Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Levi responds to Bristol's interview this morning from Seattle. Ah so that is why he went to Seattle!

Watch CBS Videos Online

So go ahead and compare what Levi says to Bristol's interview and decide for yourself who is the more believable person in this circumstance.

I will not even make any snarky comments to try and skew your opinion.

(Tip of my hat to Palingates for this embed.)


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Snark is warranted here. Blast away!

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    "The last couple of days." Things are really improving for Levi, a few days before she starts her new role modeling role she is nicer.

  3. Gryphen,

    Here's a clip of a 2nd part to the GMA interview with Bristol and Neil Cole from Candies Foundation. (PalinSucks posted the link on Mudflats) Bristol has one simple message...abstaining is hard but it's the only way. Later in the interview, Bristol agrees that there needs to be a middle ground in sex prevention ed between abstention and protection....confusing, huh? Don't let the Palin supporters ignore the compromise statement or say it's taken out of context.

  4. This is the perfect thing for Bristol to be doing. It fits with the overall hypocrisy of the Palin family.

    Mom ran on an Ethics platform, then used the Mayor's office and assets for her campaign for Lt Gov.

    Bristol shills for an abstinence group that sells Hooker clothes and shoes.

    Like I said, perfect choice.

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:03 AM

    Levi!!! Hands down! He's honest, maybe even a bit peeved at Bristols hair-brained advocacy!
    Her "story" smacks of BS! But coming from that family, really what is can you expect???

  6. Interesting! It looks like the pressure put on the Palins by the Johnstone's lawyer has worked and the Palins are going to back off and play nice for a while. Too bad though because there's not a chance that the Johnstones are going to expose the big secret on why Sarah Palin faked being pregnant with Trigg.

  7. Bones AK9:17 AM

    No doubt it's Levi.

    OT -

    This right to the point, and what Sarah is really scared about!

  8. He is so much more believable than she is. She is using the interviews to paint him in a bad light.

    She told ABC she would like him to be in Tripp's life.. as if he wasn't already...but in the Today show she said he was in Tripp's life.. as in the present..currently. 2 different things.

    He says it has been better just in the last 2 days... or couple of days...something like that.. Something weird going on there.. She wanted to be able to say he had seen Tripp when she was on the programs without lying. That's the only reason for that. It will change after today.. I would bet..

    She is using that baby as a prop.. just as her mother did all the kids and most especially Trigg.

    You made a comment you thought she was a victim, I don't think so, I think the only victims here are Levi and Tripp. Bristol is no victim. I used to think that too. But after seeing these two video's and watching them, she is her mother all over again. She has changed.

  9. Gryph,

    Thanks for hat tip. The other Bristol interview on GMA, cbs, is more revealing, in the sense that she gets very defensive about abstinence. They don't have an embed facility, but here's the link:

  10. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:20 AM

    Levi was definitely truthful to what he was saying.Bristol was all BS. GINO's BS.
    What he said will have kids thinking...what she said will have teens all over the US LTAO!!!

  11. Hi, Gryph! Is it your opinion that Bristol's interviews are for the purpose of softening the impact of something that is going to come out about their family soon? That makes sense. Otherwise, I can't see what reason Sarah Palin would have for making her do this, unless she thinks this will help her chances when she runs in 2012. Poor Bristol. She needs to get completely away from her mother and live with some kind, loving people. She isn't even allowed to give interviews without a parent present. So sad.

  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Have you seen this Gryphen?? I haven't seen this before. My God, what do these authors know about big oil!! I must read more about this. How has she "taken on" big oil anyhow? I mean that seriously as I don't know. Has she or do they just say she has?

    Well here are their bios.....

    Anyone read their stuff? Sorry to be off topic but I just ran across this. And of course Levi is more believable! I just worry they will manipulate him and he won't have his full rights or tell his story and he should.

  13. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I just want to applaud Gryphen for a moment, for allowing all points of views to be posted here. Even when people call you nuts, I think it is admirable that you do not censor like many of the other blogs do. It creates a false sense of support and keeps people from thinking for themselves when they censor the way they do. You deserve some props for that.


  14. SoCalWolfGal2:08 PM

    The thing that always strikes me about this young man in these interview is that he seems to have such an innate sadness about him. I truly think he wants to do the right thing by his little boy and Bristol. Unfortunately, I think she is being way too influenced by her mother.

    OT, Gryphen I just used the PayPal button after not using it for several years (cutting down on my ebay obsession!). Keep up the good work. I check your blog first thing every morning.

  15. Do you think Levi in this interview is carefully choosing his words and sort of "biding his time." On a different note, Gryphen, to you and anyone else researching SP, while these interviews were going on, our First Lady Michelle Obama was attending (also in NYC) the Times Magazine 100 Most Influential Persons Dinner/Gala. SP also made that list. Did she attend? Was she there in NY (maybe keeping a low profile - as who might have paid for the trip?)? Did she get anywhere near Michelle Obama? Can you find out for us is she left AK to attend this?

  16. julianna2:28 PM

    Levi's views (contraception) are more realistic that Bristol's (by her own admission!). Candies seems to want to send a message for less teen pregnancies - NOT just abstinence, but for contraception and safe-sex too (obvious in their ads). I find it hard to see why Candies uses so much sexuality in their ads while claiming to discourage teen sex - very odd, but I notice that many "good Christain women" tend to sexualize themselves while trying to promote a holier-than-thou image. Bachmann, Palin, Tammy Faye Baker come to mind.

  17. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Did Bristol take Levi's bottle of Proactiv?

    With threats of a tell all book looming, Levi will get a few hours of time with Tripp (and Trig).

    To stop a book deal, Levi may get a high paid position in SarahPac.

    GO LEVI... put Sarah on her knees and get all you want from her.

  18. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Even Candies has done an about-face regarding Bristol:

    Last fall, Candies Foundation placed full page PSA ads in the New York Times and New York Post featuring a picture of Bristol and Levi as examples of the “epidemic” of teen pregnancies today.

    But NOW, after being “Exhibit A” of a teen pregnancy, Bristol is going to advocate for the group?!

    On the webpage below, if you click on the small poster with Bristol and Levi’s picture, it will enlarge. (looks like a "Wanted" poster)

    So Candies thought Bristol was a bad example and then brought her on board as a "good" example. WT??


  19. Anonymous3:33 PM

    First -- the boy needs elocution lessons. It would be a very wise, long-ranging investment. Second -- he appears stoned. Ah, Seattle! I miss it so much.
    Last -- sense vs. political agenda. Levi, stay in Seattle, get a job outside Mama Bear's influence, and go to court to arrange the living arrangements. Whether the Palin's have been friendly for the 'last coupla days' or not. Your child will be used to keep you in line.

  20. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Levi is believable... !!

    As a teen mom 30 years ago, it is a good thing to have the guy, like Levi, fessin up to the deed, is good. Its wonderful.

    Why do I sense nothing but crap from the Palin side?

    Good on Levi to get in the media right away. Something tells me the Palins are forging ahead with gods know what and bypassed anything Levi's family might contribute.

    Can't someone tell the Palins that lack of resolve might be the issue in this childs life?

    This spokesperson for Candies thing is so trife and tacky when, the baby is on your lap, while speaking for no sex, while not using safe sex... the list can go on and on and on.

    Good for Levi. If they (Palins) are going to do interviews, then Levi should be right there ready to counter act.

    As a teen mom, my role model was a women that showed care and love to me, she showed me how to care for a newborn, that taught me the difference between uncondictional love and conditional love.

    As a teenager, my role model would of been something trife and flashy, for that moment in my teeny brain.

  21. Anytime they say something that is recorded and it comes back to bit them, "it was taken out of context". How convenient. I hope the big fall coming for Sinister Sarah includes jail time. I don't see why she hasn't already been charged, how is she getting away with so much? Somebody call in the FEDs.

  22. Daisydem,

    I bet that's why they are rolling out Bristol now. She wanted to go to NYC with Sarah and Todd for the 100 Most Influential People thing. This way, Candies or NBC or CBS paid her, Todd, & TriPP's travel. It may also be a good time because she may have finished school and be ready to graduate a little later this month and start classes at UA-Anchorage. Gryphen, I wish the timing would be to create goodwill before a big anti-Palin bombshell, but maybe not.

  23. Wow, I thought our "Sarah Palin" troll would be back, but he/she is eerily silent on these latest posts...

  24. B - thanks, but so do we know that SP attended the 100 most influential gala? And if so, did she pay herself to attend? Did the whole family go? This is getting ridiculous that she is still getting this level of attention. And regarding Bristol's new role as a spokesperson: who had this idea? Considering her lack of ability to express a complete and eloquent idea in a complete sentence (her only answers are to carefully guided questions where the answer lies in the question posed) I really can't see that the invitation came from Candies so perhaps the invitation was extended to Candies (from SP and Company?) to ask Bristol to be a spokesperson?

  25. Anonymous9:23 PM

    After reading the blogs, I see that Bristol is on the East Coast and somehow Levi is in Seattle ready to do his rebuttal?

    Is this coordinated or what?

    Come on people...don't buy into this B.S. and let's start demanding the MSM provide us with more creditabilty!


  26. honestyinGov10:28 PM

    If 'Poor Sarah' is not upset enough with those Pesky bloggers calling her out on her actions and and all the hypocrisy that flows within all of her family... seeing as how Bristol wants to be a spokesperson.... she is no longer off base as well.
    Rather than all those blogger lies that GINO and Meg are so fond of spouting about, I guess the NYT will have to be added to the List.
    They have an Op-Ed piece today about Mother and Daughter. I can see the frown on Sarah's face all the way from NY... yu ...betcha

  27. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Why exactly was Levi in Seattle? He could just have easily done this from Anchorage, right? There is a CBS affiliate there, isn't there?

    Gryphen, do you know any specific reason for him to be in Seattle??

  28. Anonymous 6:56, I am not sure why Levi went to Seattle for this interview. I did find out on Monday that he was going but I did not learn the reason why until yesterday.

    Though the possibility of avoiding the local press may be the reason.

  29. InJuneau8:35 AM

    My guess is that the CBS station in Anchorage may not have the technology to do a live interview feed, so he would have had to go to Seattle.

  30. Anonymous11:55 AM


    Keep on keepin' on! You're my first cup o' joe in the AM.

    Levi is the authentic one, he wins by a landslide!

    I read in one of the Candie promotions for Bristol's that she goes to Wasilla High School. Except for swimming, I thought it was online where she is getting school credits?
    Next she is headed for the University of Phoenix, online? The part about what her dreams were before she learned she was expecting was a stretch.
    She claims she was dreaming of going to school in the lower states. Don't you know the Bristol we've come to know wouldn't be dreaming of her stud? What of the talk about how they planned, that was not in her dreams? That was only Levi's dream? What bs she is! The only good part is that I don't think most teens are dumb enough to believe her. Those in Piper's age could be impressed with a big sis type, and the adults of media are duped.

    I hope this backfires on the adults that set this up. What idiots! I think the MSM is as much responsible for this bull as is that Cole jerk and the Sarah teams and churches that contribute to Bristol's delusions and lessons about motherhood.

    Bristol has no credibility when it comes to teen pregnancy prevention at this time. Her experience comes from a mother that was conceived out of wedlock, proceeded to conceive her first child out of wedlock and gave birth to a first daughter that conceived out of wedlock. That is the only promotion that should accompany any advocacy on this subject when she participates in these exploitations of teens. After she has worked in the trenches and graduated from college and managed to find success on her own, she might be ready to be an advocate.

    ABC, CBS, NBC and anyone who in the slightest way promotes the phony Bristol endorsements need to be slammed for what they are doing. Greta Van Susteren has said she will keep up with all Bristol is doing on this. They must start to take unwed pregnant teens serious and do research and follow up on these phony testimonials. The public, most of all parents, must educate the media and demand better.

    Levi, who people complain is not articulate enough, is about the only one that has challenged her at all. He is staying with abstinence is not realistic. He may not want to be a spokesperson but he does volunteer for Special Olympics, which is barely mentioned. Mercede Johnston could talk circles around Bristol if she wants to take anything on. Until the mother's court is over and paternity cases are resolved I can understand the Johnston's want to remain fairly low key. They have great future potential to actually do good. I don't know how close to thinking like a Palin they are on different issues, but they would probably be faster on getting up to speed then Sarah was.

    Levi's charm comes from being raw and rough around the edges, inside he is sweet and tender. He doesn't have to be slick like Bristol's future pick of lovers . What pressure he must be under, may he find his way in his own time.

    GO TEAM LEVI ! ! ! !


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