Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Bristol Palin on the Today Show.

That introduction music is widely inappropriate for this topic.

Wow!  They are on an absolute whirlwind publicity tour to get out ahead of the story.

This is going to be a huge train wreck.

"Learn from my example."  What example are you trying to present Bristol?  Having a beautiful child that you love and getting to go on national television programs?  Oh yeah what young teenage girl would not find that repellent?

Whoa!  How did you like Todd's non-answer to Matt's question about whether the family knew Bristol was sexually active?  And if Bristol is finishing school she must be doing it deeply undercover because the only place anybody has seen her around the school is hanging out with the swim coach.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    "You used to say that telling teens to not have sex was unrealistic..."

    "Well I think that quote was taken out of context."

    Good grief she's her mother's daughter!


  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What can I say, I am speechless. She is not a good representative against teen pregnancy at all. They were obviously very scripted and had answers prepared ahead of time.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Hey Gryphen, You say you think they are trying to get ahead of what is about to come out about this family. I am a bit confused now after the past few posts. Are you positive that this information will be coming out? Or do you just think it will? And do you know the true story of Trig Palin or are you just still guessing.
    I just wondered because what you write has been a little inconsistent, I am sure not on purpose. Thanks for answering.

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Are you really still trying to say that individual in those photos is the Wasilla swim coach? It is not.

    Ahhh, what a life to blog and not have a journalistic care about truth or facts.

  5. To Anonymous 7:17. at this point the only thing I am positive about is that their is some big stuff coming. I have been given a date, but I refuse to say anything because I have suffered a number of recent disappointments and do not want to subject any of you to that if it does not come out when predicted.

    I do know some of the stuff, but definitely not all of it.

    And to the second Anonymous 7:17. no I am not saying that the person in the photo with Bristol at the Slush cup is the swim coach. I am simply saying that she was seen at the high school hanging out withe the swim coach a number of times. Truthfully it could very well have something to do with getting a school credit. That would not be impossible. But I know she is not swimming.

  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Hey Anon 7:17, no one said he was the swim coach. READ, READ, can you read?? What does a "journalistic care" mean? There is no such thing.

  7. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Just who thinks that having an unwed teen with a baby talking about abstinence is good for Sarah's political career? It is pure tabloid fodder. Look how quickly handsome, charming John Edwards crashed and burned! It's obvious that it's not about "helping the people of Alaska," it's about wearing make up and nice clothes, appearing on TV and being the center of attention regardless of the garbled message. I can't imagine that this makes Sarah Palin look like a serious presidential candidate in 2012. How about the poor kid? In a few years, Tripp will be going to school with other kids who know how to google his tabloid parents; this digital stuff doesn't go away no matter how hard you try to scrub it.

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Gryphen, from Anon 7:17, thanks. I was the one who asked you. It is good you don't say anything you aren't sure of. I don't know why people up there keep secrets like this. It is just the circle of child abuse, and my bet is this is all related somehow to abuse of some sort.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    What I would have asked:

    "Are you celibate now and do you intend to remain so until marriage?"

    "Were you and Levi abstinant when he was living in your home after Tripp's birth?"


  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Palingates has a video of Levi on TV this morning too. He says things are getting better with Bristol. So perhaps they are trying to prevent him from telling his story. Something has certainly changed. It would be too bad if the news did NOT come out. Why do we care some of you might wonder? We hate Sarah and want to destroy her you think? Well....that is not the real reason. The reason is she is a liar and a manipulator and the world needs to know. She uses her children as political props. She panders to the far right nuts when her own house is a deck of cards. Liars in political office are dangerous. And don't talk about Obama. He has more integrity than Palin has in her little toe! He admits when he is wrong. He can see the big picture. He really is a good moral example to the company with his family.

    Sarah Palin is a mean, lying, manipulative bully and she needs to be stopped politically. I think Gryphen, she will do anything to stop the truth from coming out. I am sure faux Sarah will be along. The person is blind as a bat about who the real Sarah is? How can they be so blind? What is wrong with them? Are they damaged psychologically that they can't see the truth about Sarah? It is a fascinating subject.

  11. It's unbelievable how much alike those two interviews sound. Exactly the same talking points. And it sounds sooo scripted.

  12. The difference between Edwards and Palin is that Edwards base are DEMS who value honesty and good behavior. Then there is Palin's base who only care about the fetuses and the gays. So, they don't care if Sarah is found to be a liar.

    Edwards lied and he is DONE.
    Elliot Spitzer was with hookers, a DEM he resigned.Vitter was with hookers, a REP and he still is a senator.

  13. Anonymous8:01 AM

    That baby was sure exhausted! One thing you can count on with the Palin's is that the babies are always docile when needed. We only hear how "active" they are.

  14. Lilybart, the example you gave--David Vitter--is pure IOKIYAR: "It's okay if you're a Republican." But what Vitter did is NOT okay with me!

    It is impossible to imagine a Democratic candidate for anything getting away with what Sarah Palin is trying to do. Can you even visualize, for example, the Clintons both saying how "proud" they were of a pregnant, teenage prep-school-dropout Chelsea, and introducing her "fiance" all around? I still remember Bob Dole dragging his then-43-year-old daughter around on the campaign trail in 1996 to demonstrate his devotion to "family values," even though he hadn't had anything to do with her since he divorced his first wife when his daughter was 18.

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM


    Do not forget Larry Craig (R) Who refused to resign after resigning-for lewd homosexual behavior.

  16. Anonymous8:32 AM

    What kind of a drugged-up baby do they have there? I think child protection services should be investigating! The baby is lying there like a wax figure - NO twitching when her hair tickles his face, NO twitching when she taps his face, NO stirring when she shifts him... UNREAL!!!
    I guess a sip of Benadryl calms every baby...
    I had been wondering the same about Trig during the campaign - totally out during the biggest of the loudest cheers and screems

  17. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Gryphen - FWIW, typo alert on this headline: sp. of Palin

  18. SoCalWolfGal8:49 AM

    Bristol is indeed her mother's daughter, which is very sad - and scary. Instead of taking the high road and making a proper life for herself and her son, she lies and and manipulates the truth to suit her and her narcissistic mother. She would be well advised to consider the point made by Anonymous @ 7:26 am regarding how all the tabloid trash is going to affect this child when he starts to school. It will be terrible for him to have to suffer for the stupidity of his mother and grandmother.

    This is actually the first time I have heard Todd speak - again, not impressed at all.

  19. Only in America could a white family repeatedly lie in public on TAPE and no one call them on it.

    This is bullshit.

    Totally expected but still bullshit.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:12 AM

    Bristols advocacy is a bunch of BS!
    "Regardless of WHAT I DID...abstinence is the only choice"

    And "I'm honestly not hear to talk about my personal life" WTF??? Than why is she there? To spout off Mom's Talking points and get paid???

    Whoa! How did you like Todd's non-answer to Matt's question about whether the family knew Bristol was sexually active? And if Bristol is finishing school she must be doing it deeply undercover because the only place anybody has seen her around the school is hanging out with the swim coach.I noticed that too....Now why WAS dud there anyway??? Bristol is 18? She needs a babysitter?
    Or maybe a muzzle since GINO not there?
    Crap, pure crap...all of it.

  21. Gotta love a gal (not) who can go on TV and talk about her sex life, having a baby, her sleeping patterns and bottle feeding, and then when asked about the (legal) arrangements for her baby's father to see his offspring, says, "I'm not here to talk about my personal life." How did the interviewer not crack up?

    God help us, I hope Bristol doesn't plan to follow mom into politics. She's already emulating her multiple pregnancies, her hypocrisy, and her elastic relationship with the truth.

  22. Lauer embarrassed himself. Tyra Banks was better. Ouch. Too bad, as he's done some good stuff in the past, but he's really lowered himself with the go along to get along routine.

    Questions he didn't (was told not to, or was afraid to) ask - Note: nothing about her 'personal' life:

    Are you being paid to represent the foundation?
    Did you take care of those negotiations yourself or do you have representation?
    What would've helped you to remain abstinent while in high school?
    Can you name a few factors that contributed to your not remaining abstinent?
    What could your parents have done to support your abstinence?
    Will you attend the graduation ceremony at your high school? How many high schools did you attend?
    Are you impressed with Candies brand?
    Do you think their advertising campaigns send a message congruent with abstinence?
    How did you choose Candies Foundation as the one you would work with?
    Should the government be funding or providing birth control options in public schools?
    What is the history of the Foundation and how are they going to measure their effectiveness in promoting abstinence?
    Is this a non-profit foundation? Does the Foundation receive government funding or are they tax exempt?

    Hey Matt whatsa matter, can't ya make a little chatter?

  23. ITA Susanna, I kept thinking about how well Todd and Bristol stuck to their talking points, and didn't let Matt get them off their script.

  24. Well now we at least know that it's abstinence only with the Palins. Todd would not say that birth control measures must also be used. So effectively, that makes it clear that Bristol Palin will be causing more unwed teenagers to become pregnant than she will prevent with her little charade.

    Birth control measures are evil because Geezuz wouldn't use them. How can any sane person aruge against that?

    What a bunch of disgusting rightwing nut hillbillies!

  25. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "I'm not here to talk about my personal life."

    No, she's there to talk about every other teen's personal life. I think, "Are you now practicing what you are preaching?" would not have been out of line.

  26. What does Todd mean when he says Bristol and Levi "are working out a schedule?".

    I agree with the above poster...Tripp will be mortified when he can google his ridiculous, vacuous, fame hungry parents and grandparents, Sheesh...go on national television and tell everyone your baby was a "mistake"...

  27. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Not all that important but you mispelled Palin. The C4P folks might not ever let you live it down!

  28. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anonymous: If you know the Slush Cup hugger is not Matt Hanley, then do you know who he IS?

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:31 AM

    Grphen, it seems the "Levi" blog is not taking comments?
    I've tried posting there twice.

  30. Lilybart...therein lies the truth.

    Nobody ever said that dems dont do anything wrong. On the contrary...they are human and fall prey to human foibles. Most dem voters hold their feet to the fire...repubs do not. They lie and obfuscate and spin tales thinking the rest of us are as dumb as they are. Its insulting...plain and simple.

  31. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Bristol is proving to be a good learner. And her mother is the teacher.

  32. Matt: What are you missing out on now?
    BP: Partyin', stayin' out all night with my friends, drinkin', checkin' out the latest drugs, screwin', cuz you know, abstinence just isn't realistic.

    Maybe someday the Palin's will realize that Levi's superior sperm (able to penetrate condoms in a single spurt) gave BP a reason to grow up fast and get serious with her life. A damn hard lesson to learn, but if it takes, then she really did receive a blessing. Now, Levi, get out there and bestow your blessings upon some more of those Valley Girls!

  33. The Holy Virgin11:01 AM

    Think Bristol would go on Tyra? Tyra would try to get "real" and ask her things like,
    "Is Levi your first?" and "How old were you when you had sex for the first time?" Heck, Tyra might even ask Bristol about those pesky rumors that this is her 2nd baby. Shoot, if those MySpace pics depicting Bristol's partying from last summer are authentic, someone, somewhere might have some photos or even, (gasp!), video of her not practicing what she is preaching. Funny and tragic.

  34. Ravenstick said:

    What I would have asked:

    "Are you celibate now and do you intend to remain so until marriage?"

    "Were you and Levi abstinant when he was living in your home after Tripp's birth?"

    I totally agree with these questions. How she would answer these questions is what could possibly give her some credibility. I would bet that she is not abstaining now. Bristol enjoys sex and my belief is that she has been having sex for many years with not just Levi.

    My hope is that with being a spokesperson, she will have to have townhall meetings with teenagers. I 'betcha' one of them will ask the right questions. I can see one asking "So Bristol, were you really doing Levi in your momma's house?!" But just like the GOP members she will never openly take non-scripted questions from any group especially teenagers.

  35. anotherpgteen11:23 AM

    I wonder just how many real teenagers out there even know who Bristol Palin is. She seems more relevant to the adults than kids out there with real problems.I would have liked to shack up in my parents house,have my kid, have the babydaddy for sleepovers so we could play house.My biggest worry is making bottles and doing laundry ... someone else pays the rent,heat,electric,cable bill etc... ( sorry if I sound bitter )

  36. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Bristol is an (1) inarticulate; (2) immature; and (3) plain-faced (sorry, but she didn't get her mom's beauty queen looks) 18-year old girl.

    Her one and only distinction in life is that she is a teenage mom. If she had been abstinent (like she now preaches), she would be back twiddling her thumbs in Wasilla because no one would have the least interest in her. Instead, she gets expense paid trips to New York; gets made-up by professional make-up artists and gets to be on national TV(and be paid for it to boot).

    I would say being a teenage mom has worked out pretty well for her.

  37. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Well, Gryphen, I think that the Plains (new name) are showing the public audience their lack of family values. Oh, don't you know ol' grandma Plain has been beaming all day because her family scored two interviews on two network shows this morning! Wow...and all the rest of the news programs have been picking up the story. Wow and wow again, too, also, and again. Plains are all over the place today.

    Plain slashed monies for a program that would have assisted teenagers with babies from the 2008 Alaska budget. And from what I have read, the state does not have a statewide sex education program in schools. So, I think the whole poster child thing is bogus, for national publicity to help with ol' Plain's image.

  38. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'm in my sewing room stitching away when suddenly I believe I figured out who is the father of Trig. It ain't pretty, but my money says it's Track. Why else did they ship him to Iraq?

  39. Anonymous1:07 PM

    R. A. Mansour of c4p goes over the top for Gov's daughter
    "Governor Palin's "Strong, Kind-Hearted, Independent" Daughter Appeared on Television Today"

    These are the only peeps that can stomach Bristol's performance.
    Sexy shoes

  40. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I'm sorry, but could this be anymore of a joke? She's not here to talk about her personal life, but she's here to tell other teens what THEY should do with their personal life. The hypocrosy in this family is obviously handed down through the genes. Guess what Bristol-you are now fair game, as is your personal life. By going out and taking a stand on a national platform, any "personal" life that you think you had is over.

    This family is a trainwreck, complete and total hillbilly trailer trash. You just can't look away! I can't wait to hear the news Gryphen says is coming...

  41. to anotherpgteen:
    I agree, Bristol whining about how "hard" it is for her! Give me a break. Her family gives her a place to live and pays for EVERYTHING! The only thing she has to complain about is her lack of social life and being up all night w/baby. Try having a 4 month old and wondering where his and your next meal might come from, not to mention how you will pay rent. That is the reality for many teens w/babies in this country. Bristol's "reality" is not very real at all.

    She was a known "wild child" that just happened to get caught, by getting pregnant. Now her mother is exacting "payback" by making her go around spouting her mother's talking points regarding teen sex and consequences.

    I can hear it in my head (imaging Sarah Palin's voice):
    So Bristol, you've gone and messed up and if you want to keep a cushy life here in the Palin home you'll do what I tell you to. Oh, and your Dad will be on Good Morning America to make sure that you don't go spouting off any crazy things that might make Mommy look bad."

  42. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Palon is more accurate to the feeling of gagging I experience hearing the disgusting trio of sarah, todd and now bristol .

  43. The Mystery of the Slush Cup Hugger

    Ya know, Johnny Chandler of 'Bristol's MySpace' fame is a competitive snowboarder...

  44. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Curiosity is the only thing driving the demand to see the "Palin/Johnston Dog-and-Pony Show."

    Really, Gryphen, I'm confused as to why the MSM doesn't expose these people! The interviews are the worst I've seen on T.V. I thought Matt Lauer was above garbage like this.

    Besides, I still don't think there is a Tripp. This becomes more apparent to me as time goes by. A blogger over at PD said there is no record of his birth in any news sources. And, why did Bristol breast feed Trig but she is not doing the same for Tripp?

    Levi confirmed his birth date of Dec. 27th. He said Bristol's girlfriends were there and then we heard her family was there. Really?

    This confirms, to me, the Palins/Johnstons are working something together. But, the issue is with Trig...not Tripp! Is it true it takes a year in Alaska to finalize an adoption?

    One important thing to remember, the Palins have money and from what I can tell, the Johnstons do not. This saga is like nothing I've ever read before. It's just crazy!


  45. you know, there's a sheryl crow song called "my favorite mistake." it's a good song. poor tripp.

    this is so very ridiculous.

  46. here's a very nice, short live version of "my favorite mistake" with eric clapton:

    do the palins somehow not think that at least tripp (and maybe trig) will read all this shit online in a decade and be emotionally damaged?

    i feel for those two little boys -and the feeling is pity and sorrow. heartless, stupid palin mommies....

  47. bucks_and_bron7:22 PM

    Jut a few comments as I'm watching the 'interview':

    I love the fact that she's this new spokesperson for the foundation, and the fact that this just so happens to let her go on television and tell her side of the story (doing exactly what they're accusing Levi of doing), even if she says she's not there to discuss her personal life. Hello, talking about how teenagers should "Do as I say, not as i do/did" is talking about your personal life!

    And I'm not necessarily of the 'borrowed baby' camp, but the fact that 'the baby,' as they called him in the interview with GVS, did not move the entire time is just plain weird! What gives?

    Do you think teenagers ever think about (the consequences)? "No, I don't think that they do, and I think that they should"- the only reason she thinks this is because of that baby boy on her lap (and, most likely, his older brother). If he (or Trig) had never been conceived (through either not using birth control, or even, as Tyra put it, a "wardrobe malfunction"), she wouldn't give two shits about teen pregnancy- and neither would her parents.

    I also noticed that Matt referred to him as "this baby" a lot- and methinks "this baby" looks a lot like Trig, and would even more so had Trig not had DS.

    6:08- Oh, yeah- Todd believes in abstinence. He and Sarah waited until their wedding night, of course (ignore evidence otherwise, ie, Track)

    Not only did Todd sidestep the question on whether or not they knew Levi and Bristol were having sex, he completely ignored the question on how he felt about the comments Levi made. Guess he had the same prep as his wife did for the VP debate- ignore the question, spout talking points.

    How is Bristol going to take college classes "in a few weeks" if she hasn't graduated yet? There's been no mention of her getting a GED, and it doesn't sound like she has the grades or attendance to qualify to take college classes during HS, like some schools allow.

    And last but not least, I love how she talks about him being happy and healthy. Not to read too much into it, but it seems like in both the GVS interview and this one, she makes a point to talk about how healthy he is.

    Can't wait for whatever is coming up- it's like a soap opera, or a train wreck- you can't help but watch!

  48. does anyone else think that Bristol got this Candies gig 'cuz mama needed a new pair of shoes? or is it just me?

  49. honestyinGov10:39 PM

    I posted a comment on the other Levi video thread. Make sure everybody reads the NYT Op-ed piece that came out today as well.
    Must be hard to criticize the NYT with Stapletongue though...? They don't CARE either!
    GREAT story.

  50. Bristol living in the Guvnaha's mansion under Mom's (right) wing really roughing it.

    Po' Bristol! She don't get to hang with her friends, cuzza da baby.

    Momma Sarah has her trained to *repeat the talking points*....
    I am not here to discuss my personal life????


    Just the ambassador for abstinence setting us straight.


    I bet she's going to get her college degree, or her Momma is gonna kick her ass!

    Her shameless hussy daughter effed up Sarah P's political career enough!

  51. Ratfish6:41 AM

    The hypocrisy here is wonderful.

    After all, there are at least 3 generations of Heath/Palins who did not believe in abstinence.

    Chuck and Sally heath had their first born considerably less than 9 months after marriage.

    After Palin announced in Dayton that August 29 was her 20th anniversary, it didn't take long for someone to go to Alaska Court records, type in Track Palin, and- lo and behold- his date of birth is 6 weeks less than a 9 month period from the date of the Todd-Sarah "elopement." And remember- Sarah Palin claimed she and Todd eloped to spare her parents the expense of a wedding- and she has never admitted- or been confronted by a reporter with- the truth. The NY Times and other media did do stories about the fact that Palin had to have been pregnant when she "eloped."

    And now Bristol. And Candies. Amazing.

  52. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I know that the Palin family seems to have a fairly weak grasp of the language so I am taking that into consideration.

    Didn't Toad say "this mistake Bristol HAD here a year ago...."

    That's an interesting turn of phrase.

    If he was talking about the sex (or lack of using birth control during the sex) wouldn't it be "this mistake Bristol made over a year ago...."

    Just saying

  53. Anonymous1:27 PM

    As far as a baby that didn't move once during the entire interview, or GVS interview... One word: Benadryl. I think the Palins drug their babies with baby Benadryl so they sleep all the time. TriGG was the same on the campaign. You can't tell me a baby slept with all those people, lights, noise. Baby TriPP is completely limp. Yuck

  54. c4ping Rebecca A. Mansewer5:09 PM

    Our Bristol is Governor Palin's "Strong, Kind-Hearted, Independent" daughter who appeared on television. Like any self respecting unwed teen she wants what is best for her babies.

    Benadryl is better than chloroform.

  55. Anonymous5:52 PM

    ravenstrick said...
    The Mystery of the Slush Cup Hugger
    Ya know, Johnny Chandler of 'Bristol's MySpace' fame is a competitive snowboarder... ***

    Interesting connection. Someone here said Johnny looks part Native American and not like the Slush Cup Hugger.

    Wasillans? Alaskans? Can anyone ID him?


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