Friday, March 20, 2009

Rally tomorrow at the Loussac Library! Let the Alaska Legislators know what you really think of Governor Sarah rejecting our stimulus money!

Greet Anchorage legislators as they convene at Loussac Library for the Anchorage Caucus.ASD Superintendent Comeau will respond to the rejection of simulus funds inside the building (presumably other community leaders as well).

We’ll be outside to greet our elected officials and send a strong message that we want them to overturn Palin’s unconscionable choice to reject stimulus money.

Gather at 9:30am, 1 hour prior to the caucus meeting. Bring signs and wear warm clothes - you know the drill.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
9:30am - 11:00am
Loussac Library Anchorage, AK

Come one, come all!

Hey you never can tell, you might be able to meet some of your favorite Alaska bloggers there as well!


  1. gryphen, i couldn't find an email on your profile, so i'm putting this here.

    have you heard about arizona state senator linda gray mocking a letter that a special needs 9th grader wrote her asking why the state was cutting education funds?

    she criticized ana garcia's grammar and basically said that education funds were wasted on ana anyway. then she found out the girl was special needs (and the grammar error's in the senator's own response were publicized) that she back-tracked. some are saying her initial response may have been motivated by the girl's hispanic surname...

    maybe if sarah runs for POTUS she'll ask her kindred spirit ms. gray to be her running mate...

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM


    Screw the stimulus! The legislature will take care of that!

    Rally with signs that say:



  3. Oh don't worry Ginger.

    I have a VERY special sign that I am bringing.

  4. gryphen, take pictures of the best signs for us, please :)

  5. hmm, what will you put on the sign- your fall sign was priceless ....

    I would love to tell her where to stick her career.....

    yeah....Impeach her...She is on the road to Nowhere....

    ( you saw what Joe the Plumber said this week right ? his opening remark at the Conservative Dinner ....??I Will email you...)

  6. Gryphen, do you think you and Shannyn can come down to AZ and help us strike up a similar rally? Seems Gov. Brewer is hinting at turning away money too...and making further cuts to education in a state that is 49th in spending for education and, get this, 4th is spending for PRISONS! Talk about State sponsored (adult) day care.

    Luna: I had NO idea about that quote...but boy...I'm gonna TOTALLY play that up on my blog. Linda Grey is already on my list. She's signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge AFTER taking campaign contributions from a lobbyist who representst Americans for Tax Reform - Grover G. Norquist's little den of idiots.

    Gryph! I have frequent flyer miles! You and Shannyn are needed! It's warm here! No bears! A few more spring training games!

  7. Jen that is SUCH a nice offer.

    And trust me in these last days of bitter cold it sound awfully good to head someplace warm. But I am afraid we have so much to do right here that neither I or my pal Shannyn are able to go anywhere for the tiem being.

    But I encourage you to start your own rally in Arizona, and if you send me pictures I promise to post them.

  8. Alaskan Bloggers: Oh how I aspire....I do I do I do.

    And dear, Gryphen. You're the greatest! May the promise of a future spring spent enjoying warm sunshine rays relected off of the bronze bosum of a college co-ed give you strength for the your conitinued uprising against that lipstick-clad, stiletto stomping schiksa.

    Peace & love, my friend.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.