Sunday, April 12, 2009

When I decided to start a blog I almost made one that focused on movies and movie making. I would probably have ended up like this blogger on SNL.

Except I seriously doubt I would have been caught dead in that sweater. I mean "bitch please"!


  1. Gryphen,

    The Alaskan public and the blogging community are fortunate you chose a different path.

    Funny stuff.

  2. Anonymous9:53 AM

    If you want to hear a great interview and some funny stuff about ugly sweaters (talking about stupid people who wanted to burn his books/ban them from libraries -- sound familiar?), track down Terry Gross' interview w/the Lemony Snickett writer (Fresh Air on NPR), it was many years ago, but if you can track it down it's a must-listen.

    Glad you chose a political blog as your platform.

    Happy Easter!


  3. Bones AK12:00 PM

    I needed a giggle, Thank You

  4. Irishgirl12:15 PM

    The clip isn't available in my location....anyway, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter.

  5. mlaiuppa12:22 PM

    Wow, until she stood up, I could have sworn she was wearing pajamas.

  6. While we're all celebrating Easter or wishing those Christians we know to have a Happy Easter, a certain conservative blog with the initials "see 4 pee" is taking a page right out of Sarah Palin's own play book: they're issuing a pre-emptive condemnation strike about and to the New York Times.

    Yes, see 4 pee is telling all and sundry what they think the reporter Bill Yardley will be saying in an upcoming NYT article. There's another news flash, the see 4 pee people are as prescient as Sarah Palin and Meghan Stapleton are! (and how did THAT work out, in the Levi Johnston/Tyra Banks affair? Not too well...)

    Bill Yardley is in Juneau preparing background information for an article that will appear in the NYT regarding, to quote the ADN, "how Sarah's governance has changed since the VP race."

    Oh, how cute, the ADN refers to "Sarah" with no last name! Oops, correction, make that Shirley Toomey the Nose for Noos, er....the Ear refers to "Sarah" No-Last-Name.

    A sampling of the pre-emptive strike: "A New York Times article centering on Palin's relationship with the legislature will likely be full of quotes from Palin's foes, who include: Jay Ramras, Mike Hawker, Beth Kertulla, Hollis French, Johnny Ellis and others. My prediction is that the article will paint Palin as the villian, while the legislature will be depicted as the victim."

    It's just a goldurned shame how hard Sarah Palin's followers have to work to make sure SHE'S the victim.

  7. mlaiuppa1:06 PM

    This is the only one I could actually find with Terry Gross. Snicket with one T.

    I didn't hear anything about bad sweaters.'s at about 24:17. "Nice sweater."


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