Friday, March 20, 2009

Palin puts her political aspirations ahead of the needs of Alaska again. Absolutely nobody is surprised.

Gov. Sarah Palin is refusing to accept more than 30 percent of the federal economic stimulus money being offered to Alaska, including dollars for schools, energy assistance and social services.

The news Thursday drew anger from those who accused Palin of putting her national political aspirations ahead of the state's interests, and admiration from others who say she has courage to turn down money that would expand government. The state Legislature will have an opportunity to override her decision.

Palin is not taking about $288 million of the $930.7 million that Alaska is due in the federal stimulus. Palin said she is accepting the federal stimulus money that would go for construction projects, but not funding directed at government operations.

"We are not requesting funds intended to just grow government," Palin said. "In essence we say no to operating funds for more positions in government."

The biggest single chunk of money that Palin is turning down is about $170 million for education, including money that would go for programs to help economically disadvantaged and special needs students. Anchorage School Superintendent Carol Comeau said she is "shocked and very disappointed" that Palin would reject the schools money. She said it could be used for job preservation, teacher training, and helping kids who need it.

Palin said she's sure that her decision on the education money will draw the most heat, and that she wouldn't be surprised if the Legislature tries to change it. "It is a matter of discussing with our lawmakers if the expansion there is something we're willing to pick up the tab for when the federal dollars dry up, when they no longer flow into Alaska," Palin said.

Anchorage Democratic Rep. Les Gara argued that it's bad governing not to do things he said would improve schools and reduce the unemployment rate for two years just because it might not last forever. Gara suggested that Palin is pandering to voters outside Alaska in order to further her own national political ambitions.

"I'm worried the governor is taking this sort of national political stance, which is that she's going to be the opposite of Barack Obama on everything," Gara said.

Every scintilla of evidence available demonstrates that when Sarah Palin received the phone call asking her to be John McCain's running mate she washed her hands of Alaska, and the people of Alaska., and cannot stand the fact that she is back among us.

While she was out meeting throngs of mentally challenged supporters, the messes she left behind her, like Troopergate and babygate, served as the rain on her national parade. Because of that she grew to resent us even more.

She can barely manage to spend even an entire month on Alaskan soil before she has to fly off and bask in the spotlight of the national media.

Has there EVER been a Governor who has spent less time in their state? Ever?

The only money that she wants to accept from the federal government is money that will help her appear as if she is moving the gas pipeline forward and that can be used as a campaign tool for her next foray into national politics. But when it comes to the REAL needs of our fellow Alaskans she treats ALL of us like she did the native people of Emmonak. We simply do not matter.

If we cannot further her political aspirations or provide her more time in front of the cameras then she simply have no use whatsoever. If you bring up the national media and have them film her giving money to the poor, she will do it. Film her doing her job, and she will. Film her being a human being , and she will act the part. Right up until the camera runs out of film.

In Sarah's world SHE is not here to serve us, WE are here to serve her.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I'm so disgusted with her antics I could spit at her!!

    Would you believe my word verification is ....muthi!

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "In Sarah's world SHE is not here to serve us, WE are here to serve her."

    I could not agree more!! And, as a voter from the lower 48, should she run for POTUS (makes me shiver to think it) I will VERY actively work to insure that everything that is known about her in Alaska is known by everyone I can communicate with.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Here's what I think: Sarah really wants all of the money, but she's afraid to say yes to it because she'll piss off her base in the Lower 48. So, instead, she says no to a third of it, knowing full well the legislature will take it anyhow. That way she gets the money but can later campaign on her "thanks, but no thanks" platform. What you should all do is put the ball back in Sarah's court by urging your state legislators to also reject those funds. Then Sarah's in the position of either really having to say no to those funds (and I truly believe she does want the money)or changing her position and accepting all of the stimulus funds.

  4. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Just like she let the McCain campaign take over state government (remember Ed O'Callaghan?), now Palin is letting the Scientologists take over state government.

    Her chief advisor is now John Coale, husband guessed it....Greta Van Sustern- who finally admitted that her husband has been and is an advisor to Palin.

    Palin needs to tell us why she's pallin' around with Scientologists- especially this ethics-less couple.

    She also has to tell why rejecting federal money for special needs children is good for the state.

  5. I actually agree with anonymous 7:37.

    I almost put that into my post too.

    But the point is that she is clearly pandering to a national audience and ignoring how Alaskans will respond to this news. Because she could not care less about us.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Gryphen, that is so true and it really sucks. I am in Europe, so as yet (unless she becomes President!!) she doesn't have any effect directly on me. But she makes my blood boil, and I truly feel for all Alaskans.

    That a woman as stupid as she obviously Governor of your state, continues to amaze me.

    By the way, I changed to Firefox and I haven't had a single problem with your site. Happy face.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Alaskans, do yourself a favor and start a recall have more than enough grounds to support it.

  8. she makes me want to throw-up. how can she even take the chance that the legislature won't overturn her rejection of education money?

    how dare she tell the world "i champion special ed and special needs kids, look at my DS baby look! LOOK! see my down syndrome baby?" and then reject funding that could help, oh i don't know, a high school aged single mom with a special needs kid?

    i think this is further proof that she's not giving trig special therapy services (she's leaving his development up to "god") and she doesn't understand how expensive they are or that they may not be available in all communities.

    i hate her. i rarely feel that way about people, but i hate her.


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