

  4. Yeah I am not married ot the 500 number.

    I was told that the committee room we were in held about four hundred. It was full and there were many along the walls, outside in the lobby, and even still standing outside in the cold.

    So it definitely COULD have been 500 or so. I do know it was much, much more then just a hundred.

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I wonder what attendance figures will be reported in the media.

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Thanks Gryphen! Exciting post. Seems like the legislature should be still hammering for the WHOLE package. Things like immunizations (once injected) last for more than 2 yrs. Weatherization, once in place, lasts for the life of the building. Job skills provided last for life.

    Kath the Scrappy from Seattle

  7. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Me again Gryphen, which one was YOUR sign? You said you were working on an awesome one.

    Kath the Scrappy from Seattle

  8. Anonymous---exactly!!!! The taxpayers of Alaska will be paying for all those things in their federal taxes, just as those of us in all 50 states will be paying. It is completely wrong to deny them the help that they have paid for. Only someone as selfish as Sarah Palin could deny people these things in order to help her own political agenda. She doesn't care at all about people. She shouldn't be running a family, let alone a state.

  9. Hey Kath,

    My sign is not on my site. But you can see it over at Mamadance on my Alaska blogroll.

    It is the one that says "Hey Sarah! I can see the end of your political career from my house". It is left over from our rally in September.

    It is very popular and you will probably be seeing pictures of it all over the internet soon.

  10. Thanks for the update and pictures. Congrat's on the turnout at the rally! It's great to see democracy in action.

    Btw, that first graphic "Got Hope" is something else!!!

  11. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, I'm waiting for pics to load at AKM, but that pic shows you with your pal with his "Got Hope?" sign. Love both signs, darn creative! What a hoot!

    Kath the Scrappy from Seattle

  12. Great job on the sign, Gryphen! Love it!

  13. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Amazing...I am hoping this will show up on CNN...maybe Fox? Nahhh

  14. i SO heart Alaskans!

  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    The HuffPo has added a new story thread about the Protest. Palin -BATS are already trying to put down the success of it. here's the link.


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