Friday, March 20, 2009

President Obama's Special Olympics gaffe on the Tonight Show.

Occasionally I get comments saying that I am unfair. That I am partisan. That I jump on Sarah Palin over every little thing while giving Barack Obama a free pass. And people say these things because essentially they are true.

I am a liberal. I tend to lean Democratic and have a deep distrust for Republicans. Those are the facts.

So this morning when I started to hear that Barack Obama made a gaffe about the Special Olympics on Jay Leno last night, I thought "Oh please, they are probably blowing this thing way out of proportion!"

So I watched it.

In my opinion what Barack Obama said on camera about the Special Olympics was a stupid thing to say on national television. (Now if any conservative website wants to take that comment and use it so show that even "super liberal Gryphen in Alaska thinks Obama's comment was stupid" you can do that. It would be an accurate quote. If you do I would appreciate a link back to my site, if you don't mind.)

However. It was NOT malicious or mean spirited in anyway. Obama was really trying to make fun of himself in an inarticulate manner. Don't get me wrong, it was still STUPID.

But let me share this with you.

I used to work in a facility that cared for very difficult special needs children. many of them had FAS, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, psychotic episodes, and some very unacceptable behaviors.

ALL day long we had to be positive and supportive. We had to smile when we really wanted to cry, and we had to try and love children that did EVERYTHING in their power to reject us. It was beyond difficult.

Once a week we had a "staff meeting". Many times these meetings turned into pseudo therapy sessions for us where we acted out the more bizarre behaviors we had dealt with, and made jokes at the expense of the children, and essentially unburdened ourselves of all that we had seen and dealt with all week.

If anybody outside of our group had walked in on us (and it did happen once) they would have thought we were horrible unfeeling jerks. But they would have been completely wrong in that assessment. On the contrary the people in those meetings were the most loving and compassionate people I have ever worked with. But they were PEOPLE, and they needed to have an outlet to keep their job from breaking their heart.

These meetings took place on Fridays, and every Monday these same people showed up to once again put on their happy faces and give everything they had to support a child who would call them horrible names, spit in their face, and often threaten their very life.

I am happy to say that many of those children went on to become contributing members of society and that when I happen to meet one, now an adult, they are always so grateful that we did not give up on them.

I have no doubt that Barack Obama, like us, has nothing but compassion in his heart for those who face a life with more obstacles then most. His remark may upset a few people who have children with special needs, but I have to imagine that a large majority of those who actually work with these kids found the joke less offensive and possibly even funny.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    And Obama recognized his comment was stupid, and apologized publicly.

    Unlike the Cheney-Rove-Palin axis, which has never apologized for anything.

  2. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey Gryphen don't know if you have seen this but check it out:

  3. Stupid yeah - but certainly not malicious.

    Time to move on to Joe the Plumbers gaffe of standing up at a conservative gathering last night and announcing "I'm horny"

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I agree with you...a gaffe for sure...but he did apologogize and CNN said they the Obamas were inviting a group of Special Olympians to the White House to bowl. Maybe this is Sarah's "in" to the White House...Trig is a little young top bowl but what the heck. Don't be surprised if she shows up there.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Yeah, it was dumb, said as an aside, better left unsaid, and most probably there are many athletes in Special Olympics who could beat the pants off Mr. Obama in bowling. I think he was tying to be self-deprecating and made a mistake.

    Let's hope people don't seriously think this kind of mistake is anywhere akin to "we have intelligence that Saddam Hussein is in the process of accumulating weapons of mass destruction"....or "mistakes? Huh...I'd have to think about that....I don't think I've made any mistakes"....and "mission accomplished"....and "the United States does not torture people"...

    See, to me, that kind of crap/lies/fabrications/evil is oh so much more disturbing than anything our new President has said or done.

  6. My mother was a special education teacher for 15 years before retiring (she taught in the village of Selawik) and she thought Obama's comment was funny and not at all demeaning.

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Obama makes some good points about some people's overblown sense of entitlement

  8. Regarding Palin's education's some info

    Honestly, President Obama's remark brought him down to the level of Special Olympics...and I believe that those kids in Special Olympics would consider it an honor to have the President in their "club." It's all in how you look at it. Funny how people want to jump on the least little thing.

    I advocated for children with disabilities. My kids were diagnosed with ADD and ADHD along with learning disabilities. And I know a young man who has been driving for several years now and working as a courier, and unless you were told you would never know he has a second-third grade reading level (testing placed him as mildly retarded, of course). Never under-estimate the kids!!!

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Yes, granted it was not the smartest remark, but at least he supports Special Olympics and Special Olympians and programs for special needs kids and adults!

  10. He might get away with it if he says he was making fun of himself. But we know that Hannity is going to be on this one for about a week saying that he was making fun of the special olympics. In all honesty, and not caring a lot one way or another, he has been caught making fun of the special olympics in a way and that's unfortunate that he made the slip up. On the positive side, it won't make any difference with voters four years from now. The next repub screwup, which should come tomorrow will cancel it out.

  11. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I have to say that was the first thing I thought last night; not the best thing you could have said on national television but at least is has apologized. However, you can be assured the Repubs will jump on that with glee. Isn't it strange that when Martha Raddich of CNN interviewed W a few weeks before leaving office and pointed out, that among many things, that Sadam's weapons of mass destruction were never found, his very flippant remark was "so"? And I cannot even remember the times Cheney replied in the same caring vein of "so what". Well that's difference between Dems and Repubs though for the most part isn't it?

    Back to Palin and the wolf slaughter, please visit and make a contribution if you can. Fifty-eight wolves have been killed already, with the possibility of 250 or more. This also includes gassing pups in their dens. They are trying to raise $185,000 by next Friday, March 27th in order to expand the Eye on Palin campaign in time for GINO's visit to Indianapolis.

  12. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I thought PO was great last night. If KO hadn't pointed this out, I don't think anyone would of picked up on it. If you notice when he explains things he uses analogy's to get his point across, I believe he used one about a mechanic or car last night also. It was a poor choice of words. The rightwingnuts are making a HUGE issue even accusing him of purposely insulting Trig!!! Now I know damn well PO would never ever do that or say anything mean about GINO's kids, not matter how rotten/vile she was towards him.
    It was a poor choice of words. Get over it!!!

  13. Anonymous11:14 AM

    SoCalWolfGal: did you see this?
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game halts helicopter wolf control
    Lack of funding, no new snowfall cited as reasons for stopping

  14. Anonymous11:28 AM

    So, Obama makes a lame joke while GINO turns down stimulus funds that would help special needs kids.
    Gee, wonder which is the most evil?

  15. Gryhen...I heard/saw it too, and felt like most people. "geez..I wish you hadnt said that". However he apologized..which is more than I can say for many repubs...Palin included. She has never apologized for all the lies and garbage she spewed on the "trail".

    I didnt work with special needs kids....but I worked as an addiction counsellor for many many years. You better believe we had clients that were very difficult..and often times threatening..and insulting to staff. Its hard when you put your heart and soul into someone, and feel slapped around about 100 times a day.

    We also had team Friday of course. We too...said some things at those meetings that to an outsider might sound terrible. the folks you worked with, we all showed up Monday morning ready to start all over...fresh. We also had many successes and huge thanks from people over the years.

    Working with and for the benefit of folks who are different than most...or who have problems of immense nature is trying work, so yes....venting is necessary and even healthy.

    I give Pres. Obama credit for being on Leno. I give him credit for standing so strong on what he believes and for talking directly to his people instead of hiding behind the likes of Cheney, Rove, Perino..and many more.

    Good heavens...just look at what Bush said while in Canada this week, while talking about his book.


  16. big difference between obama and palin (and a slew of others)
    He owns his "mistakes"

    The others blame others and then rewrite history about how it "really happened" not a lick of apologizing

    If someone sincerly apologizes.. they deserve a free pass in my book

  17. Anonymous12:48 PM

    As for comments during 'meetings', walk into a teachers' lunch room sometime. :-)

  18. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hey thanks Caligirl; no I had not seen that. Very interesting indeed. Do you think she is in fact seeing the light and realizing that it is making her look bad? Or is it the money. I had just donated $66 to Defenders for each wolf killed, but see they are now saying 84 wolves have been killed. I am now drafting my email to GINO, which is what Defenders asks you to do after contributing. My goal this weekend is to write letters as suggested by NalinPalinNow, plus I am going to try and get five people to do the same. That's the problem; people always say, "Isn't that terrible" when I tell them about it but getting them to write or call is very hard. Would it be great if we could get Oprah and Jon Stewart, KO and Rachel on this too! Hope Defenders can raise the $185,000 to get the ad on for Indianapolis. I hope I am not getting my hopes up too much that this is finally going to change.

  19. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Cnn is reporting the witch from Wasilla's response-why did I think she just might keep her big fat mouth shut for once?! She is shocked, shocked I tell you~as if.
    Look Sara, most people don't even think the kid is yours, and the President apologized almost immediately, not to you, but to the head of the special olympics commitee; and I don't believe he cut any funding by refusing the stimulas pkg. either. So when your through being "shocked and saddened" please explain your actions throughout the campaign where that poor baby was slung around like a sack of potato's, and also, too, why you won't take the money to help special needs people. Inquiring minds would truly like to know.

  20. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Ah well, even intelligent people with a decent sense of humor can make careless statements sometimes. What sets them apart from people who actually are stupid and offensive is that they're willing to apologize. Palin seems incapable of remorse.

  21. During the campaign for the White House in 2008, the media criticized Palin for being ‘common,’ and ‘not presidential.’ However, compare Sarah Palins attitude in this video created three weeks ago for the Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho.

    You decide the more ‘presidential’ among them:

  22. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Pro-GINO was busting her Ass to try and see PO at the Alfafa dinner, lol, and he fucking ignored her!
    She will never be POTUS! She is not Presidential, she is GINO=governor in name only....and that's being "nice"
    She will be impeached or arrested on corruption charges sooner than later...


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