Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mark Begich makes an appearance on the Rachel Maddow show and discusses this whole "Conservadem" phenomena.

Okay I think that Senator Begich may have "talked me down" a little.

But not completely.

Well at least Senator Begich is trying to get the Alaska legislators to accept the remaining stimulus dollars Gov. Palin is leaving on the table.


  1. He didn't say anything too egregious, but is it just me or has Begich's voice picked up a bit of a Lieberman/Bayh-esque timbre/cadence/drawl?

  2. He did sound reasonable - let's hope he follows through and doesn't just become one of the conservative "borg" saying no to everything. Wishing all the best for everyone in Alaska - keep the pressure up on Sen Begich and support him when you can but strongly let him know when he's going down the wrong path.

    I wasn't surprised that Sarah Palin turned down stimulus money --all those govenors who are hurting their state in order to push their own political careers have to reminded and LOUDLY!!!!! that their argument for not taking it is a LIE. Any changes to the legistration for using stimulus funds is NOT permanent and can be reversed once the stimulus money is used and no longer coming in from the federal government so that all legistration can be changed back to what it is now and there is NO burden on any state to maintain the funding on their own.

    We have to scream this truth from the rooftops so folks are not taken it by the continued lies of Republicans like Sarah Palin.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    From an Alaskan, Begich squeaked in. One-term.


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