Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sarah Palin's approval numbers take a hit after Levi Johnston interviews.

A new national study conducted among 303 viewers of the CBS interview with Levi Johnston and his family revealed that most (81%) believe Sarah Palin distorted details of her daughter, Bristol Palin, and Levi Johnston’s relationship to better her own image in the recent political campaign.

The study was conducted by HCD Research on April 9 to obtain the perceptions of the CBS Early Show interview with Levi Johnston and his family which aired on April 9, 2009. To view believability curves and detailed results go

The majority of viewers (87%) also agree that the Palin/Johnston family situation will be used against Sarah Palin in subsequent political campaigns. Respondents rated Sarah Palin significantly lower on scales of likeability, believability and sincerity after watching the interview with Johnston.

Though this is a relatively small sampling it is very interesting to note how believable the audience, consisting of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, found Levi's version of events.

Could it be possible that after Governor Sarah has survived one scandal after the other that the "stud of Wasilla" finally brings her down? You have to admit it has a kind of hillbilly justice to it.


  1. FW aka Virginia Voter7:02 AM

    Here's another one from Time Magazine with a state by state breakdown...only Tenessee sided with Sarah...maybe that's where her future lies. Almost every other state was over 80% or more for Levi, with his strongest ratings in the Northeast, and he scored 100% in Montana. Maybe he can sell his story, move there and enjoy the hunting and fishing:

    This poll had over 7000 respondents, you can have fun clicking on all the states.

  2. witsendnj7:05 AM

    Gryphen, I check your blog every day and want you to know I think you're a terrific writer. I read all the Palin blogs and each has a slightly different and interesting take on events. Thanks for sticking with this story - it's important to refute the wingnut lies of Palin and discredit her and her supporters.

    My own take on the Johnston interviews is that they are trying to pressure Sarah to let Levi have part custody of his son(s) by letting her know they are prepared to reveal more than they have already, ie, the lie about who is the real mother of Trig. It seems to me that the photo they released of Levi holding Trig as a newborn was a warning.

    So far Sara is defiant and calling the Johnston family liars. Let's hope she continues to stonewall - we know she's stupid enough to think she can get away with anything - so the full truth comes out.

    This is more entertaining that any fiction could possibly be!

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    kind of makes you wonder what the other 19% are thinking....Sarah's political career cannot be over too did she get to where she is? she is a poster "girl" for all that ails the political parties, both of them!

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Team Levi! Yes! Maybe he'll actually get to see his son on a more regular basis soon.

    It also makes you wonder about what kind of stupid advisors Palin listens to these days. Whoever she listens to must be covertly working for the other side..

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Here's why no one believes Sarah...this is from People Mag dated 2/19/09:

    Little Tripp Johnston has been described as a "bundle of joy" by his grandmother, Sarah Palin, while his mother, Bristol Palin, told FOX News this week that she loves "just seeing him smile and stuff. It's awesome."

    But like many babies, Tripp – who was born Dec. 27 – can be a handful. Often, he's up half the night, Bristol, 18, told FOX, and like millions of babies across America, he keeps his parents awake.

    "Tripp's a little fussy," a Palin family friend tells PEOPLE.

    Bristol – now living at her parents' house in Wasilla, Alaska – has plenty of help. Sister Piper Palin, 7, pitches in, fetching diapers and making bottles. Bristol said her parents and aunts also assist, and Bristol's maternal grandmother, Sally Heath, lives nearby and baby-sits.

    But the new mom's biggest assist comes from her "hands-on" fiancé, Levi Johnston, 18, the former high school hockey player now working as an apprentice electrician.

    "He has been staying at [the Palins' home] a lot with Bristol and helping her out," a pal of Levi's tells PEOPLE. "He really likes being a father."

    Levi Lives with Palins
    Last year, when Bristol was pregnant, she and Levi would go out on dinner and movie dates, and Levi would bring her flowers, according to Trailblazer: An Intimate Biography of Sarah Palin, by PEOPLE assistant editor Lorenzo Benet.

    Then, in the first week after Tripp's birth, Levi moved in with the Palins, Levi's mother, Sherry Johnston, told PEOPLE in January. He immersed himself in childcare duties and bought his son a miniature hockey stick.

    Lately, friends and relatives say, he's been back and forth between the Palins' and his mother's home 15 minutes away. Sometimes, he brings along Tripp to visit his paternal grandmother, who told PEOPLE that health issues restrict her ability to go out.

    "Sherry sees Tripp," says a relative. "But it's not super often."

    Working and Diaper Changing
    Between bottle feedings and diaper changes, Bristol and Levi are both focusing on completing their high school course work. Levi is also working with his father, Keith, a construction engineer, Bristol told FOX.

    Eventually, Levi hopes to return to work on the North Slope, where until recently a contractor employed him as an apprentice electrician.

    "He is supposed to go back up there to the slope sometime," says Levi's friend. "He's also taking care of high school."

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Does anyone know if an attorney is offering any assistance to Levi? I just can't imagine what it's like for him now.

  7. Sarah's just stubborn enough that she'll keep this going. Remember how stupid they all were over the Trooper Wooten thing? They don't know how to give up. That may be admirable when dealing with a severe environment, but not necessarily so when dealing publicy with someone who has the goods on you.

  8. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Go Team Levi!

  9. mlaiuppa9:02 AM

    How many of those 80% voted for her and are now glad she isn't one chair away from the Oval Office?

    My biggest fear is that in a year or two, this will be forgotten and the GOP will still consider putting her on the ticket. Unfortunately, the voters have very short, shallow and imperfect memories. After all.....look at Newt.

  10. Irishgirl9:18 AM

    It is so ironic that Levi is doing this much damage....and I'm loving every minute of it!!

  11. Sarah Palin has is a narcissistic attention getter. Any kind of attention will do, positive or negative. Her behaviors perfectly fit the DSM-IV criteria for Histrionic Personality Disorder.


    This disorder also helps explain her relationship with Todd.

    Individuals with this disorder may have difficulty achieving emotional intimacy in romantic relationships. Without being aware of it, they often act out a role (e.g., "victim" or "princess"). They may seek to control their partner through emotional manipulation or seductiveness on one level, whereas displaying a marked dependency on them at another level.

  12. FEDUP!!!9:02 AM

    Well, I would say that guy who said ('promised'?) that Levi will never get a job in Alaska again, might be right on the money after this tirade. GINO is turning this into another personal vendetta, and it is a vendetta against the father of her grandchild(ren).
    Poor Tripp/Trig. What will they tell him/them when they get old enough to ask questions?

  13. I watched the Tyra Banks interview of Levi Johnston, who did not say anything negative about Sarah Palin. I was not impressed that he said much of importance at all, which makes it much more surprising that he would poll that high. If Sarah's rumored vindictiveness is true, then I do worry for Levi's future.


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