Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My friend Shannyn Moore calls Sarah Palin out on her hypocrisy and political backstabbing of Alaska Democrats.

Shannyn does an excellent job of illustrating that essentially Governor Palin is a vindictive woman-child who cannot get over the fact that fellow Alaskans did not support her run for Vice President.

Governor Palin’s State of the State address gave many hope for a cooperative and productive session. We didn’t go there by ourselves.

She said: “See, we have that choice, how to respond to circumstances around us…I speak for the entire Palin/Parnell Administration when I declare we choose optimism and collaboration and hard work to get the job done.”

She was right. We have a choice. She’s made hers and it contradicts her public statement. Her servant’s heart is on life support. Her declaration of collaboration needs resuscitation. An angioplasty of humility is needed STAT.

Just click the title to read the entire post. Shannyn is an excellent writer with a biting wit, and it is always a joy to have her back in the trenches blogging with the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of vindictive...I wondered while reviewing the 2008 budget why Homer's projects were slashed...nearly all, if not all. And I thought to myself...who in Homer does GINO dislike!!

    Thanks for sharing Shannyn's article. I love her articles as well!


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