Saturday, June 06, 2009

Governor Sarah leads a parade. No not in little backwater Alaska! She is in a much cooler parade in Auburn, NY.

Gov. Sarah Palin Leads Auburn’s Founders Day Parade

There she is in her little black hooker shoes walking beside the First Dud, and acting like she is not hurtling toward a political iceberg. But she is.

(By the way the "iceberg" that Dennis Zaki is referring to has NOTHING to do with babygate. I just thought you all should know that.)

At least she kept her comments short exept that she smeared the name of Wiiliam H. Seward by suggesting that he was as confused about how far away Russia is from Alaska as she is.

This is usually where I try to ponder why the Governor REALLY left Alaska at this time. Any ideas?


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Palin is pimping for her legal tin cup fund.
    She's doing double duty. Pimp and whore.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I come from upstate NY--not Auburn--but not far away. Pretty middle of the road area. The people I know who saw her today in person or a photo of her think she is laughingly inappropriate. And her speech was boring! We are not of limited intelligence but you would not know that from how she spoke to us.

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    On yeah...those heels! LOL

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    When I first saw the "iceberg" warnings, I did not think it was "babygate"...

  5. pacos_gal6:42 PM

    Well, she just fired the Alaska Public Health Director and the Chief Medical Officer who was on loan to Alaska is going back to the CDC, and she is about to get vetoed on her stimulus money stunt, so yep, it sounds like it's time for her to be out of town. As per usual.

    When the dodo hits the fan, she usually manages to clear out of the way. Like 3000 miles (give or take) out of the way.
    Anything else?

  6. lisabeth6:44 PM

    I don't have any idea, but I would love to know! So the iceberg Dennis is talking about is not babygate. Is it a different iceberg than what you have been talking about? Let us know. In your posts, when you said something was going to come out soon, you put "babygate" as a tag. I don't care what it is as long as she is brought down. Although I DO want to know the truth about babygate. Give us some hints about Dennis's. You make it sound like something is coming out THIS WEEKEND.........

  7. penelope6:45 PM

    sure, I have ideas on why she left AK for a week:

    1. this is the beginning of her 2012 Presidential run, paid for by SarahPac - she is campaigning, no doubt about it (speech is knocking Obama and D.C./she fogot hate and fear did not work so good last time).

    2. She fired the health director (so i have heard) due to disagreements of women's health issues - there will be a hoopla soon.

    3. Bill McCallister demoted to spokesman for AG's office, with pay cut - story here?

    4. Legs may very well force the rest of the stimulus funds (the 3% she did not take for energy) and it won't be pretty - better to handle this from her blackberry.

    5. She seems to need a "fix" from adorig fans every so often - queen of the parade gave her the medicine a narcissist needs.

  8. Clearly to contaminate us here in CNY and show us what kind of deranged neighbors we live amongst that worship the ground she walks on.

    Of course not a one can name a single accomplishment of her, or basically anything about her other than she is hot and is a governor.

    No offense to any of you guys but you can keep her, ALaska is better suited size wise for her ego.

  9. Anonymous7:34 PM

    meet with power brokers from New York City?

    get more publicity in order to get more donations to her PAC?

  10. I dunno, but what I DO know is that Newt Gingrich doubtless has an even dimmer view of Sarah Palin today than he did Wednesday, and even then it wasn't all that enthusiastic.

    Seems Palin plagarized one of his speeches from back in 2005, according to Geoffrey Dunn, who wrote about it in HuffPo today.

    Her Palinista followers have been doing verbal happy dances, they think they've finally heard a couple of speeches from her that they can be PROUD of!!

    It's bad enough that she's flunked Econ 101, but to shoot herself in the foot by plagarizing Gingrich -- that's just plain frickin' stupid.

    When will Palin get it through her thick skull she's not the only one who uses the Internet?

  11. Anonymous9:12 PM

    So let me get this straight.

    Gryohen has lost the trail, and Levis book is not going to include anything about Trig?

    Is this right?

    When is this going to end? When will this woman be stopped?

  12. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I am also from Central NY and the majority of the people there were not there to support Palin. They were there for the celebration and were putting up with the fact that she was also there. Most people think she's a big joke. And apparently no one told her that NY is such a democratic state that we NEVER even have candidates visit here during a campaign. The most we get is a few obligatory commercials. Her campaign is already off track if she thought CNY was the place to kick off her 2012 campaign.

  13. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Oh please, let "iceberg" be about housegate. It would be nice to see which shoes Sarah picks to wear with her orange jumpsuit.

  14. Today (Sunday) there was a little blurb in the Washington Post that 20,000 people turned out to see Palin in this parade. Sure doesn't look like it from this video! Looks like maybe 2 or 3,000 at most. I see Bristol and Dud got to go along, and probably the rest of the wasillabilly clan too. The article also said she took the opportunity to criticize Obama. Not a good thing to do in NY. I think most people in the lower 48 turn out to see her because of the celebrity (D list)trainwreck factor. She and her family have become the equivalent of Jon & Kate plus 8 and Octomom in the tabloid wars.

    To be honest, this is about the only thing Sarah is somewhat competent at...smiling and waving in a parade, accepting cheesy souveniers from locals, and doling out heaping spoonfuls of word salad with that fake twang.

  15. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Other news site report 10,000. I don't think it looks like that many either. But FW you are right, it's like going to gape at the Octomom. We are also home to Frank L Baum, and the Oz strazaganza. I was sure hoping in true Wizard of Oz fashion, a house would fall on her to save us all but it was a nice day here.

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey Gryphen
    Visiting Mudpup
    here's the shoes I think you can see corsage too, also [IMG][/IMG] and the sign I took to Founder's Day

  17. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Those news reports are not taking into account that the people were there for the PARADE...not Palin. People in Auburn are too polite to boo at her, but the laughs and the jokes as she went by were hilarious.

    The commercials that were being televised before the event went into depth on the tours, rides, attractions, etc. and NEVER even mentiond her. I have a feeling that Palin's invitation was not given from the committee that organized the event. Maybe a strong arm from Stapleton's family connection?

  18. Anonymous7:24 AM

    My town (6,000) had a very big parade last year in conjunction with a homecoming celebration. The fact that a few vote-seeking politicians showed up was not what drew [for a small town] the crowd. The people came for the home-town floats and bands and reunions.

  19. Lookey there! You can see Russia from Alaska.
    Profound wisdom from Sarah P!!!!!

    Cause it's all about hockey & football & things that we share... like Drill Baby Drill, or kill baby kill (animals from a helicopter)????

    Good gawd!

    Who does Alaska have lined up to replace this high heeled air head???

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:20 AM

    Peeland is very mad at Dennis, b/c of his cartoon on AR. They are pretty blase about the iceberg...heh!
    At least they can't say they weren't warned when it slams into gino's face! :)

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    She got a free trip to NY City at taxpayer expense?

  22. They had a write up in our newspaper.
    They claimed 2,000 people atended the parade.
    100$ a plate dinner to support the museum to listen to her word salad.
    I gues the first course was not salad as they had enough from her.

    She is running for president. god help our country if she is elected.
    It is so nice to have a president we can be proud of, one who is intelligent, articulate and not a baffoon.

  23. Thanks for the clues. Are we looking for something near term or far turn?
    I keep thinking someone will throw water on her and she will shrivel like the WWW in Oz and all that will be left will be the shoes.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl2:32 PM

    Some comic relief, lol came across this LMAO!

  25. Anonymous1:14 PM

    When is this iceberg actually going to strike? What's the holdup, Gryphen?


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