Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Today I took the first step toward unraveling a puzzle that has plagued my mind for many, many months.

I am not alone and many of your favorite bloggers are taking this journey with me.

I don't like to do teasers anymore, but I also felt that you all deserved to know that I am working hard to bring you the answers that you all have been clamoring for.

I wish I could tell you what, and I wish I could tell you when, but right now even I don't know too much of value.

(Update: I changed my headline because I wrote it from memory and totally butchered it, and could not stand to see it just sit there mocking me. I should have learned long ago to never trust my faulty memory.)


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    OK Gryphen, meanwhile, tell me what you do know...are you dating?

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    You took the first step with a premise, and you know that you don't know. And, you are in good company. Sounds like a good beginning to me!

  3. Hi Gryphen ~

    I've spent the last few weeks unraveling the Scientology/Palin/Coale connection in is long...but it is worth it. Please visit at some point to check it out. ( I don't know why, but I published this new post hours ago and it is still not even registering as an update on the blogrolls. Sheessh take a little break and it's like being invisible!

    Looking forward to your news.


  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Me, too, I want to know. Are you dating?

  5. This post has nothng to do with my social life.

    I don't really date, I sort of have encounters.

  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Gryphen, honestly, I have never wondered if you were dating or not. But now that others have asked, and based on what you wrote above (about other bloggers taking this step with you), I feel I must ask:
    Are you dating other bloggers? Is there a blogger dating club?

  7. Ok .. this is perhaps the most enticing teaser of all! Thanks Gryphen, after a day trip that took me away from my blogs for most of the day (gotta confess - did find a deli/bakery with WiFi briefly mid-morning) this was good to come home to this evening! Keep the Faith!

  8. No, no. Though we could be described as "friends with benefits" Those benefits are strictly along the lines of intellectual interactions.

    Besides most of us are in committed relationshps. I am the odd man out as it were.

    Okay I have shared enough.

  9. Anonymous8:19 PM

    If anybody can do it, you can. Good luck!

  10. okay...
    I just need to say this...
    to Gman and the great Alaskan Bloggers..
    we know that you have kept all of us Aware of Palin...and her failures as a "Leader"...and Voice for the GOP... ( the Obstruction party)...
    we are grateful for all of your hard work...
    and you know the Lower 48 is still watching...
    we are here if you need us...
    Keep at it....the Repug party is in Scramble mode...

  11. Maeve8:44 PM

    Oh, honey, you aren't odd at all...

    Just jerking your chain.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

    (sorry, former lit major, its like a disease...)

  12. Listen, man. You're KILLING me with these teasers. KILL-ING ME! WTF! I thought we were cool on this shit for a while. I've got kids I need to care for! A husband who needs...never mind. I've got STUFF! And this! THIS just gets me crazy on the ole refresh button. $%#^@!!

  13. Sorry, but I thought I should mention that since my new post is WEIRDLY not updating on the blog rolls (tin-foil hats on please) you can only access the new post by searching for nailinpalinnow. The new post comes up in a google but not by clicking the blog roll link.


  14. EyeOnYou2:06 AM

    All right you have me piqued my interest. What can you share about your puzzle unraveling? As for not liking the teasers any longer...well they can be fun and you have proven with this particular way of wording something that you are good at it.

  15. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I think that it's more of a tangle myself, but I'll grant you this Gryphen, "He that climbs the tall tree has won right to the fruit".

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM


    "I don't really date, I sort of have encounters."

    Be proud! Own your encounters! "sort of" is a little like ahem, "living with or staying with" in Levi's case. At least I won't pull an LK and ask if these encounters happened under Sarah's roof....LOL (or eewww, take your pick)

  17. Anonymous3:04 PM

    By "first step" do you mean DNA??

  18. Has Levi and Rex started the paperwork yet for the custody/visitation yet?

  19. Gryphen, have you by chance found "Constance"?

  20. Gryphen, I greatly appreciate your efforts and hope your being closer to "the scene of the crime" will allow your fact-finding to succeed.


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