Monday, May 04, 2009

Tank Jones and the blogger.

There has been a lot of buzz lately about Mr. Jones and the possibility he is working to reveal the secrets of the Palin family.  If that is true than that pisses me off.

The pro-Palin people are correct that I went to see Mr. Jones a while back.  As I had written about on this blog I had thought it a good idea to create a fund to help Levi Johnston and the Johnson family and that was the idea that I brought to Tank.

Simply put he rebuffed me.  Tank did not think that it looked good for his client to receive money from us as that would make him look exactly like they are on a "quest for fame, attention, and fortune".  (To quote the statement issued from the Palin camp.)

So my next approach was to try and hire Tank to do some investigative work for me to find out the truth behind some of our many questions surrounding Sarah Palin.  That request did not bring me any satisfaction either.

As I talked to him that day Tank received no less than four phone calls on his cell phone that interrupted our conversation and he actually got up and left the room to talk to Mr. Butler at least twice.  To say he is under a barrage of requests for his time is an obvious understatement.

I am a fairly convincing person, and I did my best to get Tank to work with me, but it soon became very clear that Mr. Jones is very dedicated to helping the Johnston family and simply is not going to do ANYTHING that jeopardizes Levi getting to spend time with his son. 

I enjoyed my conversation with Mr. Jones, and he is a colorful character to be sure, but at this point I do not feel he will ever give me any information that will do me any good whatsoever. Since that time, I have called him a few times but he screens his calls and I can never seem to get through.

However it did occur to me that there are other private investigator's in this town, and they may not have the access that Tank Jones has, but they are not nearly as costly either.

So I decided to come at this story from a bunch of different angles in the hope that soon something would shake loose.  I have been in contact with some people in Wasilla, and Anchorage, who have been willing to tell me some very interesting information, but not one of them will go public with it which is proving to be very frustrating.  But at least I know I am on the right track. (This is what I was referring to in last Tuesday's post.)

I have also bought a lot of lunches, and a few drinks to loosen lips, and get to the information I am seeking, and my funds have all but dried up.  So I will definitely be putting up that PayPal button in the next few days.

I listened to the interview that Eddie (gag) Burke did with Rex Butler.  I have no idea if I am the person that Rex was referring to, but I am fairly certain that they have received similar requests from other interested parties.  But my advice is don't waste your time because that leads to a six foot four dead end named Tank Jones.

But the good news of course is that the Johnston family is well protected and that if Levi wants to tell his story it will definitely be heard.  I know I , and my visitors, are on pins and needles.


  1. I believe the National Enquirer will keep people's names secret, so maybe you could put together the information you have with the number of sources for each and approach them. You might even be able to get a more "reputable" media outlet to run with it, if you have enough credible sources. A good angle for this story is the totalitarian-like control that woman has managed to exert over her valley and state, that no one dares to speak the truth for fear of retribution. This tells us that all is not good with our democracy.

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Tank and Rex will stay on their own plan in the battle with GINO. Any announcement of a Levi book deal will start the all out war.

    Walt Monegan could be the investigator and detective you need.

    I would like to see Walt investigate who built the house and who paid for the material and labor.

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    There are several local PIs who are just awful. Slimey and expensive or Lazy and expensive.

    The few good ones are the ones folks don't know about b/c they don't advertise (and don't need to do so). These usually are kept more than busy by just one or two folks/groups. Finding them is hard - getting their time is harder.

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I second the suggestion regarding the National Enquirer. They are professionals, and have a team of shrewd lawyers that won't be rattled by "diva-sized" temper tantrums.

    I look forward to your "PayPal" button, this is a story I want to have followed. (This may be part of the future of investigative reporting - a story worth looking into, people willing to fund that effort.)

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    First off, I am not a Palin supporter. I am a registered Democrat but had an open mind about the presidential election until Palin came aboard. She was an insult to women. However, in regard to all the allegations against her, I feel there must be some mistake about the cloud over the building of her house. If in fact the house was built from materials from the Center, how in the world could that not be proven. It would seem many people would have knowledge about such blatant misuse of state/city funds. Any ideas? Ya Ya

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Frankly, I am elated that Rex and Tank are so smart, which they clearly are, by playing it so close to the vest and strictly by the rules.

    Perhaps Rex or Tank could recommend another local PI to you? (I know it's hard to get them on the phone, though, to ask.)

  7. PI 's are a tricky bunch....sometimes you have to just wait out the information...and it comes out on it' own...people know Things and have secrets and some are more comfortable than others....Levi sadly needs someone like Tank....Walt could have used a "tank" in his life last year ( if you know what I mean...) Palin is part of a Bigger Uglier Machine that is well oiled by Texas Neocons and Money....Hence Tank becomes more critical....

    the main thing is that Levi gets some help- some protection and maybe even a team to help him get time with his his life starts over...after being manipulated by the Repug Machinery of last summer...

    And for you - just keep reporting the facts and the truth...people will seek you out that need to get the truth will happen...

    But if you pressure too much ,...people will clam's a fine tightrope you are dancing on...

    ( and on another level...Sarah and her clan are a reckless thoughtless bunch....but she is a bitch in be patient, and careful...and wait it out...her misdeeds will all catch up with her...on another front- the GOP is not so enchanted with her anymore- and once they fully toss her aside- many of her transgressions will become illuminated....)

  8. Anonymous8:51 AM

    don't you realize that this guy is just scamming you people for his mentally deranged investigation into Trig Palin?

    You guys are all nuts

  9. Wow, Wow!! What is going on up there in Alaska. I think GINO is about to blow her top. I read this on the Conservative site The Daily Dish.

    Not to mention C4P folks are all a flutter. Something is going down. Mr. Tank Jones I hope you keep Levi safe. They are definetly watching you.


  11. Rex and Tank are being responsible and ethical by keeping to just one client and battle at a time. You wouldn't want them in a conflict of interest situation, now would you? If the Palins scented a conflict, they would do their damndest to get Rex tossed as the Johnson's lawyer.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Perhaps a Truth Fund could be implemented with the intent of finding--drum roll please--the TRUTH about Wasilla's ex-mayor, Alaska's current governor and defeated GOP Vice-President (whew!). Sarah Palin is addicted to power, fame, and conflict IMHO. She is her own best friend(although an emotionally and intellectualy stunted one); conversely, she is also her own worst enemy. In her world, she is queen. How dare anyone question her? Well, Sarah dear, we are just not as stupid as you.

  13. I will contribute if you put up the paypal button.

    As a woman and a mother who, after 3 failed IVFS and miscarriages, finally got my darling little girl, I am insulted by someone who pretends that she just had tight abs and that she "only had to be pregnant one month" as she claims. And then she milks it at the Right to Life dinner by claiming that even SHE, Saint Sarah thought of abortion. BS!

    Anyway, thanks.
    If I lived in Wasilla I would be slinking around at all hours to figure this out!!!

  14. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Even though it's frustrating to not be able to access what's going on (or what went on); I must say I feel glad that the Johnson's have at least two people in their court - Rex and Tank. Cause the other "court" looks like a Verizon commercial with tens of thousands of uninformed supporters, the ADN, not to mention a boatload of people paid for on my State's dime (ie. Bill McAllister, Sharon Leighow, etc., etc., etc.)

    So give the three Johnson's a break - let 'em have a couple people on their side. We all know they're decidedly outnumbered. The only good news is that the truth - if it ever comes out - doesn't depend on numbers of supporters. The truth can stand alone.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I think that it is time for people in Alaska and elsewhere to have a serious organized plan to bring out the truth about Sarah Palin and other crooked Alaska politicians (or national politicians). Enough is enough. Aren't we all sick of reading about this, complaining about it and blogging about it? Clearly you/we have already been accused of this planning (and even getting paid. So maybe it is time for all of the Alaska bloggers or groups to get together and form their own PAC. GO FOR IT. It is time for this to stop. Why don't you call it Team Honesty or Team Ethics and collect money to pay for private investigators to find out the truth about this situation and other situations. Haven't we all had enough of lying, crooked manipulative politicians??

    During the last election, someone posted on Huffington about Michelle Bachmanns craziness and it started a huge coordinated donation effort to raise money for the man running against her. I don't know if you saw this but they raised I think over a million dollars.
    You could use the money you raise to place google ads everywhere, and even offer a reward for information to people. I have just had it with the lying!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. These politicians (NOT just Sarah Palin) are elected by the people to work for us. We are paying them with our hard earned money. Yet they seem to only care about themselves and their own agendas and pocketbooks.

    Why are these people who know the truth about SP and this particular situation afraid to speak out? It can only be because they have been threatened or are worried they will lose their job or something. Doesn't that tell you how crooked and manipulative the Alaskan government is? Aren't all of you sick of this too. I just wish one of the people who knows the truth about this would gather the courage PLEASE to just come forward and speak up. You would be helping so many people. Stop keeing the secrets! It isn't good for you either. This is like an abusive family where people are afraid to say anything. It is a terrible situation and someone, please please have the courage to speak out! You might be surprised how many people actually gather around to support YOU. And God certainly is on your side.

    What would Jesus think of politicians actually threatening and manipulating people, even in indirect ways?? How long can this go on?

    Please Gryphen, put the pay pal button up but meet with others and go ahead and make a serious plan to uncover the truth and stop these lies and serious abuses of power........ You are already accused of being "in" with lots of others to destroy Sarah Palin. That isn't even the truth right now !! But it could be!

  16. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I can't believe you have teased the beast for something as innocuous as this. Indeed, lets talk about the weather and every thing good in Alaska.

    Lo que sera, sera.

    Love you Gryphen.

    Forever Anonymous.

  17. Would any of your information be of interest to the FBI? I am still wondering if they are investigating the source of her house materials and labor.

  18. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:51 said:

    "don't you realize that this guy is just scamming you people for his mentally deranged investigation into Trig Palin?"

    "You guys are all nuts"

    And your point is? Why are you and other SP supporters so afraid of people looking into the Trig story? Makes one wonder if you feel that SP has something to hide as well.

    Apparently searching for the truth about Trig really bothers your kind. So as a supporter of SP's why don't you and others at see4pee and SarahPac (of wolves) convince SP to show a birth certificate for Trig and Tripp. This would at least shut most people up. Give it a try. I dare you!

  19. annabelle4:23 PM

    Gryphen seems reluctant to post the paypal button. Gryphen: We are not "bots," i.e., we will not let our children go hungry and cold to send money your way. I had a sister-in-law who sent money to Jim and Tammy Faye Baker even though they did not have enough income to keep their heat on in the dead of winter. I suspect that there are numerous GINO supporters who would do the same for Sarah's slush fund, so-called "Alaskan Fund Trust."
    But we are wiser I venture to guess. If we trust you and can afford it, we will give what we comfortably can. Count on us, 'tis important to learn to receive as well as to give.

  20. Please, put up the PayPal button. I don't have much, but would be happy to contribute what I can!

  21. To Anonymous @8:51,

    The irony is that Sarah has been scamming YOU by setting up a fraudulent legal defense fund calling for donations. Perhaps you should take issue with that.

    Gryphen, I'm happy to donate money to this cause. Whatever will get the truth out there sooner. However, I would recommend you disclose the expenses for transparency purposes. In fact, you wouldn't have to make the records public, just continue to entrust the same bloggers who can back you.

    Having at least some oversight will give you a lot more credence though I'm sure the crazies will continue to attack your motives.

  22. Sarah Palin6:15 PM

    Oh yes please put up the paypal button. I think your readers money is much better spent on this than to be donated to the democrats.

    I hope they don't require a refund when they finally find out that what you have promised to be a huge story is nothing more than the same old same old.

    Maybe you should get some insurance as I predict refunds will be requested alot.

    If a was a payer I would like to know what I am paying for. You do have a habit of promising more than you can deliver.

  23. Gryphen,

    I am in a quandry over this latest newsbit.

    On one hand, if you further your investigation any information that is uncovered might be on the same wavelength as what Rex and Co. are working on now; the information that would be for a book contracted by the Johnston family. If this is the case I get the feeling that you would rather step back and wait and see what the contents of said book would relate to, rather than step on their toes and "steal their thunder".

    I know that you have an interest in the Trig situation, and it seems as if the Rex/Johnston team is not pursuing that angle, or did they put you off because they ARE pursuing that angle and will presumably focus on it in their book?

    If you step back from this I'll respect you for it and stand by you 100% (not that it matters to you what I think :-) Just wanted you to know you have my support as a loyal reader regardless of your decision to pursue an "independently funded" investigation or not.

    You seem to have a "soft spot" for Levi and I am assuming that is because you are an educator and see potential in him that others do not. Lo and behold, it seems that Levi certainly does not lean "our way" politically, but perhaps learning that he has support from another "side of the fence" might perhaps expand his view of Alaskans and show him that Dems can be nice people as well.

    I think they are a good family regardless of the "smear" campaign that has been launched against them. I just hope that they find a sense of peace whatever route they choose.

    As for the Palins, I have a gut feeling that there is a very dark secret within their family, much darker than what has been revealed by the media so far. I think that much that has happened within that family has been justified by "God's will". I do wish them peace as well, but peace comes hard to a family that is so strong-armed by an unbalanced head of household.

    Sorry for the long rant, just wanted to send you a shout out and lend my support whatever you decide to do.

  24. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hey, Faux Sarah Palin@6:15. Why are you here still? What are you so worried about? If there's nothing that Gryphen can deliver, why are you here trying to intimidate him and discourage his readership?

    It's clear you are very worried. Are you incapable of seeing that your presence and your continued complaints here validate his purpose and his stature?

    (Does NO ONE advise Palin fans how to best represent her interests online, to her benefit? It's all so pathetic...)

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:23 PM

    Sarah Palin said...

    If a was a payer I would like to know what I am paying for. You do have a habit of promising more than you can deliver.
    Faux GINO, you are a troll.... do you know what YOUR payin' for in the Alaska Fund Trust aka GINO's atm fund???
    Will you cry, when she is taken down???
    Why do you keep bothering us here?
    Maybe you want a ringside side when she goes down....

  26. Sarah Palin8:15 PM

    I'm not worried at all, I might even donate myself. My donation though wouldn't be to find out the big secret, because I know there is nothing for Gryph to find. This is a worthy cause, keeps Gryphen busy. I worry what he would do if bored.

    But I think many of you are getting scammed. Anyone can promise that they "know" a big story and squeeze innocent people for some money pretending to prove it. He has already told you his wonderful "sources" refuse to tell what they supposedly know. They do not have to go public to tell it. Anonymous bloggers are the finest example of that fact. Sounds like a cover story to me.

    He has already told you that he can't reveal his great story until Levi writes a book. How long will that be. By that time you will have forgotten about the 10 bucks you donated a year ago, and Gryphen will have had a good time playing detective with other peoples money.

    It only seems fair to me that Gryph should be giving you something at least for your money, besides empty promises and a little less cash in your pocket that you gave to an internet stranger.

    And if Gryphen is bothered by my input he is free to ban my comments. Lots of blogs ban opposing opinions.

  27. Anonymous8:38 PM

    @Faux Sarah Palin, do I smell a crush? Why are you so interested in Gryphen's state of mind? :-) Aw, how cute....

    You don't need to interpret what Gryphen has written on his blog for us. We are adults. We understand. We read. We're literate. We know the value of web writing. Some of us have even participated in 21st century blog activities before this. We're not neophytes.

    I hope you keep answering, because my purpose is to keep YOU busy, faux Sarah, and to make sure you IP is recorded on here as much as possible! :-) Cheers!

  28. Sarah Palin8:55 PM

    Oh anonymous at 8:38

    I got tech guys who worry about all that IP stuff. Its not being recorded... trust me.

    And speak for yourself regarding the literate, understanding adult part. Have you read some of these comments?

  29. Anonymous9:47 PM

    @Faux Sarah, all I know is that if you were really a serious Palin 2012 fan, you'd be going after Romney, Huckabee, Jindal and Pawlenty, and in that order. Because those are the people who are Palin's certain obstacles for 2012--not anyone here! And Romney's rich! Huckabee's big with the pro-life crowd because he's a minister AND he's got Chuck Norris' endorsement. Jindal has been groomed for a long time; hence, he gave the rebuttal slot to the State of the Union type of speech in Jan. Pawlenty got a lot of focus when the RNC convention was in Minneapolis.

    But since you are always posting here and not going after the serious contenders for the GOP nomination (including one guy who made fun of your candidate just today), I must conclude that you are notreally a serious Palin fan or else you don't understand the process of launching a presidential campaign? Which is it?

  30. Sure you're Sarah Palin10:07 PM

    Anyone can call themselves Sarah Palin.See? And dearie, the IP Is recorded!!! Your comments show your intellect. Why should Gryphen ban your comments when they are so revealing of a sick psyche. You are so scared, aren't you. Only a demented person would go around pretending to be something they aren't. You are scare because you know there IS a very dark secret regarding Trigs birth sarah us not the mother and some of of know this with certainty. The real Sarah cannot scare, bully and threaten her way out of the truth

  31. Your tech guys give me a break10:17 PM

    "I got tech guys" shows such a great command of the English language. And "she" criticizes Gryphen and those who write here and wants us to "trust her"

    Just to show you how stupid this person is. ( maybe it is Sarah) if you look real close at the blog on the left column you can see there is tracking software. If you click you can see it records where people come from at what time. There are multiple origesms like that and the owner if the webpage can fund all about whose posting.

  32. Over on PD, I never get into the adoption theory discussion, but several people keep bringing it up, like it was such a benevolent act on Sarah’s part (rolling my eyes). Has it occurred to anyone that Trig’s DS was a pre-existing condition, therefore even with adoption, his insurance coverage would be difficult to obtain, if not quite expensive. Sarah pretended to give birth to Trig, and he is covered under her health insurance coverage, which makes me believe she has committed a fraud upon the insurance company. I don’t know what company provides insurance to Alaskan government officials, but I would think that company could and SHOULD demand conclusive evidence of Trig’s birth, not just take Sarah’s verbal assurance. Because I know damn well Sarah Palin was not pregnant with Trig.

    However, let me qualify this by stating that I do not feel insurance was the ONLY reason she faked the pregnancy.

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:49 PM

    Oh faux sarah palin,
    so sly, no IP being recorded, is that what you learn from ceeforpee?
    You should be concerned about Alaska trust fund.
    GINO's personal ATM available for her..her family and any one else she deems fit. Not for just "frivolous" complaints. (not that they are frivolous)
    Go Phuck off dude.REALLY! take your little pic of GINO into the bathroom and........!
    Stay off the blog.
    We are really tired of your lame sh!t!!!!

  34. Anonymous11:05 PM

    OMG! the faux Sarah is VidOmanic from cult4palin! LOL

    Gryphen, there will be more trolls on patrol, they will be ignore, let us know what you are up against
    in terms of threats.

  35. Wow, I can't believe the sitting governor of a state is coming on this blog and commenting so much...don't you have a state to run Sarah? Ha, this Stapletongue? Is this website keeping you up late at night? If there is nothing to learn, why are you commenting?

    BTW, Sarah Palin (uh, I mean Meg, or Todd, whoever), maybe you should actually do your owm post on this blog and explain Trig's birth story and your wacky ass religious beleiefs to us.

  36. Sarah Palin5:00 AM

    I give Gryphen full permission to post my IP address on this blog... since you all are so sure of yourselves.

    And there is much to learn here.

  37. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Faux Sarah, I am Anon@9:47 p.m. it is clear you do have a lot to learn, I'll grant you that.

    You did not answer any of my questions. Not one. I guess you're not really a Sarah Palin fan; otherwise, you'd answer as to why you are wasting time on this site night and day as opposed to the sites of the folks who Palin is up against for 2012. But you show us every time you post here how hopeless it is for Palin, because none of her peeps know how to run a campaign at the national level.

    I personally love it that you keep post here. You're compulsive. You can't stop yourself. (Is it a troll crush or a disorder? Think about it.)

  38. I am Sarah Palin ... also, too!!7:17 AM

    Oh Puh-leeeeeeze, Sarah dear ...

    Cut us a break and scoot back over to Trolls-R-Us, er, I mean SeeForPee. This blog is for intelligent folks ... folks who are not seeing starbursts when that charlatan speaks.

    How you can even understand her singular brand of "speak" (I refuse to call it English because it is not) is completely mystifying to me.

    And I agree with Anon @ 6:12am ... s/he is compulsive and cannot stop her/ betcha!!


  39. Sarah Palin11:47 AM

    I didn't answer you anon because a run for POTUS in 2012 is not happening. So the question is pointless to answer


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.