Friday, April 10, 2009

Governor Sarah accepts the Stimulus money (sort of), changes her mind on parental notification (sort of), and calls Levi a liar. Busy day.

Gov. Sarah Palin told news media here this morning she’s willing to accept the federal economic stimulus money -- if legislators agree to use some of it to replace state spending.

We can back out state (general fund) dollars and replace them with stimulus dollars…I’ll feel better about it because then those dollars won’t just be additional dollars they’ll be replacement dollars,” Palin said.

She never had a choice and we all knew it. At least she was not the last Republican Governor to come around.

On abortion, Palin said she’s now willing to compromise on a bill that would require parents to give their permission before girls under age 17 could get an abortion.

Palin said she’s willing to drop the requirement for consent and just accept a bill that would require parents to be notified about their teenager’s plan to have an abortion.

Once again Palin is only giving in because she is outnumbered and really had no choice but to acquiesce or face being labeled an obstructionist. Remember Sarah is somebody who only knows how to react to public opinion.

And in this next case she is demonstrating an almost desperate attempt to regain control of her narrative. The spokesperson for "abstinence only" education let her daughter shack up with her teenage boyfriend right under her very nose? Oh no we cannot have that!

In response to a question from a television reporter, Palin also talked about some of the ongoing drama surrounding her family. Levi Johnston said during an interview on CBS’s “Early Show” that he moved into the governor’s house a few weeks before Bristol Palin gave birth to their child.

"I know the truth about my family. I know details about whether Levi Johnston was allowed to live with my teenage daughter or not. By the way, it would be over my dead body that a kid would live with my teenage daughter," Palin said.

Well check your pulse Governor, because the vast majority of us believe the kid.


  1. Here's proof of who is more believable:

    Looks like Levi winds hands down in the court of public opinion

  2. crystalwolf@astound.net7:52 AM

    GINO on Eddie smurk show talking about Ethics complaints, Levi

    There is also a part two with she talking Levi....Is she supposed to be talking about this stuff? And she's talking about a ethics complaint "filed online by someone using a 'soap opera' name" Ummmm, as far as I can see you can't file online is she lying again??? And again about Levi? We all know he lived at casa de palin.....!

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah has no's the People Magazine article from January 19, 2009 stating that Levi was "staying" with the Palins:,,20252120,00.html

  4. Her instincts are unerring. She consistently makes everything worse. No grace, no class. Does she ever fight for something positive?

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    What's even worse is the fact that this young man is her grandchild's father. He will always be in her life.
    She is saying some unforgivable things. She needs to be careful that her desire to pander to her base, she will not destroy her relationship with her daughter.

    Also, will somebody PLEASE, point out the fact that her daughter went on Fox News? How hypocritical that her family can do what they want. She tried to take over that interview.
    She is a power hungry right wing loon.
    Please keep her in Alaska!!!

  6. Actually, it's true, Sarah Palin did not let a kid live with her teenage daughter - she let an ADULT live with her teenage daughter.

    Levi is almost 19 now.

  7. "...That Kid..." Indeed!

    That kid you placed on stage, after according to him, telling him he had to be there...just so everyone would see what you wanted them to see...the gig is up lady.

    No one is telling GiNO to do/say these things, look back at her history, and see she has always been this way...diff' is now it's harder to cover-up, but my, how she tries...

  8. ...FORGOT to add..

    GiNo is always trying to make, change or inore the rules...

    When it comes to her grandson, her ego needs to take a back seat.

  9. Anonymous4:07 PM

    GINO needs to realize there is a baby involved (especially since she seems to pop them out regularly). SP needs to also realize that when she opens her mouth and gives interviews, it leaves little crumbs that anyone with a computer can follow.
    Poor Bristol and Levi and their baby. One day I predict Bristol is gonna give mom what she has coming...for trying to run every aspect of her life.

  10. Anonymous7:01 PM

    "it would be over my dead body that a kid would live with my teenage daughter," Palin said.

    IMO this is Sarah justification for what she did with Trigg(claims as hers).

    oh yeah Sarah, anonymous is my name.


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