Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wanda Sykes roasts the President at the White House Correspondents dinner.

Perhaps it was a good thing that Sarah Palin skipped this dinner. I have a feeling that Wanda Sykes would have continued going after her and not just left it with one dig about "pulling out". I wonder how the First Dude liked that one?

Damn Wanda Sykes is fearless!

Things I want to know. Why did crybaby Glenn Beck show up to this function with a skull on his cumber bun? Did his penis die and he was in some sort of "pirate-type" mourning?

(By the way I have to give a hat tip to my blogger buddy AKM over at Mudflats who got this video up a full ten hours before I did. My only excuse is I went to a party last night and got a little lubricated. Well done AKM!)


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Wanda at the start of her career at Cozzy's Comedy Club was even funnier.

    Todd would rather ride the iron dog wearing only his silk boxers than sit through this event and listen to the one joke directed at Sarah and Bristol.

    Todd being around the bleach blond bimbos of Faux news and his BFF Greta may have led to an interesting after dinner party.

    Sarah how much do you trust your man?

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I don't think Todd is that desirable, in terms of national image. His image was ruined nationally by being labeled "The First Dude."

    They have tried to counter that with "macho puff pieces" in Sports Illustrated and Esquire, and having him appear as "father-protector" with Bristol.

    But I wouldn't say it's sticking. Would you? It's too little, too late. We all know his heart is with Arctic Cat.

  3. Actually I thought the President was much funnier than Wanda.. He was really good last night.. If you didn't see his part check it out.. He was spot on.. I have both vids at my place if you want to steal them.. poach them whatever you want to call

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Go Wanda! Loved her routine. I hope Hannity never hears the end of his ridiculous offer to be waterboarded for charity. Wanda nailed it when she said he would probably think riding coach was too much discomfort for him to bear. Rush deserved that jab she took at him - he is doing his level best to stir up as much anger and fear in this country as he can. No wonder he crushes on Falin'. Her failure to address the more unbalanced people who attended her rallies speaks volumes about her blood-thirsty "win by any means" methods. Thank you, America, for voting Obama.

  5. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:50 AM

    Gryphen, I didn't see Glen beck..."Things I want to know. Why did crybaby Glenn Beck show up to this function with a skull on his cumber bun? Did his penis die and he was in some sort of "pirate-type" mourning?"
    The idiots at c4p fancy on calling themselves "Barbarians" so maybe that's why the pirate/skull motif...yeah, like glen beck is gonna go all johnny depp on us, LOL, LOL!
    Barbarians, "ordinary Barbarians" is what they pride themselves as....
    Whatever, stupid is, stupid as...? Stoopid!

  6. Anonymous10:02 AM

    To Anonymouse at 7:22, I heard that the reason Toddy came in sixth in his big race is because those silk boxers chaffed the whole way.

    Do you think it's Sarah that has to worry about Todd? Or, is it Todd who has to keep an eye on Sarah? Why do you think she carries 2 blackberries?

  7. Anyone watch SNL? I heard there was quite a "crude" joke on there about the first dude being Tripps father. I have it taped but I wonder if it is anywhere on the net yet.

    I thought Wanda was FANTASTIC!! And our President was funny too. I really like him so much and I do not understand the ones who hate him. I think there is something underlying their hatred. Some are racist but not all. There is something else there. I guess it is those who believe in that tough guy America is better than all of you type philosophy that I have never liked. But he is accused of being weak in foreign policy and I say, what is wrong with trying another approach!! Like gee, maybe we can get along with other nations. Some think this is really naive though. I don't know. I like him!!

  8. crystalwolf aka califgrl6:50 PM

    lizabeth says "I really like him so much and I do not understand the ones who hate him. I think there is something underlying their hatred. Some are racist but not all. There is something else there."
    I agree, I think it is racist, but also he is half white and he's hella smart, which allot of repubs aren't! Their not big on 'schoolin'. They call him "elitist" b/c he went to school, can you freaking believe that???? But their dumb sh!T CEO that want all the tax breaks, they don't say nothing...their not elitist, just dumb rich.
    As far as foreign policy, one neo-con told me "Obama wants to make nice with Iran" So What?
    Its better than declaring war everywhere!
    They lost! They don't like it! things aren't going their way...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    Party of No! They are saying No even before he picks supreme court justices! AssHats!

  9. I think racism has a lot to do with their hatred. And they've been brainwashed into thinking smart=bad=elitist. This wing of the party is so anti-intellectual it is repulsive ... which is more accurate than their faux moniker of republican....The Repulsive Party. It is certainly more fitting.

  10. definitely, it's racism, even though most of them will swear it isn't.

    I also don't get all the uproar over the 'elitist mustard' on his hamburger either. And something tells me, if he had asked for catsup for the burger, they'd have found something wrong with that!

  11. about the babygate: no way did that woman give birth to Trig. I don't know for sure WHO did; but I lean towards Bristol as the most likely birth mom.

    I feel sorry for all the Palin kids; seems to me that they have been short-changed in the parenting department.


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