Friday, April 24, 2009

Samantha Bee abuses her child's teddy bear right in front of him, and Republicans fight for her right to spank him for crying about it.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
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I have to say that bear was a tough customer. I don't think he was even close to spilling his stuffing. Perhaps Samantha should have used Shasta soda, because that shit burns!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
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Is it just me or are Republicans getting dumber and less relevant by the day?


  1. Gryphen, I just typed out the entire National Enquirer article from the May 4, 2009, issue ("Baby daddy to EXPOSE Palin family problems") and posted it at the end of the most recent post over at Audrey's place. At least it was SHORTER than the First Dud's handjob in Esquire!

  2. Gryphen, they are definitely getting dumber. The problem though is how LOUD they are for a minority party. We still have to be very diligent and not just write them off as crazy (even though they are). They have a lot of money and they know how to market someone. My God, they got George W elected! Twice! So it is important that we all do our part to really inform America.

    Take a look at this article I just found. Did you know about this? Why wouldn't this make your state newspapers, or maybe it has? It says that the Alaskan senate has sent a "sovereignty" bill to Palin! What the H???

  3. In the spirit of your question about "Republicans getting dumber and less relevant by the day" and "sh#t that's never going to happen", Gryphen...

    ...Over on C4P there's a blog entry daydreaming about 2013 when President Palin is in, office, and an "Orwellian" AP story is filed April 23, 2013 with the title "Obama Administration Officials to Face Prosecution".

    Geez. A bit desperate, aren't they? They've gone off the deep end into that weird fantasy world they constructed in the past 6 months (well, maybe longer than that).

    The original AOL "news" column is admitted to be tongue-in-cheek, but the WISHING from the C4Pers is palpable.

    Wasn't it Videmus Omnia from C4P who said in one of his/forays over here or at Mudflats that his/her interest in Sarah Palin wasn't so much promoting Palin for the presidential election campaign in 2012, but defending Palin from "unfair attacks/smears" and "media bias"? Yeah, right.

    C4Pers seem to talk out of both sides of their mouth at once, but they aren't very skillful ventriloquists.

  4. No, Gryphen it is not you.. they are getting dumber and less relevant every day... have you seen the memo they sent out wanting the Democratic Party to change our name to The Democrat Socialist Party. I have a post up about that.. Trying to come up with a good name for Since when does the opposition party get to name

  5. I think rethuglican'ts have always been dumb. They never cease to amaze me when they come out with new bizarre crap. How they get elected, now that one is like, which came first, the chiken or the egg?
    Painlin, Bachmann, the Newt, Cheney and all the rest should be committed to an insane asylum. They are always trying to justify the unjustable.(is that a word?)
    Keep up the good work exposing every new hypocracy that spews forth. Maybe we will have a chance to educate some of their cultists.

  6. Irishgirl12:58 PM

    I loved Samantha Bee!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.