Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last night's Daily Show highlights.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
This Week in Demagogues - Ahmadinejad & Chavez
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

I am ashamed to say that I did not get to watch this show when it was broadcast last night, because I was talking to the delectable Shannyn Moore on the phone. One does not hang up on Shannyn Moore to watch the Daily Show, as she pointed out to me when I tried to do just that.

Anyhow we were discussing some super secret blogger stuff, so clearly it was much more important than Jon Stewart. Besides Shannyn said that if I did not tell her everything I knew she would stalk me. Which would be awesome!

Hey kids if you ever get the chance to be stalked by somebody I certainly recommend being stalked by Shannyn Moore. That is way more prestigious than just being stalked by some over weight fanboy with a three day growth on his face and old pizza stains on his shirt. Like that last creep.

Anyhow I am posting this clip for my favorite blogger babe, and potential stalker, Shannyn. But I suggest that you all watch it as well, because it is too damn funny!


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I think this says a lot about Palins's qualifications to run the country, let alone the state. She certainly learned a lot about diplomacy and important affairs while she was Mayor of Wasilla, not!

  2. ot

    link to vote for President Obama - give him a grade for the MSNBC 100 days event - Republicans are of course flooding it with Fs

    You don't have to publish this comment - but wanted to pass along the link to you and if you want to pass it along please do

  3. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I love it! Too funny :) Keep up the great posts.

  4.! I wanted to be your stalker, but realized there was a line...and I'd have to wait my turn. Ugh. I hate to wait!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.