Friday, April 17, 2009

Federal court throws out plan to drill offshore in Alaska.

A federal appeals court ruled today that the Bush administration did not properly study the environmental impact of expanding oil and gas drilling off the Alaska coast and canceled a program to find new reserves.

A three-judge panel in Washington found that the Bush-era Interior Department failed to consider the effect on the environment and marine life before it began the process in August 2005 to expand an oil and gas leasing program in the Beaufort, Bering and Chukchi seas.

The appeals court ordered the department, now run by President Barack Obama's appointee Ken Salazar, to analyze the areas to determine environmental risks and potential damage before moving ahead with the program. Salazar was in Alaska this week holding public hearings on plans made under the Bush administration to hold lease sales over the next five years in those three areas.

The seas are home to wildlife including polar bears, whales, seals, walruses and seabirds. The lawsuit was brought by three environmental groups that want to protect the ecosystem and the Native Village of Point Hope, a community that lives off the wildlife on the Chukchi Sea coast of Northwest Alaska.

The decision comes at a time when oil and gas producers are finding it increasingly difficult to find new reserves and boost production at home and abroad. Output from the biggest U.S. oil companies has largely been in decline in the past few years.

This is very good news for Alaska and especially for those of us who firmly believe we have to start seriously looking toward renewable clean burning energy sources if we are to save this planet that we all love so much.

I have been convinced ever since the Obama administration came into power that we would no longer be poking giant holes in my state and that we could finally stop sucking at big oil's teat. And I just assumed that ALL progressives were convinced of the very same thing.

However the other day I was having lunch with two of my most stalwart progressive friends, and the subject of drilling in ANWR came up. Both of them were of the opinion that ANWR was destined to be developed. I was completely shocked and voiced my disagreement, but they were both convinced that it was just a matter of time.

So since I have so many intelligent well read visitors coming to this site I thought I would put it to you.

Do you think that if the developers couldn't open ANWR with a Republican president and Congress in place, and with oil slicked Ted Stevens as our Senator, that they will NEVER get access to that oil? Or do you agree with my two friends that eventually consumers will demand that we develop those oil fields?

Let me know, I am interested in your opinions.


  1. Ratfish4:45 PM

    It was actually a DC court (as your story reads), not an Alaska court (as your headline reads).

    Feel free not to post this. If I had your e-mail, I'd send it that way.

  2. I am usually in the minority with my ideas, but I will weigh in anyway. I want to be completely off of fossil fuels within the next 30 years. I am tired of being held hostage by those who own it, pump it, and sell it. I want to use clean, renewable, inexpensive sources of energy that will be good for our earth and which cannot be monopolized. I assume that President Obama will get us started on this plan, but if Republicans ever get the Presidency and/or Congress again, I believe that we will be stuck with fossil fuels and with the greed and corruption which pervaded the Bush administration.

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    If you do the math, you will find that there are no alternative sources of energy that can replace oil and gas. At least there are none in the short term without drastic reduction in the standard of living.

    Perhaps there will be in 20 years or so, but not now. If we want to stop sending the US wealth to Saudia Arabia, we must develope our natural resources, and that includes ANWR. When push comes to shove and the price of gas again soars to high levels, the people will demand solutions, and all the wind farms in the world will not put a single gallon of gas in your car.

  4. nswfm CA6:06 PM

    Don't know, but I hope ANWR is safe using your reasoning about the repubs in office and not being able to pull it off. As far as renewables, what about geothermal? Iceland has done it, so I wonder about AK as a potential source....

  5. Thanks Ratfish,

    I fixed it.

  6. I would like to think that with today's thinking, the country would not decimate the ANWR by digging it up for oil. I also hope ANWR is safe - here in AZ we are really going after the solar industry. We've had a solar system for 18 months and are expanding and adding an additional 21 panels to our existing 22 panels - our electricity has gone done by 2/3 and our electric company purchases what we generate and don't use...our meter runs backward.
    In return, I do all of our heavy usage things (shower, laundry, dishwasher) during our sunshine hours.
    I love being "GREEN" and ideally more people will jump onto our bandwagon.
    Currently our utility gives us approximately 50% in rebate. We also receive a 30% tax credit which can be carried for 5 years (that is Federal) - our system addition will cost $7,000 by the time we get our rebates/etc.
    Our bill in the summer (AZ) will be approximately $100 a month instead of $300+.
    There are alternatives - just drill drill drill isn't the answer to our long term needs.
    There is wind....our utility here also uses "garbage" to create energy.
    We as a country need to get with the program for alternative fuels.
    Of course that means that the witch won't get credit for signing all those checks...then again, there may be a form of alt-fuel that would also apply to Alaska that doesn't involve decimating your natural resources of killing off the wildlife. It involves innovation and creativity.

  7. I certainly hope and pray it is never developed - if President Obama gets a second term and enough time to get alternative fuels on the road to being developed then I am sure there is a good chance ANWR will be safe


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