Thursday, April 09, 2009

Chris Cillizza of The Fix chooses Mudflats as Alaska's best political blog. The only word for that is "Awesome"!

I am so proud of my friend AKM I could bust!

It simply could not have happened to a more deserving blog.

Hey Doogan! What do you think of those apples?


  1. Shannyn Moore4:24 PM

    Here, Here...I'm toasting her right now! She's AMAZING!!! and I have to agree with Chris...isn't it funny--we're MUDFLATTERS!

  2. Doogan just did a spit-take with his Budweiser.

  3. On August 29th last year, I, like many other people, googled “Sarah Palin.” That morning I found The Mudflats and so did hundreds of others. Soon, I began to visit the other sites listed along the side. I found The Celtic Diva, Gryphen, Phil, Halco and Shannyn. Other writers added to the richness, and if I don’t list them all, it is due to a lack of space, not appreciation. I even soon read the ADN more than my own local paper.

    We learned a lot about Alaskan politics, but for many of us, we also learned a lot about AK in general. We all enjoyed Brian and Brenda. We learned about fishing, hunting, wildlife, snowmachines, the Bush, and volcanoes. She wrote fables and fairy tales. Comments and stories from all over the globe added to the richness. AKM wrote her observations, complete with links, and we were given some further food for thought. Most commenters policed themselves, and she gently kept us all in line.

    I have often thought what would have happened if AKM hadn’t written that August 29th article. What if she had gone on vacation for a week? Somehow, all things merged on the 29th, and out of shock, confusion, or one big WTF?, we all ended up together at The Mudflats. A community was born under the beacon of yellow boots.

    Sometimes I feel bad that all the others don’t get the same attention AKM gets. The forums formed on Mudflats. People visited the other sites, and commenters suggested new links. We all came back to the Flats to share thoughts. Throughout, AKM kept us in check. Her writings gave us more things to ponder, made us laugh, made us cry, made us mad and at times, stirred us to action. Our collective bond tightened. Mudflater gear grew, mostly as a silly way to show our bond. There was always a new event to keep us coming back, one of GINO’s unintended gifts. It was serious stuff, but AKM knew how to make us laugh if it got too deep, and how to keep us focused when necessary.

    In my mind, going to the Mudflats was like being back in college. Mudflats served as the dorm room where we all collected. She seems like one of us. She is the friendly, witty “regular person” we all love and feel comfortable with. She could be both serious and playful. In my mind, Phil is the mature, professor type, writing equally well on political issues or matters of the arts. He can play words as well as he plays music, despite the big thumb. Shannyn is the smart, cool upperclassman that make you feel kinda cool just to know her. Who doesn’t feel proud and sit up a bit straighter when she is on KO or Huffingtonpost? Celtic Diva is the independent girl down the hall- the one who designs gardens, reads eclectically and is pretty mellow until pushed. We know she is not to be tangled with. We admire her fire and determination. Gryphen is the smart ass down the hall- the one who observes a lot, can get real snarky and makes us laugh. A party without him would be lacking. For me, Andrew was the surprise- a bit like a prof from another department who turned out to have a pretty good, but subtle, sense of humor. We appreciate his insights and journalistic integrity. Others added to the sense of community, but at the end of the day, we ended up at the same “room” to comment and recap the day’s events. We didn’t like the others less, it’s just that we somehow knew we needed a homebase, the place where we could collectively comment. The Flats was the “Polo” to our collective “Marco.”

    AKM deserves the award. It is her spark, her writing skills, her “AKMness” that made us visit, often several times a day. But, the richness of the AK blogging community can’t be ignored. She introduced us to others we wouldn’t have met otherwise- the good, the bad and the really really bad. For all she has done for us- the global us- and to all the wonderful bloggers involved- THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS!

  4. I'd love to have seen DooDooHead's reaction!

    AKM absolutely deserves the recognition!

  5. HistoryGoddes, I just had to come on and give you mad props for how closely you have been able to define all of us.

    It is almost like you have been sitting in on our little get togethers where we talk about current events, and gossip, and toss around ideas for future projects or posts.

    Most of the time these get togethers do happen at my place, and yes I am the party guy.

    And you have come scarily close to accurately describing the rest of our group as well.

    However ALL of us can take on each others roles at the drop of a hat. Believe it or not, occasionally, even I am coolest head in the room.

    Well done!

  6. I am sorry History Goddess I cannot edit the comments section. I can only delete, and no way am I deleting your post.

  7. Gryphen- Thanks for the props. I never wanted the rest of the outstanding AK bloggers to feel left out of the "love." You are right in that there is a nice blending of roles, though I more often have come to consider all of you a type of tag-team. Without reading all of you, the picture just isn't as complete.

  8. Apologies to Andrew Halcro for misspelling his name.

  9. Wow History Goddess...excellent post.

  10. History Goddess - Exactly how I feel - Gryphen is the most "in your face" and also has the best blog roll. Hey Gryphen I love you for giving Mudflats her due. Who can dispute it? But you - you have your own niche that I am also addicted to - I am so impressed with the AK bloggers. You all might just change the world (or at least the state). ROCK ON!

  11. Wow, History Goddess I agree you wrapped that up very nicely. Kudo's to the flats but to the others as it was said above they all fit so well to complete the whole picture.

  12. Thanks, Gryphen! :0)

    And love History Goddess' comment. I love all the Alaska blogs. I read IM, Celtic Diva and Progressive Alaska all the time before I typed a word. I think of us as a patchwork quilt, or a big pot of blogger stew. Individual ingredients that are good, but none of us would work as well alone.

  13. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I too would like to say how much I appreciate you all! History Goddess said it so well.
    Mainly I'm a lurker/reader but as an Akn it was so great to find others who hadn't had the wool pulled over their eyes by SP!

  14. Anonymous6:29 AM

    One of the things that makes AKM and the other Alaska political bloggers so important is what they made available to the world through their internet sites. That, of course, is the truth about Sarah Palin.

    I found AKM early on last fall and have been hooked.
    Alaska's bloggers willingness to share with each other and to support each other is truly impressive. It is a pity that other states do not have such an active network of truth tellers.

    MSM failed totally to inform about the Republican VP candidate. I'm sure deep down you all are aware that you helped change the history of this nation. And for the better.

    Kudos to AKM and to you all.


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