Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bill Maher's New Rules from June 19, were very awesome!


  1. For me, health care reform is the litmus test for Obama. If he doesn't stand up for the people on this, then he never will. And I will stop listening to him.

    I'm sorry about the democrats, but I figured this out 20 years ago, and haven't voted for a demican or a republicrat ever since.

    The Europeans will pity us. And rightly so.

  2. Correction:

    Oh, but I DID vote for Obama.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Maher's right. This country needs a full-scale overhaul of how we elect our representatives. This means campaign funding reform and run-off elections.

    I voted for Obama, because we would have been involved in yet another bloody war had the McCain/Palin ticket have won. Also, Palin is a crazy person. I expect little Piper will have a story to tell when she is grown-up and can afford therapy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.