Saturday, April 04, 2009

I don't usually agree with Don Young on ANYTHING. But I have to admit I can't blame him for this reaction to hearing Palin speak.

Oh by the way, there is some buzz that Don Young's indictments are coming soon.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!


  1. My God, I'd LOVE to be his dentist! He must have contracted a very bad case of TMJ and at least 4 cracked molars while listening to that speech!

    Cha Ching! Sorry Don, we'll have to cap those cracked teeth at $1200 each and we'll have to stabilize your jaw with wires for a few weeks to correct the TMJ. Dental costs to Don Young for "clenching and grinding" due to listening to Sarah Palin's speec: $10,000 (TMJ therapy and cost of capping 4 broken molars)

    Cost to the State of Alaska for electing Sarah Palin Governor? Priceless.

  2. Ouch. That was some serious jaw clenching there!

  3. Gryphen, can you remove the link to an eeyore post on The post is gone, because it was posted by someone who hacked Some commenters over at are looking for it, thinking it was a real post.

  4. I tried to remove Palin's Deceptions, and then put it back after saving. But the blogger widjet still thinks that Eeyore post is the real thing.

    I could remove it from my blogroll, but that will keep my visitors away. I think the only thing to be done is for Audrey to post again. That will update my blogroll.

  5. Audrey's next post: Any time now....

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    when was this? She looked like speaking while pregnant(???).

    I had to make sure not to clench my jaw as I listened, OMG, I missed the clue to applaud. Oxygen was limited in that room. Squirm!!!!

  7. Morgan indicated a new post was coming soon, so that should fix it. Thanks for trying.

  8. Anonymous6:32 PM

    This is a video with a not very pregnant looking palin around3:20.

  9. Regarding the newest tantrum Sarah is now throwing over Tim Grussendorf:
    If she were my child, I would send her to her room until she learned how to behave.

    Perhaps the Alaskan electorate can just do that, with a recall petition.

  10. She is such a c*nt. I'm glad they didn't vote Randy out. It's proof she doesn't have the support of Republicans in Alaska.

  11. I noticed that during the standing ovations, not many were standing. The ones who weren't had disgusted looks on their faces like Young. Good signs, hope they get rid of her soon. Yah, I know, wishful thinking.... Thanks for posting Gryph, this was great.

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Kat - It is my opinion that Palin won't run for governor in 2010. She wants money from a book deal and likes the big lights of the L48 too much.

  13. Anon, I agree, I don't think she'll run either, but for a different reason. I don't think she could get elected dog catcher & how would that look on her resume? I'm hoping for a recall but I don't count on that. The Legislature needs to grow some!! She still thinks she'll be the next Pres. Magical thinking.....


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