Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A potpourri of rumor, information, and a teaser or two.

As I have suggested in some of my recent posts I have decided to stop waiting for information to arrive in my e-mail box, or rely on Google to answer my questions, and to get out there in the world to dig it up myself.

My entire weekend was spent with metaphorical shovel in hand as I probed for the answers to my many questions. Paydirt came very quickly, however there are strings attached.

I have interviewed a number of different individuals (and no I will not share their names), and have a few nuggets to share.

One is that Diana Palin has also now hired the ubiquitous Rex Butler to handle her burglary charges. (Is there a Palin connected case in town that Rex is not handling?)

I also learned that Todd's half sister has a very substantial drug problem, and that there have been many other incidences that have not received media attention in her recent past.

I also asked, and learned that her daughter is being cared for, and that we do not need to worry about her right now. Except that of course she undoubtedly misses her mother.

I also heard a strong opinion that Sherry Johnston's drug bust WAS politically motivated and that she is being treated like a common criminal despite this being her first offense. Apparently the DA is insisting on charging her for a class A felony and refusing to knock it down to a class B.

Is this politically motivated? There are a number of people who believe that it is.

Perhaps it is time to ask Palmer DA Roman Kalytiak if he is seeking justice or working as an enforcer for Sarah Palin.

Oh and Levi is doing a layout for GQ magazine.

Okay now this is the part where I am going to disappoint you a little.

The above information is just the tip of the iceberg, but I have made promises about the rest of what I learned and cannot reveal it online right now. Please don't bother asking me because trust me, when it can be told it will be told. Until then I will provide any new information that I come across that will not interfere in Levi's book deal or cause his family any distress.

I am also going to put a PayPal button on this site in the next few days. I have resisted doing this for a long time because I just don't like to ask people for money, but information has proven costly and I am going to run out of funds in the near future. If I am going to continue forward I am going to have to be able to pay for access.

Thank you for visiting and I appreciate your support.

P.S. I have shared some of the more sensitive information with my fellow bloggers so do not worry that I am in any danger or that this information will not be made public at some point, it will. That is what makes us such a formidable community of bloggers.


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Thanks so much for your investigative work!

    If the economy cannot recover, things would go downhill and a populist demagogue like Palin could become dangerous to me, even though I am safely in the "lower 48" right now.

    I really appreciate the work that all the Alaska bloggers are doing. People Power!

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:44 AM

    Don't worry Gryphen, You "got people"! :) We are all thankful and mindful of the info you and all the progressive blogger have given since that fateful day in Aug/08! You might of saved the USA!
    GINO for VP would of been...unthinkable!
    I just had a feeling Sherry's problems were politically motivated as the timing was so...coincidental...? And Diana...I hope She can get the help she needs, to be able to see her daughter again.Its almost like the Palins are a Cancer, a blight on Alaska tainting everything they come into contact with...

  3. **thumbs up on adding the paypal button**

    Thanks for tidbits and I'll try to patient and not refresh your blog every 10 minutes waiting for more LOL :)

  4. So the DA is charging Sherry with THREE Class A felonies AND THREE Class C felonies and is refusing to enter a plea knocking down the Class A charges? What's going on here? (as if I didn't know) I sure hope Rex and company can find some evidence of political pressure and I hope the judge can withstand the pressure to go along with the DA/SP.

    I'd love to be present during the next hearing in this case.

    Thanks for looking into these matters. I'm sure lots of people will be glad to help you with the expenses--in our own self interest to keep Palin away from us!!!

    Keep up the good work!

  5. SoCalWolfGal7:03 AM

    Okay Gryphen, well needless to say my curiosity is definitely piqued, but I will wait not-so-patiently until you can reveal more. Glad to know you and the other bloggers are in no danger.

  6. Well, Gumshoe Gryphen, I'll wait patiently on my weekend trip to my son's college graduation, knowing that some new Fab Facts will await me in the fullness of time. And yes, do put up a PayPal button. That's a perfect way to show love to my favorite bloggers. What you do takes time and effort, and I think it's fair to use a Queen Victorian "we" when I say that WE love you for it.

  7. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I hope the "iceberg" is large enough to crush GINO when it comes out.

    If you collect enough money, please go find the workers that built GINO's house and pay for the real story.

    Levi write the book.

  8. I checked the court records on Diana Palin. There are EIGHT charges against her: 3 Class B felonies, 1 Class C felony and 4 Class A misdemeanors.

    It will be very interesting to see if the DA enters a plea with Palin on her charges and to compare her treatment with how the DA treats Sherry Johnston. It would also be interesting to see how both Palin and Johnston are treated compared to other, non-political folks being charged with similar offenses.

  9. Anonymous7:35 AM


    I'd just like to say that I have been following your blog for months now and I have been very impressed with the dedication that you have shown in looking into the issues regarding Sarah Palin. Your blogs regarding the Benet fluff piece, the Greta soft-soap interviews and many, many other deductive and highly entertaining pieces have given me the impetus to continue in my own personal pursuit of answers to Sarah's riddles.

    I will be more than happy to donate to your continued investigations and also urge your other readers in doing so. (Not that they will need much urging mind you!)

    Kathleen (Palin Deception Research)

  10. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I am so glad we finally have a gumshoe on the ground diggin' in the dirt.
    Since I'm become intrigued by this whole soap opera I've been amazed how little good old fashioned gumshoe investigation has been pursued. Lot's of great electronic investigating going on, but it is heartening to see our beloved gumshoe Gryphen on the case.

    By the way, is the book by Levi confirmed?

  11. Mrs.TB,

    Enjoy your son's graduation ceremony, but don't mention Sarah Palin. :)


  12. Anonymous8:22 AM

    OMG!! With a capital G!!

    Arlen Specter is changing parties to become a Democrat....wow. I'm just....wow. Now can we get all the other sane Republicans to come aboard too?

    Wow. This feels terrific.

  13. From a reader in California: good luck and thank you for not posting things you can't prove.

  14. Anonymous8:40 AM



    "Specter To Switch Parties
    Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter will switch his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat and announced today that he will run in 2010 as a Democrat, according to a statement he released this morning.

    Specter's decision would give Democrats a 60 seat filibuster proof majority in the Senate assuming Democrat Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next senator from Minnesota."

    Evidently, not only is the Republican boat sinking, it's leaning so far right the silly thing might actually capsize!!!

    -Lynn in Australia

  15. First of all, THANK YOU for taking action - Babygate in particular is driving me nuts. But.... does this mean we have to wait until Levi's book is out to get the details?

  16. Anonymous8:45 AM

    So, taking this a step further right now, I'm wondering if we can speculate that Palin is putting some pressure on Sherry Johnstone and Sherry is fighting back with the interviews which don't tell us anything but certainly are threatening to Palin.

    With a little luck this could turn into a big political crime bust for Sarah Palin's lying ass. At the least the rumors are going to be somewhat politically damaging for Palin.

  17. Alright Gryphen!!! I finally got a job after a year of looking and I will gladly donate to your cause. Plus I am coming to visit Anchorage in July so all is good in my world. Can I get a Whup, Whup!!

  18. The plot thickens...On that note, I'll just say that Sarah Palin has certainly made it easy to look at all this as a soap opera. Your readers, however, have not lost sight of the fact that the importance of your work is not exclusive to Alaska or to this Governor.

    This mission (and clearly you've chosen to accept..) will reverberate in conference rooms, kitchens and hallowed halls throughout the country. Your ability to investigate and report significant information to the public in these matters will highlight the role mainstream media played here, calling them front and center on their actions (or lack thereof).

    Through your investigation, I expect to see many Americans, spoonfed on sound bytes and agendas, come to the realization that was no diet for a healthy democracy and subsequently move away from the increasingly discredited mainstream news outlets in search of the 'real' stories. Sounds important? It is. Shine that light of yours into those dark places, we'll be here cherishing our right to a free press - click by paypal click baby.

    Proud to know ya blogger.

  19. Gryphen - thank you for all you do! I am more than happy to use that paypal button! Once GINO is out of politics, I care not what she does.
    If she makes millions on Fox, writing a book, or starting a mega-church, more power to her (I can ignore her). BUT, as long as there is ANY chance that she will get near the White House (shudder) or continue to create havoc in the beautiful State of AK through her "governance," we MUST fight the fight. Stay safe, and bless you for your dedication.

  20. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Gryphen, gumshoe of all gumshoes!!! Can't wait, will donate!

  21. All one had to do was look at the pictures of Diana Palin to tell she had a drug problem that was long standing. Of course in Alaska it is very difficult to get help with addiction. In Hiland Mountain CC women have to be incarcerated for at least a year to qualify for treatment. So, does the state want to help people get off drugs? No, they want the jails full to overflowing for job security.
    Everything at the department of law is politically motivated. They go after people and even set them up. They make up evidence, ignore evidence which shows the defendant is innocent. You see they think people who have certain political views deserve to be punished just for their views. Palin probably put a bug in their ears and they ran with it. The other thing they do is find out that someone is addicted to prescription drugs and have someone go to them and offer to sell them their drugs. Some backwards doctor has gotten them addicted and they have no choice, but take the drugs. Instead of getting the help they need the DOL exploits this info and uses it to destroy them. Happens all the time.

  22. I forgot to say thanks for working at uncovering the truth.

  23. Count me in for a donation, Gryphen, if and when needed.

    I feel very strongly that Sarah Palin's political career should end ASAP, and if information is the means, I'm on board.

  24. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Hi Gryphen,

    Best of luck to you w/this new phase of your operations! I saw you yesterday wandering downtown w/a cutie in a day-glo vest (Shanny?). Obama operatives are supposed to be more serious & covert than you -- so keep the laughing & joking in public to a minimum from now on!

    Will happily contribute to your fund since you will be one of my life-lines onces I blow this popsicle stand in a few weeks.


  25. Fabulous...I will donate whatever I can. I know since you are right there in the thick of things so to speak, I can be assured that whatever information you dig up is worthy of our hard earned money.

    Thank you...our country thanks you...how Palin ever even came close to being VP is a national travesty. We would be seriously F'd right now if somehow she and McCain won.

  26. Thanks so much! I wouldn't DARE!

  27. lisabeth10:48 AM

    Thanks for doing all the investigative work. And as for the pay pal button, it is the least all of us can do. You say so many things that are exactly how I feel about Palin and other "political tricksters" (lol) I mean CROOKS like her! They infuriate me!
    I have always wondered if Sherry's arrest was politically motivated. The timing and the story seemed very suspicious. Another example of Palin abusing her power??? I suspect so. The woman has got to be brought down!! And no one is paying me to say that!!! Nor have George Soros,Obama, Axelrod or the DNC contacted me or influenced or bribed me in any way!!!!!

  28. Gryphen,
    Great job, as always... Keep up the good work. You are a voice of reason in the wilderness and a light in the darkness.. I don't have much, but will try to throw a buck or two your way when you get your button up... This is too important not to. We can't let up the pressure on Palin in any way. There is too much at stake. She is too dangerous and you just never know what could happen. Weird things happen all the time and somehow she could manage to stumble her way back down here... let's hope not, but you don't know.. We just have to stay prepared.

  29. lisabeth10:56 AM

    PS Gryphen, don't you think Palin's family or her "spies" read these blogs? I worry even this much information that you have given might inspire them to do something. Either hurt someone or get out ahead and do pre-damage control. Just a thought......

    And go Levi! Do what you need to. The truth always wins......

  30. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Go go go go go go Gryphen!!

    This lady scares me like W. scares me. No way and no more.

  31. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Some time ago someone over at Palin's Deceptions was hinting that the truth would be discovered if we considered the real relationship between the Palins and the Johnstons.
    Now I am totally piqued. Could Diana be tied to them, too somehow? This is going to get interesting. Keep up the good work, Gryphon!

  32. Gryphen and other Alaskans,

    LisanTX posted this photo site at Audrey's:

    Do you recognize Bristol and TriPP's companion at the Slush Cup? Matt Hanley? Johnny Chandler?

  33. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The baby Bristol is holding looks kind of big for Tripp. It's hard to tell with Bristol.


    Also I read on another site several comments from a person saying that Bristol was dating an older man 25+ and that SP was pushing her to marry him. Also keep in mind that they said on Mudflats that she was getting rather close to the swimming coach at Wasilla High.

    I wonder too who this man might be. Anybody with an idea?

  34. Aspiecelia said:

    "In Hiland Mountain CC women have to be incarcerated for at least a year to qualify for treatment."

    That's crazy!!!! In most places, they try to get people to go to treatment FIRST and incarceration is the next step if treatment doesn't work. (at least for a first time offender)

    Be in prison ONE YEAR before they can get treatment? That is so backward.

    This sounds like a fertile area for some investigative reporting---call 60 Minutes or whoever is a good investigator these days.

    Or a university criminal justice department could study the prison system and compare it to other states or to the federal system. Surely someone can investigate.....

  35. B---Now hold on, that guy posed with Sarah and Todd in separate pictures. He's probably just a spectator. Here are links to other pics on c4p.

    two guys with Sarah:


    two guys with Todd:


  36. Gryph---Good idea sharing with other bloggers....SAFETY IN NUMBERS, ya' know!

  37. bucks_and_bron3:35 PM

    When I saw the picture of Bristol, it was linked to in comments on C4P, the story being linked from Celtic Diva's blog. The guy with her is in 2 other pictures- one with Todd and one with her highness, and another guy (same in both other pics). I never thought about it being someone the Palin's knew- I just thought it was a fan.

    Bristol- http://tinyurl.com/c9apkf
    Sarah- http://tinyurl.com/c3l3jy
    Todd- http://tinyurl.com/coxqfe

  38. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I don't think it's johnny, I think I saw a pic of him. If it was him, he looks part native.

  39. To paraphrase Princess Diana speaking of Dodi, Bristol needs a marriage like a bad rash. She has two kids to take care of and a high school diploma to finish so that she can be focused on going to college, as her mother says she is.

    Sarah might want Bristol to marry because she has decided that abstinence isn't realistic for Bristol. Better to marry than to burn, or whatever Paul in the New Testament said.

    Or, she wants Bristol to marry the father of TriG, who was guilty of statutory rape because he was more than 3 years older than 16 year old Bristol i 2007, and whom Sarah saved from criminal charges by hiding Bristol and faking pregnancy.

    I believe swim coach Matt Hanley is late 20's. Johnny Chandler is close to Bristol & Levi's age.

  40. Lisabeth5:51 PM

    For some reason that URL is not working for me. Could you please give the real URL with an actual hyperlink that I can click on? Or at least the website name? When I enter that, I get Something unrelated. Thanks!! I would love to see!

  41. Anonymous6:12 PM

    LisanTX, Seems strange for a spectator or even participant to put his arm around the Gov's daughter like that, but you are probably right. -B

  42. I'm guessing -- I don't really know for a fact -- that the two guys with S. Palin or T. Palin, and the one guy with B. Palin are "Bob and Mark", the DJs at KWHL.

  43. bucks_and_bron7:19 PM

    Here's a pic of Bob and Mark:

  44. those guys are not the DJs....

    here is a website with their photos: http://www.ktuu.com/global/story.asp?s=8928487

  45. KaJo--good thought, above, so I checked it out.
    Scroll about half way down and you can see their pictures on the left. These two guys are NOT Bob and Mark. http://kwhl.com/

  46. KaJo, I looked up Bob and Mark from KWHL, here is the link:
    The guy with BP, SP and TP does not look like either one of these jocks. If it is the receding hairline jock on the left, and he wore that dewrag in the pictures with the Palins, then he is considerably older than Bristol. But I do not think it is one of the jocks.
    By the way Gryphen, when you set up the paypal, I am looking foward to contributing to progress, also. ;-)
    Do you have any friends in Fairbanks?

  47. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Nice work, Gryphen! I've always thought Sherry's arrest was political. And, knowing how controlling Sarah is, no one can tell me she didn't know Sherry was leaving the state.

    Methinks Sarah wants Levi to be able to seek a high level of employment (modeling/movies) to keep the Johnstons financially stable.

    Levi looks very uncomfortable on T.V. You can tell his mother and sister are pushing him to seek success and reap the rewards.

    With a GQ layout and a book coming out, I'd say Tank (or Rex Butler) is doing a good job!


  48. The Palin's all seem happy to have that fellow's arm around them, especially Bristol!

    Bristol- http://tinyurl.com/c9apkf
    Sarah- http://tinyurl.com/c3l3jy
    Todd- http://tinyurl.com/coxqfe

    Here is a photo/bio of Matt Hanley:


    Looks like Matt to me.

  49. Anonymous4:34 AM

    You people need to get a life.

  50. Order out of chaos


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It just goes directly to their thighs.