Monday, May 04, 2009

Having been thwarted once Governor Palin orchestrates the introduction of an Abortion Initiative.

Gov. Sarah Palin is backing a ballot measure to bypass the Legislature and make it illegal for teenagers to get an abortion without telling their parents.

The initiative sponsors, including former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman, applied last week to start gathering signatures. The measure would generally forbid a girl under 18 from getting an abortion unless the doctor informed at least one of her parents beforehand.

Palin said she plans to be the first in line to sign up. The governor said she even considered sponsoring the initiative herself, but decided otherwise after checking with the state's lawyers.

"I got a preliminary opinion from Law (Department) just giving me a heads up that critics would certainly file an ethics charge against me if I were to sponsor an initiative (Well at least she got that one right). So though I maintain I have First Amendment rights just as any other citizen does, I won't flirt with the notion of giving critics more ammunition to keep filing wasteful ethics charges against me, but instead I'll volunteer to be the first signature," Palin said.

It is kind of funny, I was just talking to AKM the other day about how there are things in the Democratic platform that we struggle to accept.  We are good progressives,but you know sometimes we just wish there were positions that were not so rigid.

For me that issue is abortion.  I cannot be described as somebody who supports abortion (of course I have never really met a Democrat who could), but I am educated on the topic well enough to realize that the position of the other side is simply barbaric.  If we are to limit the number of abortions without outlawing them than we need some serious sex education, and yet they oppose that absolutely.

They would love it if every single possible birth were to be realized even though the planet can barely sustain the current population.  I believe the idea is to create a vast army of Christian soldiers to combat the forces of "evil", I imagine that to be anyone who disagrees with their religious viewpoint.  You can read more about that here.

But the fact is that children need to be protected, from a potential predator, from circumstance, and sometimes from their own parents.

The abortion rights group Planned Parenthood will oppose the initiative. Many teens come from unhealthy families and could take dangerous steps to avoid the consequences that would come from facing their parents, said Clover Simon, the Alaska vice president of Planned Parenthood.

"I'm afraid that young women in that situation are going to see this and they're just not going to get any help at all and they are going to take things into their own hand. ... If you Google abortion or self-induced abortion you can get all kinds of bad advice," she said.

Palin, a Republican, blamed "inflexibility by some senators" for the bill not passing. She said a young girl should have the counsel of her parents in such a major decision.(In a different world I might be in total agreement with the Governor on this topic.  But I have seen the statistics and know people close to me who have suffered because of a lack of education and medical advice.)

But Anchorage Democratic Sen. Bettye Davis, who chairs the Health Committee, said the bill needs more work. Davis said she's going to make an effort on it over the summer and when the Legislature comes back into session next January. Davis said the bill has problematic issues like forcing the teen to wait 48 hours to have the abortion even after telling a parent. The bill requires compromise on both sides, she said.

"If they want to do an initiative they have a right to do that; it might be the way they are going to get it done," Davis said.

I guess the thing about this that really irritates me is that until recently Palin has not tried to push through this particular agenda item.  We all know that she is a member of a very primitive evangelical movement, and that she is absolutely opposed to ANY sort of abortion, but until just this last few months she has not tried to do anything to push her beliefs onto her fellow Alaskans.

So why now?

Because this has nothing to do with her fellow Alaskans.  This is all about her national standing.  

In spite of how badly her image has been damaged, and despite the charismatic and popular President we now have in office, Sarah Palin STILL believes she has a shot at the presidency.

I am not sure the often applied label of Narcissist is a diagnosis that completely explains this incredible level of mental illness.  What kind of person could not see that her political career is in tatters and that she needs to shift her focus to something that will bring her less personal scrutiny and allow her family to heal itself?

I know you all hate it when I feel sorry for the Governor, but let's face it the lady needs some serious help.

Maybe we should start a "Get Sarah a Psychiatrist" fund.

By the way, this initiative will fail.  But that really does not matter to Sarah, she is only going through the motions to impress her national audience. Remember it is not about Alaskans, I am not sure it ever was.


  1. The "Get Sarah a Psychiatrist" fund", aka the "Get Alaska a Psychiatrist" fund.....

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    The fact that SeaforPee minions are wasting any time over here shows how delusional they are and their "candidate" is. Anyone who is trying to help Palin win a 2012 bid should be trying to go after her competitors in the GOP.

    For example, Romney just took a big swipe at her, while smiling:

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Oh, and yes--totally agree that Sarah Palin needs serious mental health help. It is obvious to mental health professionals nationwide. I find it sad that no one around her cares if Palin gets any treatment.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Can I please remind your reading audience that the term is "PRO-CHOICE." We are for a woman having a choice with what happens to her own body. Sarah Palin says she is "anti-big government," yet works to legislate what happens to my uterus. I am speaking as a rape victim. It is horrible that Sarah Palin wants to take away my rights to my own body. And she is trying to do it by building the government's invasive power. What a hypocrite.

    The right wing likes to say that progressives are "pro-abortion," but that is a smear. We are "pro-choice." There is a huge difference.

  5. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Perhaps an "Education Fund" would be more appropriate.

    Just my opinion.

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Here's the thing from my viewpoint--did the girl and her impregnator ask permission from each of their parents before they conceived a baby? Maybe THAT would be a better bill. Yeah, that's it; automatic birth control for all girls of child-bearing years and mandatory condom use for all teen boys unless they get permission from their parents NOT to be on birth control.

    Having a sexually active teen girl under the care of an OB/GYN might be a good idea too, plus sex and reproductive education, and STOP ALL THIS ABSTINENCE NONSENSE as the be all and end all of what is required, because quite obviously, it DOESN"T WORK. GINO"S own daughter said so, as did Levi, as do most scholars who have studied the issue. GINO is putting the emphasis on the wrong area. The horse is already out of the barn by the time a teen is pregnant. Best to secure that horse and that barn and provide the horse with proper care and love and an understanding of the responsibilities that go with being an adult and future parent. I notice that Levi indicated that he and Bristol got that talk when they were already pregnant. Too late.

    Generally, I'm all for the pregnant girl seeking the counsel of her parents, but, come one, I am going to bet that MOST teen girls who get pregnant and already have a decent relationship with their parents will of course seek their counsel, but, like Gryphen indicates, those who may have 'issues' with their parents (oh, like say incest) may be too afraid to have to notify them and then end up carrying the baby to term--which is what Palin (IMHO) really wants to have happen. Some daughters might have reason to fear for their own lives upon notification. It is a very tough subject, I agree, and I can understand both sides, but the 'pro-life' side seems to think that only THEY know what is best for all in a situation like that.

    Oh, and if they are seeking the notification of the girl's parents, are they not then obligated to notify the parents of the impregnator also, in case the father would like a say? Doesn't he have any rights? GINO? Oh right, Levi is now just an "error in judgement" on Bristol's part in SP's book.

    It was apparent based on GINO's press conference at the end of the legislative session that she would try to pull something like this, too, since she said she would do whatever she could as a private citizen.

    I wonder what SP plans to do about Plan B for 17 yr olds to be sold OTC? Has she spoken out about that? (Or am I mistaken and it's only state law in WI?)

  7. Palin has just signed a bill that will provide birth certificates for stillborn babies. While I can understand why some mothers might value one, this is a subtle move in the anti-abortion war. It falls in the grey area that holds things like sueing someone who injures a pregnant woman so that she loses the baby.

  8. Ratfish6:56 AM

    "I guess the thing about this that really irritates me is that until recently Palin has not tried to push through this particular agenda item."

    You got that right. Palin spent very little time on the issue when she could have made a difference- when the Legislature was in session. She certainly never held legislators' feet to the fire on the issue.

    It's clear that her strategy was to do nothing so she could then get publicity for an initiative that won't even be voted on for a year and a half.

  9. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Palin's advocacy of any legislation related to teen pregnancy just serves to remind the public of how Palin's own teenaged daughter Bristol recently gave birth out of wedlock, and Bristol Palin herself does not believe in abstinence (as she firmly stated on Greta's Feb. 2009 interview on FOX).

    It is a bad political move, in terms of strategy, even as a "political fake." It reminds the Christian Right of how Palin is hypocritical.

    Who advises Palin? Is it only her high school friends? Maybe so since the GOP now wants nothing to do with her....

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Hi Gryphen, I work for the BBC and I am doing a radio programme today on politicians and morality. i'm trying to make contact with you. our blog is My email address is

  11. Uh...I'm for the Recall/Impeach Sarah Palin fund. She is beyond psychiatric help, and would never get it. I agree with Anon @8:20...Sarah has to get thru her own party first before she can even touch Obama, and that will never happen. She will get eaten alive in a gubernatorial primary next year, if she decides to run. Any other sane politician would have kept a low profile after her disastrous performance as a VP candidate, but not our Sarah.

    I hope she keeps commenting on your blog Gryphen, it's fabulous that she has that much time to troll ;)

  12. I started college the year before the passage of Roe v Wade. Believe me, we do not want to go back to the days of girls bleeding to death in dorm showers from backalley abortions. This is all part of the Dominionist aim to make this country into a theocracy. Those who don't believe in abortions should be pushing for better sex education, free contraception, and better social services for unwed mothers, yet instead they oppose all of that, too, and support the death penalty, foreign wars that kill hundreds of thousands of innocents, and unrestricted gun ownership. They are "Pro-birth," not really "pro-life" at all.

    Google the Council on National Policy, the Dominionist ruling council that gathers together people like Haggard, LaHaye, Faldwell, Oliver North, Ed Meese, Pat Robertson, Nelson Bunker Hunt, etc. They said in 2007 they'd run a 3rd party candidate if the Republicans selected someone who was prochoice. The speakers at their spring convention were McCain and Jindal. Jindal turned down the VP slot because he knew they would lose. But the Dominionists have been grooming both Jindal and Sarah for the past ten years because of their pro-birth stance. The Republicans and the Dominionists got together in the early 1980s and decided that abortion was the one issue that would galvanize their base, which is why they've been beating that drum ever since (before that, it was the Catholics). The Alaskan Republican party poured money into Sarah's mayoral candidacy back in the 90s when they heard she was probirth. Sarah knows this is her meal ticket. Yes, it's all about her.

  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    At every turn GINO is prodding, cajoling, she can't think out the illegal box.

    It was her bill- she didn't stay in Juneau to help pass it. anyways,
    She talked about this in her Indiana speech as if it was a done deal, but the leg had voted no while Palin was traveling.

    At the last press conference she said that she was going to pursued the issue in her capacity as a "private citizen". so now she has. and still. another violation could be find, she is acting as she did on ballot prop.4

    Now someone get ME a doctor...I can't stand it!!!

  14. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:07 AM

    Gryphen, I don't feel sorry for GINO, and lets face it...if she wanted help she has better medical ins. that you or I! People like her can't be helped, tho...
    Birth control! Yes if most teens used it, there wouldn't be hardly any abortions! Yea! But what would those pesky right to life, kill wolves and any animal that moves people complain about????
    And we know GINO was doin' the wild thing in HS with HS bud Joe S. (prison joe) Wonder how she didn't get preggers? Must of been on the rhythm method?
    These repub family values are BS. Look at the guy wannebe gov of georgia who was doing Mules in HS. Was on KOS a couple of days ago. Their family values are all lies.LIES!!!
    I hope this BILL gets shot down. I hope planned parenthood launches a full scale crusade against GINO. And Yes, could someone answer about "plan B" in Alaska? I don't think Plan B or abortion should be used as Birth control, but sometimes things happen. There should be options for women. Over the ages wise Women have always known...What herbs to take..... This knowledge has been taken away. Its time to take it back!

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Hey Gryphen -
    I'm a lurker/fan who found you by way of Mudflats. Thanks for posting on this initiative - I'm sorry you busy Alaskans have another fire to put out.
    Pro-choice folks are generally anti-abortion, just not anti-legal abortion. Abortion is a health issue, not a political and not a religious issue.
    I appreciate all your hard work holding the gov accountable. Really, who knew it would be a fulltime job? Love the blog, the links and the community you folks have built to make AK better.
    Write on!
    Annie in NC

  16. Caligirl: I certainly agree that abortion should not be your birth control, but just because there is confusion about planB (not you, but there is with many people) it is really just a larger dose of the same hormones in the pill. If you have birth control pills and you can't get planB, a person with knowledge could tell you how many pills to take instead.

    It only prevents the ovulation from happening in that cycle. If there is already a pregnancy, it will not affect it at all.

    But PlanB should also NOT be contraception because you never want massive doses of hormones very often, for your health.

  17. Anonymous11:30 AM

    If Palin wants to prevent abortions how about encouraging Bristol to get out and do as promised? Bristol, the time is now to advocate. Why wait? Life is not just a series of sports events. Teens need educational opportunities, not more laws. Bristol can help by advocating her position. Even if it generates arguments that will bring attention to the problem, with more discussion a better chance for improvements. Like bring down the alarming birth rate and the abortions for teens.

    What a nightmare if it is required to have one parent informed.

  18. Palin can't be a "private" citizen and the governor at the same time. Oh, yea she is narcissistic, but she also has elements of other personality disorders and sociopathy.

  19. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Republicans are for INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES MY ASS!!!! I do not want the government telling me what to do with my body!!!

    She needs more than psychiatric help. She needs to be STOPPED.

    Haven't we all had enough?????? Time to form our own PAC!! You can organize it Grypen. You are the one to do it!! Please think about this.

  20. Lisabeth3:50 PM

    Everyday it is something new with Palin. She makes me sick. How intersting the BBC contacted Gryphen about a story on morality and politicians. Palin is not a moral person. The comment Romney made about her was sexist though. Did you all see that? I don't care for him. I think part of the problem with Palin is that she has been getting away with this behavior for years and no one stops her. She thinks she is above the law. On that helicopter program, she basically gave the finger to people who have filed ethics complaints. She had a bear rug with it's head (gross) next to her and she mentioned Arctic Cat within the first minutes. See? She sees nothing wrong with what she does and she does not care. Her supporters laugh at it too. Ever read " the sarah palin blog." some of the comments will make you gag.
    It's not going to change. The way your gov is set up it seems she can do whatever she wants.

  21. Conservative Republican endorsed public policies almost always seem to invade individual rights. Why is this contradiction with their "less govt." ideals constantly present? Stay out of our private lives!!!

  22. Marnie5:26 PM

    "I believe the idea is to create a vast army of Christian soldiers to combat the forces of "evil",.."

    When you really apply the teachings of the first 4 books of the New Testament. Aren't the terms Christian paired with words like army, soldier, and similar bellicose terms, oxymorons?

  23. Ratfish5:53 PM

    Let me get this one straight.

    Palin says: ""I got a preliminary opinion from Law (Department) just giving me a heads up that critics would certainly file an ethics charge against me if I were to sponsor an initiative."

    I thought the Department of Law existed to provide advice about what the law is, and what the law says. So did the "preliminary opinion" say that for Palin to do what she did would violate the executive ethics act- and she chose to ignore the opinion by beginning a campaign in favor of the initiative- or did it sau what Palin claims?

    Let's ask her to release it. After all, she is open and transparent.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:30 PM

    Lilybart- I don't think plan B is supposed to be used as birth control, just as a emergency measure.
    GINO, made rape victims pay for their own rape kits b/c she was against Plan B and there was a plan B pill in the kits for the woman who were raped!
    Talk about Agenda's!!!!

  25. Anonymous6:15 AM

    caligirl: I know about the rape kits and I was and am still, horrified. Yes, I believe it was all about planB, but also the Christianists belief that women lie about rape or deserve it.

    They think the same about birth control pills, because MAYBE in some universe, the hormones might not let a fertilized egg implant, it is an abortificant. Doctors say it is possible in the physical world, but not at all probable. Besides, about 50% of a woman's fertlized eggs are flushed away by nature. Can't pass laws against nature!


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