Thursday, March 19, 2009

Video explains how Alaska Predator control programs have favored urban and out of state hunters at the expense of subsistence hunters over the years.

This of course supports what I was saying in yesterdays post and in previous posts on this matter.

These "predator control programs" hide behind the fallacy of keeping a predator/prey balance to help the subsistence hunter, who is trying to feed his family the way his people have done for thousands of years, but then either severely restrict the subsistence hunters access or forbid him to hunt altogether in favor of rich trophy hunters.

They have turned what was a breathtakingly beautiful wilderness into a virtual slaughter house.

And I am beginning to understand that the reason we have had so many bears here in Anchorage last summer is because this is where the prey that has escaped the hunters is coming to hide. We are right next to Chugach State park where moose and other prey animals can live and raise their young unmolested. It just makes sense that the bears would follow them into our back yard when the prey in other parts of the state is becoming so hard to find. After all how can a bear possibly compete with helicopters, ATV's, and high powered rifles?

Here is a link to a website where YOU can take action to help stop this senseless slaughter.

(I need to give a much deserved hat tip to NalinPalinNow for the video. They have done a very comprehensive write up on this subject that I urge you to read.)


  1. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gryphen, thank you, thank you, thank you for this link. There is more information here than I have ever seen, even through Defenders of Wildlife! And a hearty thanks to NalinPalinNow; as I said in comments to previous post, we can stop this, it is not easy, but I do feel the tide is finally turning in our favor!

  2. My comment in (The Federal Government is clashing with Governor Palin over aerial wolf hunting.) is the same for this one, we all should be ashamed of what is happening to these animals.


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