Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Moderate Voice addresses the legal roadblocks to Governor Sarah's call for Mark Begich to step down and have a "special election"

This is a well balanced article detailing why it is ignorant for Governor Palin and the Republican party to even suggest that we need to conduct a "do over" of our last election.

But to be honest the main reason that I linked to this article is because of this paragraph right her:

I’m somewhat tempted to apply for a job as Sarah Palin’s campaign manager and political coordinator. Were I to take that position, my first standing order would be to shoot anyone who comes withing ten yards of the Governor with a microphone. She can’t open her mouth without embarassing herself and her state.

How can anybody not agree with that sentiment?

P.S. on a personal note let me just say that I am typing this post on a laptop borrowed from my friend Linda, the Celtic Diva, while my computer is being worked on by my other friend Dennis Zaki.

There are simply no better friends available then my Alaska blogger friends. I am a very lucky man indeed.


  1. Hope your computer is back up and running ASAP!

  2. Ratfish9:02 AM

    Speaking of the electorate being hoodwinked, let's have a do-over the the 2006 election for governor.

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    " first standing order would be to shoot anyone who comes withing ten yards of the Governor with a microphone. She can’t open her mouth without embarrassing herself and her state."

    Isn't that WAR's job?

  4. Gryph, you're just being nice.

    You didn't tell them that the laptop has...gulp...VISTA!!!!

    Seriously, anytime bud! We can't allow the Alaska pajama-clad team to be short one man on the field!!!!

  5. hope your computer is okay...hmmm, great blogger friends....soooo the lower 48 ones don't count ???sniff sniff...


  6. Enigma, you know we are BFF's.

    I wa aimply talking about my current difficulties and the response of my Alaskan friends. Which has been very supportive.

  7. And no my computer is not quite fixed yet, which is why you see spelling errors like the ones above. "I was simply" that should say.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.