Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment. It is President Obama's turn in the barrel.

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Everything he said is exactly how I feel.

I promised many times in the past that I would not give President Obama and the Democrats a free pass just because they are on my "team". And it is a promise that I feel compelled to keep.

I cannot accept that we can simply ignoe and forget what this country has done in the last eight years and than move forward without holding those who tortured people on our behalf accountable for their crimes. And I include all of those who did the actual torturing, those who gave them permission to torture, and those who turned a blind eye to torture, equally accountable for this horrible stain on the reputation of this great country.

If we allow them to get off scot-free, we set a precedent that will cast a shadow on our nation for decades to come.

I voted for Obama so that he could return justice to my country. They say America is a nation of laws, let's finally do something to earn that title.


  1. Couldn't agree more, Gryphen. Keith is RIGHT!

  2. Bones AK10:58 PM

    Keith is right on the money!
    I never forgave Ford for his pardon, WE did not get OUR day in court! We deserve OUR day in court!

  3. Well, I disagree.. PRESIDENT Obama does not make laws... he is in the Executive branch of the government now.. it is up to CONGRESS to make laws... they should be the ones to make the bills and AG Holder is the one who should be prosecuting the law. Once those bills are made then Pres. Obama can sign it into law and then enforce it. Right now other than the Executive Order there is nothing on the books to change any of this.. Why is Congress not doing their job to fix these things that BUSH did.. Pres. Obama should NOT have to do all this by himself. He doesn't want to have to sign Executive Orders and Signing Statements as Bush did in order to change all these things. Congress needs to step up and do their damn job.

  4. Obama cannot have it both ways, he can either say you are a nation of laws and he has to prosecute anyone who breaks them or he can ignore his own belief and become a man of soaring rhetoric and empty words. The right leaning public have been saying exactly this for a long time and it is very hard to have him prove them right. I think he is a coward and he is taking the easy way out in this instance.

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Exactly right. My heart broke for America when I saw the pictures from Abu Ghraib. No, it wasn't a few bad apples at the bottom of the cart. The men who betrayed America were criminals, liars and bullies of the worst sort. They should hear their crimes in court, and be sent to jail, as they deserve.


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