Sunday, June 07, 2009

Did Sarah Palin plagiarize her recent speech in Anchorage from Newt Gingrich. You betcha!

This comes from Geoffery Dunn on Huffington Post:

Sarah Palin's garbled, often incoherent speech delivered in Anchorage on Wednesday--the one in which she declared "screw political correctness" and wondered why "we have to pussyfoot around our troublesome foes"--was largely lifted from an article written four years ago by Newt Gingrich and Craig Shirley.

Can you believe that? The crazy ass speech that AKM, Shannyn, and I sat through last Wednesday night was originally a creation of Newt Gingrich and Craig Shirley?

But Newt is not an absolute moron so what did Sarah do to his original words that made it seem to bat-shit crazy? She "Palin-ized" it!

Here are a couple of examples:

Palin: With Reagan's example, D.C. politicians calling the shots for our country, they had better rely on the good sense of the American people and bag their alliance on the entrenched bureaucrats and the elite self-proclaimed intellectuals, and the smug lobbyists who dominate Washington.

Gingrich/Shirley: Relying on the good sense of the American people beats relying on the elite intellectuals, entrenched bureaucrats and smug lobbyists who dominate Washington.

Palin: He stood strong on his knowing that the framework through which he believed that positive change that framework for our kids, it was freedom [sic].

Gingrich/Shirley: Successful governance means having a framework through which to lead the American people. For Reagan, that framework was freedom.

Palin: [Reagan's] vision for the Cold War?--we win, they lose.

Gingrich/Shirley: On the inevitability of the Soviet Union, Reagan responded with a then shocking vision for the Cold War--"we win, they lose."

If I were Newt Gingrich I would sue.

I remember as I sat listening to this speech leaning forward and whispering to AKM, "well at least we know she wrote it", because it was so incredibly bad that I just assumed that she must have made the whole thing up. So now that I know she actually used source material that was at the very least comprehensible, I am even more amazed at how incoherent her actual speech turned out.

I must give a hat tip to my fellow sufferer Shannyn Moore for bringing this to my attention and of course to AKM for doing the original transcription of the speech which allowed Geoffrey Dunn to make this little discovery.


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I wonder how she will wriggle out of this one...she ALWAYS gets away with ANYTHING that she does. I just wish she would get what's coming to her. I really, really need her to get what's coming to her. And while I'm ranting, her style is so awful. She is a big ol' "Glamour don't" (By the way, I don't necessarily want to be anonymous but I don't get how to sign on another way :)

  2. See Sarah
    See Sarah read the GOP talking points
    See Sarah make a fool out of herself again!

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I'm trying to imagine the first debate among likely Republican candidates for 2012 President. Both Sarah and Newt are in the lineup. "I win, you lose." "No, I win, you lose." "I love Ronald Reagan." "No, I love Ronald Reagan more!"

  4. As I said on Geoffrey Dunn's own HuffPo comments section,

    Don't be surprised if Newt comes out and makes a statement saying he approved Palin using the text of his speech as her own.

    That would be after he received a couple of phone calls from Fred Malek and John Coale and perhaps a few other "kingmakers" who want to be able to push Palin back into national political prominence.

    They don't want anyone denigrating their choice to represent neocon evangelistic christian rightwing American rednecks.

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Palin could plagarize the Gettysburg Address without it being noticed. Broken grammar covers many sins. I expect Palin's own speechwriters have a hard time finding their own work after Palin garbles it.

  6. What a maroon SP is! Hat tips to Shannyn, Geoffrey, Gryphen, AKM, and all others who show what tatty rags the would-be Empress wears! Believe me, when GINO once more occupies center stage--for a day, for a week--there will be enough good, solid reporting on her utter unfitness for any public office, available to the lazy eyes of the MSM as well to the rest of us--to send SP back to the backwoods, red peep-toe pumps and all...

  7. Anonymous10:43 AM

    What a boob!... no wait I think my left boob took offense to that.

    I don't think there is a word to describe the walking mess that is Sarah Palin.

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Zaki's "iceberg" is no more than an ice cube that will soon be melting in my nice cold glass of ice tea.

    Epic Fail...again

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I found the following paragraph at cee4pee; it's way down the list meaning that it's probably old news and you have all talked about it before. Besides, they left out alot of familiar names; I hope that no one is offended:

    Mae day! Mae day! Just who might be expected to turn up to an odious Troofer’s Convention@Immorality ? A quick name check revealed these unhappy campers out on a coach trip from Dirt Central, just breezing by to dispense a little cyber harassment: KaJo, Regina, crystalwolf aka troofingrl and sjkfromthebottomofthetrashcan.

  10. Just goes to show how incompetent she really is. She can't even plagiarize correctly.

    I wonder how many professors she slept with in the 5 different schools in six years she attended in order to finally get that degree in Journalism? The school that finally awarded it should take it back. She doesn't display the literacy needed to honestly earn a bachelor's degree in anything.

  11. Anonymous2:21 PM

    It is all very simple:

    Sarah Palin is a pathetic dope.

  12. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Wow, to Anon@12:54. So the crazy P-culters don't even know how to spell May Day (or to be truly correct, it is derived from French: "M'aidez!"M'aidez!")?

    They are in a cult. We, as progressives, must start treating them as such. They are still in denial that Palin is permanently out of power. They all have Palinized Stockholm Syndrome. They are in various stages of denial, anger, and depression.

    Also, they are mathematically deprived. If the GOP is now only 21% of the U.S. voting public, and the current GOP polling shows a split 3 ways for who they want to be the next nominee (was it Huckabee, Palin & Romney?), then currently, Palin has about 7% support in the U.S.

    Believe me, Palin has no 7% solution.

  13. Phil on KOS about this and Dennis's vid.

    This is a Huge Story!!!

    LMAO about peelander's...yeah! So I am a "troofer" what of it? Idiot Barbarian???? LMAO!

  14. Anonymous3:21 PM

    There is NOTHING genuine about this woman.....NOTHING. Her house, her baby, her Christianity, her feigned outrage at everything, her lipliner, her hair, her concern for Alaska....all phony. Her lies dominate her life and unfortunately, she has hoodwinked many people into believing she is smart or ethical. She possesses nothing I ever want in my life. Now she is so cheap she cannot even write her own speaches. She is lazy and cheap. She posseses nothing I want. She will die a lonely old woman.....she loves only herself.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:32 PM

    I can see paranoia from peeland!

    'Let's help Sarah out on this. Remember there was a troll on C4P who said Sarah was going down on Sunday and some of us got worked up and wondered what the threat was?

    This plagiarism BS must have been what the Palin haters in the AK Progressive blogs were working on. The AK Left bloggers went to her speech and looked for something to hit her with."

    LMAO! Its never GINO's fault! Her big effing mouth got her in trouble and this is all they can say?????

  16. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:34 PM

    Oops, I am L above

  17. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Palin didn't plagiarize anything. She credited the author and the source TWICE. You PDSers need to get your own lives.

  18. "Palin has about 7% support in the U.S."...lets keep it that way!

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:30 PM

    Gryphen you probably don't want to post this, but I don't know how to contact you.
    Just found this on Twitter!

    RT @talkradiohost Did Dennis Zaki have auth 2 record Gov. Palin's Mike Reagan speech he sold 2 CNN?? More 2morrow show #tco ...

    Ivyfry works/friend w/GINO and talkradio is smurke.

  20. No Dennis sat next to me BEFORE the event and said that the organizers would not let him set up before they asked if it was okay first.

    They came back and said he could.

    He mentioned it because he said that NEVER had happened before. And by the way Channel 2 and Channel 13 were also there filming.

  21. This is all so crazy. The SP fan club haven't got a clue what defines plagiarism. I've been a journalist (reporter AND editor) for more than 30 years, have been a university professor of journalism (including classes on ethics). If any of my students had ever handed in a paper even halfway coherent as SP's Anchorage speech, I would have assigned an F. Saying "Newt wrote an article" and "Newt said" is NOT proper attribution. And it is certainly NOT ethical to paraphrase without attributing each paraphrase. OTOH, if she had said right off the bat "I'm going to paraphrase an article that Gingrich and Shirley wrote in 2005 and add some of my own thoughts", I'd be inclined to give her a break on the speech, but I certainly would not accept any university-level assignment prefaced that way. Also, FWIW, I have a master's degree in media communications plus and additional 32 post-grad hours in English and American literature. It took me 16 years, two community colleges and three universities (two of the universities were University of Cincinnati and DePaul University), but that's because I was working full-time (and sometimes a couple of part-time jobs at the same time) and paying my own way. As for Dennis videotaping the event, I recall the fan club being outraged that he was "taking money away from SP & MR". How could he be taking money away from them when the event tickets were free?

  22. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:16 PM

    Peeland is still "outraged" lol! They have 2 threads up one for Gryphen and one for Dennis who they say "illegally" videotaped GINO speech.
    Maybe Dennis can get Rex to set their Asses straight!
    they are WATB!

    Blog acronym for Whiny Ass Titty-Baby. Primarily refers to right-wingers who routinely bully others but whine vociferously at the mildest criticism directed their way.
    (thanks Phil!) :)
    And they are doing screenshots of Gryphens blog!
    So everyone be skerrrt if you want to go to peeland and post they will ban you for being a "Troofer"!!! {Rolls eyes!}
    watb!!!!!! watb4palin!

  23. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:12 PM

    peeland has a audio of smurkes show that RAM is on
    re: plagiarism and smurke saying that Dennis may have "improperly" represented himself with CNN when he sold the vid.They call him a "stringer"?
    Maybe Dennis can make a copy to sue them! I would love to see those bottom feeding sanctimonious asshats smurk and peelanders sued.
    Well I know we can all write to eddies radio station and complain? That would be good.

  24. Palin: "He stood strong on his knowing that the framework through which he believed that positive change that framework for our kids, it was freedom."

    This one sentence says everything you need to know about this half-baked (and half-educated) Alaskan.

  25. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Great Site. Was added to mybookmarks. Greetings From USA.


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