Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show continue their justified assault on CNBC.

I am in total support of Stewart just ripping these guys a new asshole. They provided cover fire as big business committed Hari Kari and took the money of millions of investors with them.

My only concern is that Jon leave the angel of my investing dreams, Erin Burnett, out of this. She is a delicate flower of business news and she must not have even one of her petals bruised by the snarkiness of the Daily Show. You have been warned Mr. Stewart, if in fact that is your real name.

Just look at how serious she is. She is not a barely housebroken chimpanzee like that Cramer guy, she is the epitome of professionalism and understated sexiness.

If I am going to receive bad news about the stockmarket I demand that it only be delivered by Ms. Burnett. If I could but hope for such a thing it might even make me scrape together my loose change and actually buy a stock.


  1. Thanks, Gryphen, for sharing the Stewart clip!!!

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I've said it before...Cramer is a total idiot who is incapable of speaking in a normal tone of voice. In the last clip he sounded like he was truly struggling to keep his composure...he needs to try yoga or maybe even some xanex...talk about high strung.

    Wow, so Gryphen hearts Erin Burnett...very cute.

  3. I agree with you on Burnett! Santelli Cramer and all the rest of them are ass holes. They were being big mouthed pushers of this mess playing up the stock market when many of us knew it should have been going down. I never could stand Cramer!
    I watched Cramer being shown Stewart's tape and the scum defended it with his typical hemming and hawing. I can't stand the idiot!

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Burnett if you watch the early morning CNBC is just as bad as the rest of them. Her and her sidekick Mark Haines bash Obama continually and there only solution to all this economic meltdown is more tax breaks for the rich.

  5. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "If I could but hope for such a thing it might even make me scrape together my loose change and actually buy a stock"
    Ha Ha... So how long has Ms. Burnett been selling stocks for MSNBC? Gryphen, you're not an overweight, undersexed, forked tongue weilding individual are you?
    All of a sudden, I have a visual of Ann Coulter lying seductively on top of a Hummer whispering.."Buy me".

  6. Anonymous1:36 AM

    how do you post under something besides anonymous on here?


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