Monday, April 27, 2009

Sarah-haters, Obama-bucks, and the Alaskan bloggers.

There are a number of prevalent conservative memes that keep being utilized by the Sarah supporters to explain why the Alaska bloggers (and not just the "progressives" either) are so anti-Sarah.

One is that we are afraid of her because she is "authentic". To this I have to ask WTF? There is NOTHING authentic about Sarah Palin. From her fake Fargo accent on the McCain campaign trail, to her promises of transparency which she confuses with covering up, this woman is the absolute definition of "inauthentic". (Is that a word? Well spell check did not kick it to the curb so it must be.)

And we are not "afraid" of her because she is "authentic". We are afraid of her because she is an imbecile and she is in charge of our state. It is the same way I would feel if I was in the backseat of a car being driven by a drunken blind man. Outside of the car, no problem, inside of the car, HUGE problem.

The second meme is the one that says we hate her because she is "pretty". For one thing I am a guy, I LOVE the pretty. But I could care less if my governor was attractive or not, I want somebody who can do the damn job! It is not that I want to screw her, I just don't want her to screw me.

And as for my female blogger pals? Well they are powerful, confident women who are much too secure to be getting all "junior high school" over somebody just because she is the "pretty one". And besides, take it from me, some of my progressive female friends are MUCH prettier than Sarah could ever hope to be. Both on the outside, and on the inside where it really counts.

And none of us really "hate" her. We despise her lies, we cringe at how she represents us to the world, and we are frustrated by her lack of competence, but we don't hate her. If anything we pity her, and everybody who still supports her. I often wonder if they do not occupy some parallel universe where up is down, and wrong is right, and Sarah Palin is not a train wreck.

The third meme is the one that says we are being paid by the Obama administration. This one has been around since September when there was all of this talk about Obama operatives up here making trouble for the Republicans and trying to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin.

Nope. Never happened. I asked.

I literally ran into only ONE person who was on the Obama payroll. Everybody else I met was a volunteer, and they were local, with the exception of the guy who came to town to set up the Obama campaign headquarters.

However we did learn of a few Republican operatives up here, just to give you an idea of who was REALLY being underhanded and duplicitous. Karl Rove operative Tim Griffin anyone?

And as for the rumor that the Alaskan bloggers have been financed by the Obama administration, or any other progressive group, I just have to say WHERE IS MY CHECK? I have been blogging my fingers to the bone and have not been paid one red cent. Now is that fair?

But here is the thing, NONE of us have been paid. I know. I asked.

These people are my friends, I am sure they would cut me in if they had worked out some deal for a payday. Besides everybody that I know works a full time job, or a bunch of part time gigs, to pay the rent and buy bandwidth.

So I guess that leaves us with the question of why do we do this?

Because somebody has to. Somebody has to point out the lies, the manipulations, and the mistakes to minimize the damage they could do to our fellow Alaskans, and to the rest of the country.

Why are we the ones? Hell I don't know. I guess because we were the ones who could not stay quiet about it any longer. Believe me, some days ALL of us wish somebody else was doing this instead. But we also recognize that even if they were we would still have to be involved somehow.

After all this is our home, if we don't care enough to protect it than how can we expect others to protect it in our place?


  1. Thank you, Gryphen! Well written, and well said! It takes an Alaskan to have real moxie on the subject of Sarah Palin. For now, she's your GINO--and your keen eyes and clear speaking will keep SP from holding any national office.

    When W. left Washington, I felt a sense of pure joy and relief, made greater by the realization that the Palin clan would NOT be moving into my neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Undoubtedly, they would have been flouncin' around in multi-black-windowed-Suburban caravans, as did the Cheneys, and puttin' on airs something wicked. That's my selfish relief. But I am dismayed that a state as huge and gorgeous as Alaska has someone so dangerously out-to-lunch at the controls.

    Alaska elected SP, and Alaska will dispose of her. Fortunately, your state already has plenty of experience dealing with toxic spillage. I'm only sorry that you now have more.

  2. Thank you Gryphen,

    You captured my feelings exactly, and I'm not even a blogger or from Alaska.


  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Gryphen, can I just say, you progressive AK bloggers are all American heroes. Truly.

    We in the lower 48 owe you big time. You are a model of 21st century citizen journalism and progressive activism.

    And the most apparent thing about all of your motives is that you all are doing what you do FOR ALASKA: because you love the state of Alaska and Alaskans.

    Thank you.

  4. I try to not write about Palin. Indeed, my blog is about anything but politics. I am a housewife and my kids and art are my material.

    I do have my thoughts about Palin, but my husband is a WITW Republican and I don't discuss this too much. If I were to read this and you took out any political references, I would think that you were discussing an odd-ball, emo high schooler!

    "They don't like her because she is different."

    "They are afraid of me because I'm TADA! different."

    "Gangs of kids don't like here and are trying to make her leave."

    Just more excuses for an unpopular person.

  5. Another oft said accusation is that "libs" are "afraid" of Sarah because we realize she can beat Obama in 2012. I remember my sister (an intelligent, educated, yet oddly rapid Republican) laughing at me during the election when I said Palin scared me. I told her demagoguery, intolerance, small-mindedness, arrogance, incompetence, fundamentalist dominionism, racism, fascism, etc, are always scary. She didn't get it.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Thank you for all you do.

    Any further news on a Levi legal fund?

    How can Sarah sleep soundly at night? Ethics complaints, possible Levi book, possible FBI probe into house gate, pesky lawsuit to show private emails and all the other issues. Plus Trig and Tripp crying. Wow, no wonder she is looking ragged lately.

    Thanks Gryphen for all you do to help rob her of sleep.

  7. Gryphen, thanks for doing all that you do, despite the criticism and insane claims from SP supporters. I'm glad that there are people willing to work at this, and that you are all so good at it.

    I especially agree with your point about not hating SP. I don't hate her either, but I hate what she's done to our state. Once she's out of public office, I won't pay her any mind. Until then, we need to keep digging and keep the pressure on to either get her to behave or get her out.

  8. The meme that gets under my skin is that we "fear" her at all. It kills me,'s just so over the top. It's based on headline- or high-school-thinking, and it's geared toward producing the same chuckle-head idea that Democrats are weak.

    Palin's to good government what Mrs. O'Leary's cow was to Chicago. The weak get out of the way, the strong fight the blaze.

  9. And thanks from me, too, Gryphen. I'm grateful to all the Alaskan bloggers I read, because when I first looked into Sarah Palin and all the Repugnants were raving over her looks and ability and conservatism, and I realized what might happen to the country...

    I got the cauld grue. I was so thrilled when I came across Mudflats. And then a bunch of others. And I realized I wasn't alone. I'm so GRATEFUL.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Right on, brother. Excellent post.

  11. Bravo!! Why am I here? Because fakers like her are dangerous. They put a pretty face on racism and xenophobia and celebrate ignorance.

    I don't want her anywhere near me in NYC!!

  12. The seeforpee'rs and Maet Haras folks (hehe, that sounds like a clan of desert dwellers on Dune..) are following in SP's footsteps. Nothing can be her fault. Nothing she did, is doing or will do is worthy of criticism, therefore they can fabricate and believe in the list of excuses they roll out.

    It's sad and laughable at the same time.

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I wonder how long it was before she even really understood what a blogger was versus a poster.

  14. I love your writing! You tell it like it is. Yours, in the Bay Area. Laura

  15. MrsTarwuinBiscuitBarrel: Does your neighborhood allow doublewides and cars up on blocks???

    Gryphen: Instead of "inauthentic" how about just using FAKE???

  16. You're kinda hott. Did you know that?

    I like what you wrote there. Thank you.

  17. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You left out the part about how we are just jealous! Jealous of her unwed teenage daughter (mine graduates next month, kid-free), jealous of her hot husband (mine is a doll and actually likes to spend time with his family, not bomb around on his snowmobile all of the time), jealous of her intelligence (WTF?), jealous of all that she represents (stupidity, hatred, bigotry & vengefulness).

    I'm with you -- get some new talking points C4Pers! I look at the blog comment sections that they've taken over and it's the same old same old talking points from them. They REALLY need to up their game!


  18. Anonymous1:17 PM

    All America thanks you (except for the crazy parts).

    When I think of how this woman supposed herself capable of managing the future of all of U.S. I shake my head in wonder. She must never again hold the power of any political office.

  19. SoCalWolfGal1:38 PM

    Excellent post Gryphen. I am afraid of GINO, but it's not because she is "authentic", but as MrsTarquinnbiscuitbarrel so aptly put it, she is toxic spillage. In fact, I think that is probably the best description I have ever seen of her. Thank God for all Alaskan bloggers who stepped up and did the job they needed to do to keep her and her kin out of the White House.

    And as for her being "too pretty", that's too ridiculous to even comment on.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:03 PM

    Awesome, Gryphen! The Obama operatives thing really gets me!!! LOL! It shows the level of paranoia on the right!!!!

  21. If anyone's interested, Sarah Palin's twin in Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, has a website dedicated to HER insanity put on the 'Net by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, entitled "Bachmann Watch: Michele Bachmann vs. The Truth".

    It's about time someone examined that woman to the same degree progressives in Alaska have conducted their Palin Watch.

  22. Emily4:06 PM

    I often wonder if they do not occupy some parallel universe where up is down, and wrong is right, and Sarah Palin is not a train wreck.Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow calls that the "Rightwingoverse", and apparently as it shrinks, the concentration of craziness rises...

    Very nicely said-- I'm so tired of hearing the "you're just jealous cause you're not pretty/successful/famous" counterargument to any criticism of Palin. If I'm ticked off because Palin is successful, it's because her success is ill-gotten and utterly unmerited.

  23. Basheert, there's lots of property behind the gates and guards at the Naval Observatory around the Vice-Presidential residence. Saw it myself, in those halcyon days when Tipper Gore welcomed trick-or-treaters and their parents through the gates. (FYI, Mrs. Gore gave out Goo-Goo Clusters.) Believe me, there'd be plenty of room for double-wides, wrecked cars, old appliances, Tahhhhd's plane... Brrrrrr!

  24. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Personally, I'm ready to puke from all the "You're just jealous" comments that I get!!! Puh-leez.
    I'd like to do a mini-post basically just linking back over to THIS one, if ya don't mind. Perhaps when I am finished counting my Obama-scratch...

  25. Anonymous8:43 PM

    I have a situation in my life that somewhat parallels the SP thing. It's not political per se. It's a club I belong to and I'm not in any way diminishing what you folks in AK are going through with Her Heinous, but offer it as an example.

    I have found that people EXPECT other people to act like they themselves act. So if you are a person of high morals/ethics you basically expect other people to be that way as well.

    If you are a person of low morals/no ethics you expect everyone else to act that same way, as well.

    So you end up with a REALLY ginormous disconnect when you are a moral person because you can't imagine anyone acting the way unethical people act.

    In the club I am in, there is a group of people that functions like SP. They lie about stuff you can easily prove, they are masters of distraction and deflection and, like her, they seem to be made of Teflon.

    I find it exceedingly hard to take mostly because I can't imagine living my life that way and I can't imagine how truly miserable those people have to be in their daily lives.

    Another thing that these types of people seem to do, since they know how THEY would act/react is to project that on to their opponents.

    If they are being paid, so must you be. If they are lying, so must you be. On and on and on.

    I find it VERY exhausting to have to deal with this type of behavior and more than once I have had to take a break because I find they are just dragging me down with them with all the BS.

    I can't imagine what it would be like to have a leader in my state that was this kind of person.

    It is really great that you guys are friends and can actually get together so you can keep each other sane, because without that lifeline you would all burnout very rapidly.

    I admire the strength that Gryphen, Celtic Diva, Shannyn, AKM, Phil Munger, and Andrew Halcro all show in dealing with this on a daily basis.

    Apologies to any bloggers I may have missed. I listed the Alaska ones I read daily.

    Stay strong!

  26. Her ignorance is authentic, at least.

  27. Anon @ 8:43PM--Yes, you are so right. This is really good info. for people to know. In the past 3 years I've learned this the hard way :(

    One more point is that people generally are attracted to others who are at a similar level of development. So SP attracts people who are similar to her. Those who can see through her con artist facade and live by ideals such as honesty and integrity tend to get together. In this case, we gather through these great blogs.

    So these two disparate groups have opposing values. No wonder the groups are becoming more polarized.

    Anon, I appreciate your insight. Thanks for sharing with us!

    The dynamics of this situation are fascinating to me. There is something truly symbolic about all of this.

  28. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Again Gryphen,well said. Big fan,Mekoryuk.


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