Thursday, April 16, 2009

WAR is over! Hey all we are saying is give peace a chance.

The Alaska Legislature today rejected Wayne Anthony Ross as attorney general.

Meeting in joint session, the House and Senate voted 35-23 against confirming the Anchorage attorney. Ross was nominated by Gov. Sarah Palin to replace Talis Colberg, who resigned earlier this year.

Damn the legislators have not only found their spines, the freaking things are made of steel! I think I am developing a huge blogger crush on my state representatives. I love you guys!

And not only that but because of the united front that is being demonstrated by our lawmakers one of Palin's latest picks to replace Juneau Senator Kim Elton has decided he does not want any of this action and taken his name out of consideration. Now I can only hope the other two will follow suit and the Democrats can finally have Beth Kerttula like they have wanted all along.

I believe that our Alaska lawmakers have shown that Governor Palin is all bluff and if you just stand up to her she will have no choice but to back down.

And if she doesn't start learning to do her job effectively, EVERY America will see that Sarah Palin is not fit for any public office, and especially not a national one. Eventually even the Palin worshippers at Conservatives4Palin and TeamSarah will realize that their faith is misplaced.

Damn this has been a good day! I suggest that all of you who took the time to write to one or more of our state lawmakers, kick back and have a cold one, you deserve it. If I could give all of you a big hug, you can bet I would be doing that very thing.

You done good.

Update: Palin responds:

“I believed I knew what Alaskans wanted when I selected an individual who is a strong backer of 2nd Amendment rights, a staunch supporter of the state Constitution and a defender of life,” Governor Palin said. “Wayne Anthony Ross supports responsible, ethical development of Alaska’s rich resources. I’m surprised that legislators in this case really did not seem to represent their constituents and allowed themselves to be swayed by side issues. Mr. Ross is a fine Alaskan. He is held in high esteem by many Alaskans. I appreciate his willingness to serve the public.”

Just for clarification Governor, if you really "knew what Alaskans wanted when I selected an individual who is a strong backer of the 2nd Amendment rights, a staunch supporter of the state Constitution and a defender of life" THEN THAT GUY WOULD BE OUR ATTORNEY GENERAL RIGHT NOW! But you had no freaking idea what kind of Attorney General Alaskans wanted, you only knew which kind YOU WANTED!

And by the way if you don't figure out which kind of Attorney General Alaskans want pretty damn soon you can count on your next AG nominee getting kicked to the curb next.


  1. If Sarah is wise, she'll not return from Indiana!
    Not = never!!!

  2. Wow, I can't believe they really did it!

    Now she'll probably come up with someone worse....

  3. Congratulations to all Alaskans - we are all Alaskans today!

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    congratulations Alaska! From your friends down here in the lower 48!

  5. SoCalWolfGal3:05 PM

    I saw this about half an hour ago on Progressive Alaska and simply blinked a few times to make sure I was reading it right (on medication for allergies does that to me). I am so proud today of Alaska, that today I consider myself an Alaskan at heart, even though I reside in Southern California. Alaska, YOU ROCK!

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Stand tall you wonderful bi-partisan legislators! And all other Alaskans too! You should be proud. This was a shockingly bad selection for the top law post of your state and his own words ultimately sunk him. He should not the door hit in the behind. Somehow, though, I suspect he will remain in the picture as "acting" whatever or as a player in some other crazy ploy from your gov--she clearly does not like being denied one bit and won't take it lightly. But at least thoughtful public servants have prevailed. (From New York State)

  7. Congratulations Alaska!!!
    This was a true example of what a real "grass roots" effort can do - also/too - a little community organizing...You have done yourselves (and progressives all over the country) proud...
    Amazing - elected officials who weren't afraid to listen!!!Way to go "lawmakers"...
    YES YOU DID!!!

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Yes We Can!

    Finally, some sanity in Alaska. Perhaps there is hope after all in the 50th state.

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:53 PM

    Congratulations Alaskan's! (Dancing to the "Doors", "Waaaaarr is over, war is over")
    I haven't gotten to watch the video yet, but from what I saw (the video server was so overloaded, it keep stalling) War pretty much screwed himself with his BIG FAT mouth, divisive comments about gays, women,Natives, his record,Leah Burton's letter, rejected twice as a judge, fellow lawyers do not think highly of him, lying about what he said yesterday AND all the emails received by the Leg!
    I cannot believe GINO felt so confident she would get away with this, she left the state!
    I hope the leg. uses its new "steel spine" to start impeachment proceedings against her.
    Tonight I feel like a "honorary" Alaskan :)

  10. My reading of AK law is that once rejected, WARthog cannot continue in any capacity...well, they might hire him to make coffee in the Dept. of Law...but he is done like a potroast.

  11. That is really GREAT HAPPY news, Alaska! YAAAAAAY for your legislators and their newly discovered spines of steel!

  12. Blog on! Rockin' the pajamas now.

  13. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I typed in C4P in the web browser and was surprised that it didn't go to Conservatives for Palin, (wanted to see berserk reaction) but to an Alternative Lifestyle page for SWINGERS...hmmmm

    On another note, I am happy with today's results.

  14. Maeve7:49 PM

    This was not only a bipartisan victory, but also a victory where rural and urban worked together - Even the New Minus in Squarebanks came out against WAR.

    The part of Palin's comment that made me laugh the most was where she said: "I’m surprised that legislators in this case really did not seem to represent their constituents and allowed themselves to be swayed by side issues." She apparently doesn't read her own email. One of the legislators who spoke today said his inbox was swamped, that he thought he had become suddenly popular, that over 80% of the messages from his constituents were against. GINO has that bad republican habit of speaking with no knowledge of the facts.

    What a great day for Alaska!

  15. I have that hopeful feeling again, you know the one we all felt when the presidential election results were announced. Thank you legislators for listening to us and standing up to her.

  16. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Congratulations Alaska.

    You're not alone. Texas also has a psycho Gov. that was teabaggin and talkin "succeed from the Union."

    We're trying to send his ass to Mexico and see how well he can defend himself against the drug cartels.

  17. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Does anyone know if Ross will be able to remain as "acting" AG?

  18. W.A.R. what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!

    Congrats Alaska - I am very relieved that your state was not saddled with this.... **edited for sensitive ears**

  19. congrats to sanity in the alaska legislature


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