Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mt. Redoubt and the potential for a more damaging oil spill than the Exxon Valdez.

My blogger buddy AKM has a very important post up at Huffington today.

It concerns the very real possibility that the erupting Mt. Redoubt may rupture one or more of the numerous tanks filled with oil RIGHT NEXT THE VOLCANO!

Please click the title to read AKM's frightening warning about the devasting pollution the next eruption may spill into our precious Cook Inlet.


  1. Love love love love(!) your blog (I log on several times a day) and all your awesome posts on Sarah Palin (whom I abhor). So because I do love your blog so much, I'm once again letting you know that you mix up "than" and "then" quite often. I want my favorite blogger not to be picked on by anyone for grammar or spelling (you do have a great way with words... which I do not, BUT I'm fairly good with grammar [hoping now I haven't spelled something incorrectly!]). This title should be "...spill THAN the Exxon Valdez". It's a common mistake.. "Than" is only used for comparisons, and would be correct here. "Then" has several meanings: next, afterward, at that point in time, in that case, etc. Go here.. that's where I got it from:

    So please don't take offense that I'm correcting you; it's just that I've seen you mix up "than" and "then" often, but it's really the only obvious one. And keep those SP posts coming! I'm addicted!

  2. Postergirl,

    I don't know if you like my blog, palingates, but if you visit one day, please do correct my grammar.

    English is not my first language and things sometimes slip. I have been known to split my infinitives. I don't notice until a few days later, when loads of people have already read my stuff!

    Blush... not many people have the courage to correct somebody else's grammar or spelling, but I don't mind, honest!

  3. Hey Postergirl,

    Thanks for the correction (everybody has SOMETHING that they just can't get right), and never worry that i will take your comments on my grammar as insulting.

    You should see the word salad I sometimes create before I edit.

    And regina you are doing a great job. If you were not worth linking to you would not be on my blogroll.

    I will send you an e-mail when I get a few minutes. Keep up the good work!

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Hootey Hoot from Southeast Alaska! Mt. Palin burped and sent out a little sulfur cloud when she responded to her most recent ethics charges...Wally Hickel had that little man on his shoulder, do you think we could talk him into lending his little man to GINO. Her ethics guru was lost on the campaign trail last year...
    sincerely, xangogal

  5. soooooo hmmmm, interesting....about the Oil issue...and gee I wonder if anyone is relooking at the pipeline that Palin wants....things like seismic data etc...and burping volcanos...

  6. Anonymous8:13 PM

    MSM picked up on the ethics complaint. LMAO,it seems they see things so differently, fancy ways to cover up and mask the truth.

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Anon@8:13 p.m., here's Palin talking about "a bribe":


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It just goes directly to their thighs.