Friday, March 20, 2009

Sarah Palin is shocked at Barack Obama's insensitive remarks toward special needs children. I am shocked at the hypocrisy.

Gov. Sarah Palin just released a statement on President Barack Obama's gaffe about the Special Olympics last night on the Tonight Show.

"I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics," said Palin, whose son, Trig, was born with Down syndrome last year. ("Somebody fetch the Trig! The Governor needs a prop!") "This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world." (Says the woman who is rejecting millions of dollars of stimulus money directed toward helping those very same special needs children. And get this, it is coming from Barack Obama!)

"These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them," Palin added. "I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special needs community." (They don't.)

As I explained in an earlier post, what President Obama said was stupid. Not mean, or nasty, or even insulting. It was only stupid because he said it in front of millions of Americans, a number of who probably have children who participate in the Special Olympics, and they may have felt that their President did not respect the athletic event that plays such a large part in many children's lives.

However Obama immediately apologized for his words and called the head of the Special Olympics Committee to let him know that he meant no disrespect.

Sarah Palin knows this. But there is no way that she is NOT going to use this opportunity to make some ugly accusations, while holding her own special needs child/grandchild up for the whole world to see how wonderful SHE is by comparison.

Small snag.

While Governor Palin is trying desperately to show that she is the kind of leader that is looking out for those children who "overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity then most of us ever will" she is, AT THE VERY SAME TIME, refusing to accept millions of dollars that are being sent by the President's stimulus plan to help THOSE VERY SAME CHILDREN.

Now I have seen hypocrisy in my time but this women has taken it to a whole new level! And THAT Governor is what is known on the intertubes as an "EPIC FAIL"!


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You hit in right on the head:

    Srah Palin = hypocrite extraordinaire

    And to boot, if someone issued a press release about her using the same tone she used to attack the President of the United states, she'd be crying victim all the way to...let's see..what's her name....oh yeah...Greta von Sustern.

  2. "fetch the trig!"

    still laughing :D

  3. Pathetic woman.
    Your walk down the ED kids path-I spent 5 years doing the same thing(Devel. dis. Adults as well). You could have taken the story "right out of my mouth"...
    I still catch myself saying "your so retarded!" to close friends. BAD habit from my teen years, but never mean spirited. Many of those folks were better people than many of those around us...

  4. pathetic piece of....
    fetch the poster babe...lordy you make me laugh...

    good luck at your rally tomorrow..
    she really should not refuse the money....
    what a hypocrite...

  5. So, she said she was shocked to learn? I am shocked she wasn't glued to the TV.

    You are right, Gryphen. Palin is no advocate for children with special needs. Political gain...this will not be the last time she mentions it. And the monies she has refused was also to help emergency food assistance ... along with a whole list of programs.

    Rally to impeach...IMPEACH PALIN signs everywhere...what a sight it would be!

    Keep up the good work!

  6. recall, not impeach. only the legislature can impeach. We the people can recall her

  7. "the world's most precious"... sorry, Sarah, my nephew is inthe Special Olympics. He is not Downs, but I do not consider him below in esteem your child. I respect the fact your son has Downs Syndrome, but it does not "trump" other Special Olympics children. My nephew, brain damaged at birth, is as "special" as your son. He is no less "the worlds most special".

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Let us not forget that this is the woman who, prior to giving birth to Trig (??!) CUT the State's budget for special olympics...

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    RECALL PALIN, please!

    Alaskans Action Speaks Louder the Words, let's just do it!

  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    GINO or her minions ALWAYS MAKE IT ABOUT HER...even if it isn't! PO has respected GINO's kids and wouldn't say a mean thing against them in spite of the vile hateful racist things she said about him. And what about Trig? She's cut $ for special needs kids. Oh But her KID is TRULY special. Not you with you special needs kids that needs therapy. Thats like so socialist for you to expect government to help doncha know!
    And hey! GINO has more important things to spend money on!! Yeah killing wolves! Ummm, she could of spent that money on special needs kids or down in the villages for food and heat...but hey LETS KILL WOLVES AND BEAR, YA HOO! 100K to kill wolves and bears! Hey special needs people "I can't hear you!" Why aren't you raisin' hell about that??????????

  11. (it might be bad form, but i'm reposting this from a thread we seem to have moved on from, because it so applies.)

    how dare she tell the world "i champion special ed and special needs kids, look at my DS baby look! LOOK! see my down syndrome baby?" and then reject funding that could help, oh i don't know, a high school aged single mom with a special needs kid?

    i think this is further proof that she's not giving trig special therapy services (she's leaving his development up to "god") and she doesn't understand how expensive they are or that they may not be available in all communities.

    i hate her. i rarely feel that way about people, but i hate her.

    recall governor winky!

  12. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
    Can't Jon Stewart interview her? Please, Please! Or even Katie Couric?
    Someone who will ask her point blank how her turning down so much of the stimulus money that was for education, is a republican value?
    And then ask her to please address this issue to the parents of special needs children in and Out of state.

    And then the $64,000.00 question.

    Why do you tromp on Alaska so you can run for the Presidency in 012?

  13. Anonymous6:18 AM

    A Jon Stewart interview would be hilarious.

    By the way, if the workings of the AK legislature are anything like those of the U.S. Congress- impeaching doesn't remove someone from office. Impeaching is basically charging a government official (an indictment for you and me). They'll then have a hearing and decide whether or not the official is guilty (and removed from office), usually by a 2/3 majority. I want to see her gone as much as the next person, but hearing people use it incorrectly is a pet peeve of mine.

  14. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Wasn't Sarah recorded on a radio program laughing at some crude comments directed at Lyda Green?

  15. Remeber Don Imus' Comment?

    Obama said: "He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It’s one that I’m not interested in supporting."

    Therefore, laughter and the lack of reaction from Obama’s remarks suggest Americans have a set a rules for race, class and gender: If you touch them you will pay.

    And another set of rules for individuals that have a mental or physical disability: If you touch them, it’s ok if you apologize. Oh, and by the way, it’s okay to laugh at the jokes that come at the expense of the latter.

    It is just cruel.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.