Friday, June 19, 2009

Parentage of Trig Palin finally revealed!

Okay I admit this is a cheap shot, but let's not forget who started it. And no it was not David Letterman!

I "borrowed" this from Crooks and Liars. They are having a caption contest. Head on over and demonstrate your creativity.


  1. Anonymous8:51 PM

    I give up, you guys at Palin's Deceptions were right! Bristol, come and get your baby!

  2. karina9:08 PM

    Good OLD Dave Letterman, I got you by the BALLS!
    Say you are sorry to mommie dearest, or I will send my 15 follwers to protest you!

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Boy! I didn't realize that baby was so butt-ugly!

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM


  5. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Gryph, come on, when are we going to get the news we have all been waiting for. You have kept us waiting, and waiting, and waiting.

  6. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Where's the iceberg?

  7. As usual you are correct.
    Let's have some real news and throw some water on the witch.
    Then we'll all be singing "Ding Dong the Witch is dead..."

  8. Anonymous4:34 AM

    So that's why people keep telling me my baby looks retarded?

  9. I support your work 1,000 percent, but a nasty thought flew through my brain while pondering the ice berg's arrival. Is it a question of money? How much more do you need in order to break the story? Let your loyal readers know how much per person it will crack the pinata open. This is not a joke. It's a legit question.

  10. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Some icy snippets from Gail Collins new piece in today's NY Times about GOP future Presidential travails, and Ensign's affair. Note the 2 references to "Ice Age" which I have put in caps. Does someone else possibly know about the iceberg? Or is "ice" just the image everyone associates with Palin now? The entire column is at

    "The two biggest names are Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, one of whom has too many ideas while the other has no ideas whatsoever. But they are bound by the fact that neither one of them is actually ever going to be nominated for president even if we have another ICE AGE and the only Americans left alive are them, Dennis Kucinich and that woman who was Miss California until Donald Trump fired her...

    The Palin family, meanwhile, seems less likely to replace the Obamas in the White House than to replace the Gosselins on “Jon & Kate Plus Eight.” (Have we mentioned that Sarah’s new grandson is naked in GQ this month?)

    Recently, during a dust-up with David Letterman, Palin once again violated the cardinal rule for famous parents who want to shield their children from the media, which is, of course, don’t talk about your children to the media.

    She is perhaps the only celebrity in America who does not understand that if a late show host makes a tasteless joke about your daughter, the worst possible response is to complain loudly until it’s certain the entire universe knows your child was insulted, all the while making the joke sound even more offensive than it was.

    It might also have helped if your husband had refrained from volunteering your 18-year-old daughter, the mother of the GQ baby, to be the anti-teen-pregnancy ambassador for a clothing manufacturer.

    We would worry that all this was a bad signal about how much restraint and judgment Palin might use in the White House. But fortunately, there’s that ICE AGE rule."

  11. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I just received a funny e-card from a friend poking fun at the Letterman/Palin feud. The rediculous episode has made it's way into pop culture.

  12. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Livvy..... Patience my dear..... Perhaps Gryphen and others do not want to have a slander suit slapped on them before they have their ducks all in a row. It will all come out then we can all join hands and sing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead". I apologize to fellow Witches. And have a Happy Summer Solstice!

  13. Saw that on Crooks and Liars - the first thought that popped into my mind was that he was better looking than her - and even at his age, she has her hands on his crotch.

    I must admit that I simply cannot come up with a caption for this.

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Caption: "Burp for me, lil' Dave. Eating my pablam makes digestion difficult. But look what it did for your ratings!"

  15. lisabeth11:37 AM

    I have admit when I first opened this up, I thought YEAH YEAH, the truth is finally out!! Then, the photo registered ( I am slow! ) and I almost choked. I never have laughed so hard in my life. What a creepy creepy picture!! I won't try to even come up with a caption! I do wish the truth would come out. Who holds a baby like that, facing out??

  16. Someone who doesn't want spitup and snot on the designer duds they have no intention of returning??


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It just goes directly to their thighs.