Thursday, April 09, 2009

CNN weighs in on Levi Johnston vs Sarah Palin.

Oh this just keeps getting better and better.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Team Levi! The team is growing! 2 out of 3 panelists on the CNN story were pro-Johnston.

  2. Doris1:54 PM

    Why isn't Huffington current about Sarah Palin's celebrity kids?
    the last post 12.30.2008 on Tripp is dated.

  3. I feel so sad for Levi and his family. It is a shame that they are being treated the way they are. I also agree he needs to tell his side and pray that it will bring enough attention to this travesty and allow him and his family the rights they have for visitation.

  4. mlaiuppa2:41 PM

    Ha! Didn't I say that little comment about becoming a model or an actor would come back to bite Levi?

  5. It must be obvious to everyone by now that she is a liar but that is what they like about her. Her Political life should be over!

  6. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "appalling and disrespectful"
    "Just shut up" ?

    GO TEAM JOHNSTON ! ! ! !

    Both Mercedes and Levi have good potential, when the time is right they are entitled to explore all possibilities. Levi is growing on me. I want to see more of him outside of this venue one day. I hope the day comes when Mercedes starts a public blog where she just talks about life and teens, 20 somethings. Maybe a teen Dear Abby, not to do with the Palins personally. A place where folks could check in and see how they are doing, exchange stories, recipes what have you. She could do a show a long the lines of Tara actually.

    Bristol as an advocate for abstinence, she will be doing public speaking and making appearances, possibly with little Tripp. I see no reason to stop the Johnstons personal growth. That is the best thing for his child.

    Sarah is sending a message to Alaska and all with her AG W.A.R. appointment. Her Alaska looks more corrupt then anything Ted Stevens attempted. The court thing must be terrifying for anyone without her clout, but may be the feds will get involved if she fails at succession.

  7. Yes, all RATIONAL, REASONABLE people agree that her career should be over. We can see that she is incompetent, vindictive, a hypocrite and a liar. The media, the RNC and most Republicans would agree. The irrational, mostly uneducated voices at c4p and TeamS are loud - but they are few.

  8. Bones AK3:34 PM

    2 out of 3 is not bad.
    Levi is more believable that BS Palin

  9. SoCalWolfGal3:35 PM

    I think it would be poetic justice if Levi can use GINO as a springboard to a modeling or acting career. She has used him, and everyone else she knew to claw her way to the top. Oops, didn't quite make it did she. Trust me this may be the one thing she won't be able to wiggle out of. The right wing religious nuts, which let's face it, is her base, just is not going to like this. And don't forget she has Scientology ghost which will come back and haunt her.

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Her Political life should be over average patriot except narcissists thrive on attention, it doesn't matter what kind it is. That old grizzled mom could just be stoking the fires. I can't wait to see the mini series.

  11. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Mercede should enter Miss Alaska. Wouldn't you love to see Sarah place the crown on Mercede after she wins!

  12. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Iffin ya want a good laugh or two or twenty, check out the comments at Wonkette about the Levi/Mercede/Trig pic.

    I think my favorite was that when this is all over, Mercede will have enough money to buy an "s".

  13. who is that "brooke" woman with the circle necklace? i don't watch any of the cable news networks unless i'm checking something "breaking." -i'm a public radio and internet kinda news gal.

    i thought she was "appalling and disrespectful!" -how could a journalist say that and not think it was a petty personal categorization of the subject (levi, in this case)? i realize this was some sort of "entertainment commentary" type segment, but really! to me that is just not professional, that's why cable news has become a joke.

    and if the johnstons story of what is happening with the palins is true, then what is "disrespectful" about it? isn't "news" about "truth"?

    does that brooke woman think that any "news" that paints a politician in a poor light shouldn't be reported? that bearers of bad (but true) news "should just shut up"??? that's unbelievable to hear on a "news" network.

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    He and Bristol were going to sell the photos of Tripp, instead, Bristol went solo with Greta and Sarah "stopped by" with the baby.....I wander if the purpose of was to prevent Levi getting any money out it in order to later claim the He does not provide for his child.... I'd like to know who canceled the deal.

  15. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Levi coaches Special Olympics Alaska hockey team team?

  16. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Brooke Anderson is on a cable TV show. The whole show is "entertainment commentary". A.J. is better. Brooke is pregnant. She is protecting pregnancy in a hormonal intensity kind of way. She could give birth any day and it is private for her.
    Unless you fake a pregnancy, then life is a bowl of cherries!.

    The selling of Tripp photos is sticky for the Governor and family, they can't make money, it taints them. They did talk to brokers about deals.

    An Anonymous: "I wander if the purpose of was to prevent Levi getting any money out it in order to later claim the He does not provide for his child.... I'd like to know who canceled the deal."
    That is an excellent point. They got legal advice and wouldn't have allowed Levi to profit.

  17. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I do think Levi is a decent kid. I also think that Sarah has systematicly gone after the Johnson family before anyone knew there was trouble behind closed doors. In her vindictiveness... First by going after Levi's mother then outing Levi as a drop out knowing he would lose his job. This way she thought it would weaken him getting access to his child.

  18. well, learning that ms. brooke is about to have a baby herself, and still has ZERO respect for father's rights...that seems to make her a bit of a selfish douche in my book.

  19. Anonymous8:02 PM

    To Team Levi:

    Yesterday, I was in the Dr.'s office. They had an old issue of People mag. dated March 30, 2009.

    There was a six (6) page article on Gov. Palin. It was great PR and featured the Johnstons with the Palins. Pictures of them all.

    The reporter asked Levi, "Do you get to see your son?" His reply, "Yes, whenever I want to."

    Then he was asked, "Any pressure from the Palin family?" His response...."No, not at all."

    I hope quoting the magazine will be enlightening.
    It reassures my theory that they are all working together. They have so much on each other, how can they not?


  20. ginger-

    even in these recent interviews levi said he could see tripp "every day" -as long as he did so at the palin home under their supervision (which he then said was awkward as they were lately making him feel unwelcome.)

    the problem seems to be that he's not allowed to bring the baby to his home to visit with his extended family (mom, sis, aunts and uncles, etc.), and the palin clan isn't allowing his mom, sis, etc. to visit tripp in their home, and there-in lies the rub.

    he can see the baby (according to him this week) but only on the palins' terms.

  21. Anonymous9:14 PM

    luna1580 & ginger - Sarah makes a good warden. She can leave the prison but Bristol has to wear an ankle bracelet? When will Johnny Enquirer get conjugal visits? Will Levi find a good attorney?

  22. Anonymous9:27 PM

    From the comments at CBS:

    BTW, that weekend, March 14th, Palin was nowhere around the Special Olympics event, she was doing an Exclusive Interview with People Magazine at a local grocery store, trying to gain positive press because the ambushed Levi interview with that morning show of him being, "Interviewed", leaving his home had Palin paranoid.

    In addition, Palin refused to give verbal support to the team that went to California, in FACT, refused to acknowledge them at all because Levi was their coach. That is how petty, vindictive, malicious, mean she is. This is what Levi has to deal with. He needs as much exposure as he can get to expose Palin for what she is and get his son.
    Posted by PalinIsaLiar at 9:30 AM : Apr 8, 2009

    Anybody heard this from another source?

  23. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I still can't get pass the fact that Mercede has a tatoo of Levi's name on her arm. How weird is that? Come on just say it or I will.

  24. Anonymous11:28 PM

    To: Luna1580

    Thanks for your reponse. It made me read the article in People again to see if I missed something. Here's another excerpt:

    "His mom, Sherry, who faces a court trial in May on charges of selling OxyContin, rarely leaves home, so Levi brings Tripp to see her."

    No where in the article does it say he can't take the child out of the Palin's house.

    I know, I watched as much of Tyra's show as I could. Haven't seen the CBS video's yet. He's now saying they won't let him take the baby out.

    Everyone is telling him to get a lawyer. Even Gryphen asked Levi to call him and said he would help. Several people have offered to pitch in, including me.

    So, Levi, get an attorney!!


  25. I've signed onto Team Levi too. I've read several articles re his coaching the Special Olympics hockey team - for at least a year. And he's not the one trying to get publicity from it.

    I think all the talk about him going into modeling or acting came from the CBS interviewer who suggested that he should pursue that because he's such a good looking kid. She pressed it a bit so he said he'd consider it. Like to get her to shut up about it.

    Frankly, I can't see him going into either, he's too much of an outdoor guy. When he was asked in the second interview what he saw himself doing in 5 yrs, he said something about either playing hockey or hunting.

    I like his sincerity and refusal to bad mouth.

  26. Megan7:13 AM


    Dr. Laura is on Levi's case in her blog. What a hag.


  27. Anonymous8:03 AM

    @Megan, "Dr." Laura has always been a Republican shill. Once my sister called into the "Dr." Laura show, and "Dr." Laura gave her completely WRONG advice on the air--it was neither legally nor psychologically sound advice. But what do you expect when someone masquerades on the air as a psychiatrist or doctor (an M.D.) when their Ph.D. is in another academic area? Her Ph.D. is in Physiology. She, like many of the GOP vanguard, pretends to be something she's not.

  28. Thanks for the link, Megan! Funny how Dr. Laura goes on and on about how horrendous the "abandonment" of a father is, yet Lew Bishop was married with three kids when he met La Laura. He divorced his wife to marry her. Dr. Laura doesn't seem to be losing any sleep about being actively involved in breaking up a marriage involving children.

    Life is complicated and we can't boil everything down to a few words, yet that seems to be Dr. Laura's philosophy in a nutshell. And she gets very, very angry when people point out her personal inconsistencies.

  29. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Oops, can I just add one more thing about "Dr." Laura? Thank goodness she is finally supporting same sex marriage, as she did last night on CNN's Larry King Live! I hope that she will influence other conservatives to do the same!

  30. Pinnochio Palin strikes again (today is Saturday):
    In response to a question from a television reporter, Palin also talked about some of the ongoing drama surrounding her family. Levi Johnston said during an interview on CBS’s “Early Show” that he moved into the governor’s house a few weeks before Bristol Palin gave birth to their child.

    "I know the truth about my family. I know details about whether Levi Johnston was allowed to live with my teenage daughter or not. By the way, it would be over my dead body that a kid would live with my teenage daughter," Palin said.


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